2017年06月–2018年06月,美國克拉克森大學,化學與生物分子工程學院,博士後,合作導師Philip K . Hopke教授;
2018年07月–2021年08月,美國康奈爾大學,化學與生物分子工程學院,博士後,合作導師Jefferson W. Tester教授;
2021年11月–2024年11月,美國康奈爾大學,化學與分子生物工程學院Jefferson W. Tester教授課題組,訪問副教授
Science of the Total Environment, Fuel, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Energies等國際期刊審稿人
長期從事生物質能源化及資源化利用的研究,具體領域包括低濕生物質顆粒燃燒(包括尾氣排放特性)、氣化、熱解以及高濕生物質的水熱轉化、高附加值化合物的製取、營養元素的回收利用等,以第一作者或通訊作者在著名國際期刊 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Science of the Total Environment, Renewable Energy, Energy and Buildings, Energy & Fuels等上發表原創研究論文數篇。
(1) 研究助理獎學金,美國克拉克森大學,2013–2017
(2) 國家助學金,四川大學,2009–2012
(3) 全國一等獎,第二屆「三井杯」全國大學生化工設計競賽,2008
1. Hanifrahmawan Sudibyo, Kui Wang*, Jefferson William Tester*. Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Acid Whey: Effect of Feedstock Properties and Process Conditions on Energy and Nutrient Recovery, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering , 2021, 9(34), 11403-11415.
2. Qiulin Ma, Kui Wang, Hanifrahmawan Sudibyo, Jefferson W. Tester, Guangqun Huang, Lujia Han, Jillian L. Goldfarb*.Production of upgraded biocrude from hydrothermal liquefaction using clays as in situ catalysts. Energy Conversion and Management , 247, 2021, 114764.
3. Tao Sun#, Kui Wang#, Benjamin Wyman, Hanifrahmawan Sudibyo, Guanchen Liu, Colin Beal, Schonna Manning, et al. Supplemental dietary full-fatted and defatted Desmodesmus sp. exerted similar effects on growth performance, gut health, and excreta hydrothermal liquefaction of broiler chicks. Algal Research, 54, 2021, 102205.
4. Kui Wang*, Qiulin Ma, McKenzie Burns, Hanifrahmawan Sudibyo, Deborah L. Sills, Jillian L. Goldfarb, Jefferson W. Tester. Impact of feed injection and batch processing methods in hydrothermal liquefaction. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 164, 2020, 104887.
5. Kui Wang, Shunsuke Nakao, Devraj Thimmaiah, Philip K. Hopke*. Emissions from in-use residential wood pellet boilers and potential emissions savings using thermal storage. Science of the total environment , 676, 2019, 564-576.
6. Kui Wang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Gasper Sekelj, Philip K. Hopke*. Economic analysis of a field monitored residential wood pellet boiler heating system in New York State. Renewable Energy, 133, 2019, 500-511.
7. Kui Wang, Marco A. Satyro, Ross Taylor, Philip K. Hopke*. Thermal energy storage tank sizing for biomass boiler heating systems using process dynamic simulation. Energy and Buildings, 175, 2018, 199-207.[1]