湯曉鷗 | |
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國籍 | 中國 |
母校 | 中國科學技術大學、羅切斯特大學、麻省理工學院 |
職業 | 大學教授 |
湯曉鷗 [1]
- 湯曉鷗教授現任中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院副院長,香港中文大學信息工程系系主任、教授。湯曉鷗教授1996年於麻省理工學院獲得博士學位,1997年前往香港任職香港中文大學教授,2001年創辦多媒體實驗室。2009年任計算機視覺頂級會議ICCV程序委員會主席,並當選2019年ICCV大會主席。香港中文大學多媒體實驗室由湯曉鷗教授創辦於2001年,被譽為「計算機視覺界黃埔軍校」,在人工智能和計算機視覺領域有長達十五年的研究積累。目前實驗室共有9名教授、50多名博士研究生,是全香港最大的工程研究團隊。
- 湯曉鷗,現任香港中文大學信息工程系系主任,兼任中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院副院長。
- IEEE Fellow,1990年於中國科學技術大學獲得學士學位。
- 1991年於美國羅切斯特大學獲得碩士學位。
- 1996年於麻省理工學院(MIT)獲得博士學位,於香港中文大學信息工程系任教授。
- 2005-2007年於微軟亞洲研究院,擔任視覺計算組主任。
- 2008年12月起在深圳先進技術研究院多媒體集成技術研究室任主任和研究員。
- 湯曉鷗發明的人臉識別技術,是世界上第一個超過人眼識別能力的計算機算法。其在香港中文大學創辦的多媒體實驗室,2016年與麻省理工、斯坦福等著名大學一道,入選世界十大人工智能先鋒實驗室。
- 為促進深港兩地的研究人員交流互通和協同創新,湯曉鷗牽頭組建了香港中文大學和中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院的聯合實驗室,並積極招募了一批海外優秀科研人才加入團隊,繼續在源頭創新的道路上不斷前行。
- 2009年,湯曉鷗教授獲電機及電子工程師學會(IEEE)推選為院士 ;同年,湯曉鷗教授及其博士研究生何愷明,聯同微軟亞洲研究院的孫劍博士,憑論文「基於暗原色的單一圖像去霧技術」奪得IEEE電腦視覺與模式識別大會(CVPR)該年度的「最佳論文獎」。
- 湯曉鷗擔任多個重要的國際會議的主席,包括計算機視覺最頂尖的國際會議ICCV和CVPR,並獲得CVPR2009最佳論文獎,是CVPR 25年歷史上唯一獲獎的亞洲論文。現任影響因子最高的IEEE雜誌IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(PAMI)和整個計算機科學領域影響因子最高的International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV)編委(Associate Editor),IJCV首位華人主編。
- 湯曉鷗的研究領域包括多媒體、計算機視覺、模式識別及視頻處理,已在這些領域發表論文200餘篇。同微軟合作已申請近40項專利。同微軟亞洲研究院合作研發的圖像識別技術已被用於微軟圖像搜索引擎,成為世界上第一項圖像識別技術被用於大規模商業應用。
- 湯曉鷗的團隊在全球範圍內做出了大量深度學習原創技術突破:2012年國際計算視覺與模式識別會議(CVPR)上僅有的兩篇深度學習文章均出自其實驗室;2013年國際計算機視覺大會(ICCV)上全球學者共發表8篇有關深度學習的文章,其中6篇出自湯教授實驗室;2011—2013年間在計算機視覺領域兩大頂級會議ICCV和CVPR上發表了14篇深度學習論文,占據全世界在這兩個會議上深度學習論文總數(29篇)的近一半。
- 2014年3月,其團隊發布GaussianFace人臉識別算法,在LFW數據庫上準確率達98.52%,在全球首次突破人眼識別能力。
- 2014年6月起,湯曉鷗實驗室開始發表的DeepID系列算法,逐步將人臉識別準確率提升至99.55%,開啟了整個人臉識別行業技術落地的時代,令我國在該領域躍居世界領先地位。
- Y. Sun, X. Wang and X. Tang, "Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection," in Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Patter Recognition (CVPR) 2013
- X. Wang, S. Qiu, K. Liu, and X. Tang, "Web Image Re-ranking Using Query-Specific Semantic Signatures", accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)
- K. Jia, X. Wang, and X. Tang, "Image Transformation based on Learning Dictionaries across Image Spaces", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),Vol. 35, pp. 367-380, 2013
- X. Tang, K. Liu, J. Cui, F. Wen, and X. Wang, "IntentSearch: Capturing User Intention for One-Click Internet Image Search," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 34, No. 7, July 2012.
