



美丽的费隆妮叶夫人》(La belle ferronnière)被认为是达芬奇于大约1483年到1500年之间所画的一幅肖像画,这幅肖像画从某种程度上被认为是《蒙娜丽莎》画作的前身,现藏于卢浮宫。此画有时也被称作《无名女士的肖像》。卢浮宫方面认为这幅画是达芬奇在米兰求学时所做的作品。[1]



根据画作17世纪时的标题“La belle ferronnière”显示,所绘者可能是一名铁匠(即ferronnière)的女儿或妻子。达芬奇的《抱银鼠的女子》有时也用《美丽的费隆妮叶夫人》为标题。不过实际上此画的主人公究竟是谁并没有公论。她一度被认为是切奇利娅·加莱拉尼[2] 但有学者认为这位女子应该是卢多维科·斯福尔扎之妻贝亚特丽斯·德斯特[3] 也有人认为这是斯福尔扎的情妇卢克雷齐娅·克里韦利[4]

此外,伯纳德·贝伦松认为其应是贝尔纳迪诺·德·康蒂(Bernardino de' Conti)。[5] 乔瓦尼·安东尼·博塔费奥则认为应是赫伯特·库克(Herbert Cook)。[6]


坎萨斯城艺术学院的一个版本曾被认为是真品,[7] 但后来被鉴定为伪作。所有者Andrée Lardoux Hahn女士因此将许多知名鉴定人以诽谤罪告上法庭。[8][9] 这场官司耗费了六万美元但没有得到显著成效。[10][11] 2010年1月28日以“可能在1750年以前由列奥纳多的追随者所绘”为名以150万美元的价格被人拍走,买主是身份未知的美国收藏家。[12]



  1. A. Brejon de Lavergnée and D. Thiébaut,Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du musée du Louvre (1981:193).
  2. Luke Syson and Larry Keith, Leonado Da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan, Exhibition Catalogue (National Gallery, London, 2011)
  3. Luke Syson and Larry Keith, Leonado Da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan, Exhibition Catalogue, National Gallery (London, 2011)
  4. "Controversial painting 'La Belle Ferronniere', once thought to be a da Vinci, sells for $1.5M" . New York Daily News. Reuters. January 29, 2010.
  5. Berenson, Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: Central Italian and North Italian Schools (1968:48).
  6. Herbert Cook, "Some Notes on the Early Milanese Painters Butinone and Zenale. Part III (Conclusion)-Zenale as a Portrait Painter" The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 5 No. 14 (May 1904:199-2090 p. 201f.
  7. Its earliest secure appearance was its purchase in 1847 by Antoine Vincent, from the collection of the comte de Betz, as from General Louis Tourton. (Brewer).
  8. "The most sensational art trial of the early twentieth century", according to John Brewer, "Art and Science: A Da Vinci Detective Story", Engineering and Science, No. 1/2 (2005); Brewer's The American Leonardo: A Tale of Obsession, Art and Money (New York: Oxford UP, 2009) is the definitive account of the Hahns' unsuccessful marketing of their painting.
  9. Bernard Berenson, Roger Fry, and the directors of the National Gallery, the Rijksmuseum, and others (Brewer).
  10. "Duveen on Da Vinci". Time.com. 1929-02-18 [2013-07-22]. 
  11. [ Displaying Abstract ]. "$500,000 suit hangs on da Vinci fingers: impressions on canvas said to prove master painted picture denounced by Duveen", ''The New York Times'', 5 November 1921. New York Times. 2012-06-10 [2013-07-22]. 
  12. "Mona Lisa She Is Not, but Coveted Nonetheless"
  13. "La belle Ferronière d'après Léonard de Vinci". Culture.gouv.fr. [2013-07-17].