細柄買麻藤 |
中文名:細柄買麻藤 拉丁學名:Gnetum gracilipes 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 種:細柄買麻藤 分布區域:廣西 |
細柄買麻藤(xì bǐng mǎi má téng),學名 Gnetum gracilipes C. Y. Cheng,藤本,老枝多呈灰色。葉革質或半革質,窄矩圓形或窄橢圓形,稀橢圓形,長6-15厘米,寬2-5.5厘米,先端短漸尖或急尖,基部楔形,稀圓形,葉柄較細,長約1厘米。產於廣西十萬大山(模式標本產地)。 [1]
雄球花序未見; 雌球花序不分枝,成熟時粗短,各輪之間相距6-1o毫米;種子包於光滑較薄的假種皮中,寬橢圓形或矩圓狀橢圓形,兩端窄尖,長達3厘米,徑約1.5厘米,;
Gnetum gracilipes C. Y. Cheng,植物分類學報13 (4) : 88. 圖64 . 1-3. 1975.
Vines; old branches usually gray. Petiole slender, ca. 1 cm; leaf blade narrowly oblong or narrowly elliptic, sometimes elliptic, 6-15 × 2-5.5 cm, leathery or nearly so, base cuneate or sometimes rounded, apex shortly acuminate or acute.
Male inflorescences once branched, occasionally twice; male spikes with 12-16 involucral collars, each collar with 50-60 flowers plus 10-14 sterile female flowers, basal hairs forming a dense cushion.
Female inflorescences axillary, unbranched, short and thick when ripe; female spikes with involucral collars 6-10 mm apart. Seeds broadly ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid, 2.5(-3) × 1.5-1.6 cm, base cuneate into a stipe, apex acute or subacute, outer coat thin and smooth; stipe 1.5-2.5 cm × ca. 2 mm, with inconspicuous, longitudinal grooves.
- Mountain slopes. S Guangxi (Shangsi Xian), SE Yunnan (Xichou Xian)
Shows many similarities to the rather poorly known Gnetum latifolium Blume var. longipes (Markgraf) Hiep, from Cambodia, New Guinea, the Philippines, and probably Vietnam, and may indeed prove to be the same taxon. The information available suggests that there is a discontinuity between G. latifolium var. longipes and other varieties of G. latifolium, and so the Chinese taxon is here treated as a distinct species.[2]
本種與菲律賓產的G. arboreum Foxw. 相似,不同之處在於本種之葉的先端短漸尖或急尖,成熟種子寬橢圓形或矩圓狀橢圓形,兩端窄尖形如橄欖。而後者之葉的先端長漸尖,尖頭鈍,成熟種子兩端不窄尖。與國產的其它有種子柄的種類相比,本種具細而長的種子柄,種子兩端窄尖極易區別。
- ↑ 細柄買麻藤, 植物智, 2020-01-18
- ↑ 細柄買麻藤 Gnetum gracilipes 產地: 廣西十萬大山(模式標本地); 分類樹 蓋子植物綱 Gnetopsida 買麻藤目 Gnetales 買麻藤科 Gnetaceae 買麻藤屬 Gnetum 細柄買麻藤 Gnetum gracilipesi...
- ↑ FOC >> Vol.4 (1999) >> Gnetaceae >> Gnetum
- ↑ 《中國植物志》 第7卷 (1978) >> 496頁 PDF >> 細柄買麻藤 Gnetum gracilipes