2018.8 博士. 香港中文大學 (市場學)
2013.7 碩士. 北京大學光華管理學院 (管理學)
2011.7 學士. 北京大學光華管理學院 (市場營銷)
最佳論文獎, 2017 年中國高校市場學研究會學術年會, 2017 年7 月
Tong, Dandan and Robert S. Wyer, Jr., 「Calling Attention to the Desirability of Good Health Can Increase the Consumption of Unhealthy Food」, revising for 3rd round review, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Tong, Dandan, Robert S. Wyer, Jr., and Jianmin (Jamie) Jia, 「Communication Goals in Social Networking: Effects of Emotions on Perceptions of Network Size」, ready to be submitted to Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Tong, Dandan and Robert S. Wyer, Jr., 「Effects of Categorization Breadth and Consumer Goal on Choice Satisfaction: When Category Labels Are Used as Categorical versus Attribute Information」, under 1st round review, Journal of Consumer Research.
Tong, Dandan, Robert S. Wyer, Jr., and Ying-Yi Hong, 「The Effects of Temporal Orientation on Hedonic Consumption: When Temporal Events Are Interpreted as Relational versus Separate」, in preparation for Journal of Consumer Research.
Tong, Dandan and Ying-Yi Hong 「Of A More Benevolent World: How Boosting Self-Perceived Attractiveness Increases Females』 Attitude toward Social Dominant Group」, working paper.[1]