- T. Xue, J. Liu and X. Tang, "Example-Based 3D Object Reconstruction from Line Drawings," Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR), 2012.
- B. Zhou, X. Wang and X. Tang, "Understanding Collective Crowd Behaviors:Learning a Mixture Model of Dynamic Pedestrian-Agents," Prof. of IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR), 2012.
- P. Luo, X. Wang, and X. Tang, "Hierarchical Face Parsing via Deep Learning", Prof. of IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR), 2012.
- K. Jia, X. Tang, X. Wang, "Image Transformation based on Learning Dictionaries across Image Spaces", IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. (PAMI), , 2012.
- T. Xue, J. Liu, X. Tang, "3D Modeling from a Single View of a Symmetric Object", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. (TIP), , 2012.
- K. He, J. Sun, X. Tang, "Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 33, No. 12, Dec. 2011.
- W. LUO, X. Wang and X. Tang, "Content-based Photo Quality Assessment",Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011.
- K. Jia, X. Wang, X. Tang, "Optical flow estimation using learned sparse model", Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011.
- W. Zhang, X. Wang, and X. Tang, "Coupled Information-Theoretic Encoding for Face Photo-Sketch Recognition," Prof. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR), 2011.
- B. Zhou, X. Wang, X. Tang, "Random Field Topic Model for Semanic Region Analysis in Crowded Scenes from Tracklets," IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2011.
- T. Xue, J. Liu, X. Tang, "Symmetric Piecewise Planar Object Reconstruction from a Single Image," IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2011.
- X. Wang, K. Liu, X. Tang, "Query-Specific Visual Semantic Spaces forWeb Image Re-ranking," IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2011.
- K. He, C. Rhemann, C. Rother, X. Tang, and J. Sun, "A Global Sampling Method for Alpha Matting", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011.
- Q. Yin, X. Tang, J. Sun, "An associate-predict model for face recognition", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011.
- J. Liu, Y. Chen, X. Tang, "Decomposition of complex line drawings with hidden lines for 3D planar-faced manifold object reconstruction," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. (PAMI), vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 3, Jan 2011.
- T. Liu, Z. Yuan, J. Sun, J. Wang, N. Zheng, X. Tang, H. Shum, "Learning to Detect a Salient Object", IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. (PAMI), vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 353-367, Feb 2011.
- W. Zhang, J. Sun, X. Tang, "From Tiger to Panda: Animal Head Detection," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 20, no. 6, pp.1696-1708, 2011.
- W. Zhang, Z. Lin, X. Tang, "Learning Semi-Riemannian Metrics for Semisupervised Feature Extraction," IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng, vol 23, no. 4, pp. 600-611, 2011.
- C. Zhao, X. Wang, and W. Cham, "Background Subtraction via Robust Dictionary Learning," EURASIP journal on Image and Video Processing, 2011.
- Z. Lin, X. Tang, "Learning Semi-Riemannian Metrics for Semisupervised Feature Extraction", IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 600-611, 2011.
- Z. Yu, C. Xu, J. Liu, O. C. Au, X. Tang, "Automatic object segmentation from large scale 3D urban point clouds through manifold embedded mode seeking", Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia (MM), 2011.
- C. Cao, S. Chen, W. Zhang, X. Tang, "Automatic motion-guided video stylization and personalization", Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia (MM), 2011.
- B. Gong, J. Liu, X. Wang, X. Tang, "3D object retrieval with semantic attributes", Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia (MM), 2011.
- Q. Zhou, S. Chen, J. Liu, X. Tang, "Edge-preserving single image super-resolution", Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia (MM), 2011.