楊奇森 |
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國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者
1989-1994 在中國科學院西北高原生物研究所工作;任助理研究員
1996- 在中國科學院動物研究所工作;任助理研究員、副研究員、研究員
2000年,與澳大利亞國立大學Colin P. Groves教授、英國Peter Grubb及德國Anja Braun來所合作研究原震旦博物院遺留下的獸類頭骨標本。
2002年,澳大利亞南澳博物館館長Tim Flannery來所工作訪問。
楊奇森 |
武永華 博士研究生
何靜波 碩士研究生
張乾 碩士研究生
馬俊 碩士研究生
楊奇森,岩昆主編. 中國獸類彩色圖譜. 2007. 科學出版社,北京.
岩昆,孟憲林,楊奇森主編. 中國獸類識別手冊. 2006. 中國林業出版社,北京.
Zhang, Q., Xia, L., Kimura, Y., Shenbrot, G., Zhang, Z. Q., Ge, D. Y., Yang, Q. S. 2012. Trace the Origin and Diversification of Dipodoidea (Order: Rodentia): Evidence from both Fossil Records and Molecular Phylogeny. Evolutionary Biology, (In press)
Ge, D. Y., Zhang, Z. Q., Xia, L., Zhang, Q., Ma, Y., Yang, Q. S. 2012. Did the expansion of C4 plants drive extinction and massive range contraction of micromammals? A case inferred from food preference and historical biogeography of pikas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.02.016. (In press).
Wu, Y. J., Yang, Q. S., Wen, Z. X., Xia, L., Zhang, Q., Zhou, H. M. 2012. What drive the species richness patterns of non-volant small mammals along a subtropical elevational gradient? Ecography, 34: DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.07132.x. (In press).
Ge, D. Y., Lissovsky, A. A., Xia, L., Cheng, C., Smith, A., Yang, Q. S. 2012. Reevaluation of several taxa of Chinese lagomorphs (Mammalia: Lagomorpha) described on the basis of pelage phenotype variation. Mammalian Biology, 77(2): 113-123.
Wu, Y. H., Xia, L., Zhang, Q., Yang, Q. S., Meng, X. X. 2011. Bidirectional introgressive hybridization between Lepus capensis and Lepus yarkandensis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 59: 545-555.
Wu, Y. H., Xia, L., Zhang, Q., Lei, F. M., Yang, Q. S. 2010. Genetic diversity in the male-specific SRY gene of Lepus yarkandensis. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(9): 834-840.
Zhang, Q., Xia, L., He, J. B., Wu, Y. H., Fu, J. Z., Yang, Q. S. 2010. Comparison of phylogeographic structure and population history of Phrynocephalus species in the Tarim Basin and adjacent areas. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 57(3): 1091-1104.
Wu, Y. H., Xia, L., Zhang, Q., Yang, Q. S. 2010. Habitat fragment affected genetic diversity and differentiation of the Yarkand Hare. Conservation Genetics, 11(1): 183-194.
Zhang, Q., Xia, L., Ma, J., Wu, P. W., Yang, Q. S. 2009. Effects of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway on the community structure of rodentsin Qaidam desert region. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 29(5): 267-271.
Meng, X. X., Perkins, G., Yang, Q. S., Feng, Z. J., Feng, J. 2009. The relationship between the behavioral mode of endangered female musk deer and reproduction potential next year. Sibirskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal, 16: 489-493.
Yang, Q. S., Xia, L. 2008. Tibetan wildlife is getting used to the railway. Nature, 452:810-811.
Feng, Z., Fan, B., Li, K., Zhang, Q. D., Yang, Q. S., Liu, B. 2008. Molecular characteristics of Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii) mitochondrial DNA control region and phylogenetic inferences with related species. Small Ruminant Research,75:236-242.
Lissovsky, A. A., Yang, Q. S., Pilnikov, A. E. 2008. Taxonomy and distribution of the pikas (Ochotona, Lagomorpha) of alpina-hyperborea group in North-East China and adjacent territories. Russian Journal of Theriology ,7: 5-16.
Meng, X. X., Perkins, G., Yang, Q. S., Feng, Z. J., Xu, H. F., Feng, J. C., Zhao, C. J., Hui, C. Y. 2008. Relationship between behavioral frequency and reproductive potential of female Alpine musk deer in captivity. Agricultural Sciences in China, 7: 1497-1502.
Meng, X. X., Feng, J., Yang, Q. S., Feng, Z. J., Xu, H. 2008. The impact of seasons on behavioral pattern of endangered alpine musk deer in captivity. PakistanJournal of Zoology, 40: 389-395.
Meng, X. X., Perkins, G. C., Yang, Q. S., Feng, Z. J., Meng, Z. B., Xu, H. F. 2008. Relationship between estrus cycles and behavioral durations of captive female alpine musk deer. Integrative Zoology, 3: 143-148.
Meng, X. X., Yang, Q. S., Feng, Z. J., Feng, J. C., Perkins, G., Xu, H. F. 2008. Using behavioral data to predict reproductive success in captive female musk deer. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 4: 263-269.
Meng, X. X, Yang, Q. S, Feng, Z. J., Xu, H. F., Perkins, G. C., Feng, J. C., Zhang, D. J. 2008. Seasonal behavioral patterns of captive alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus): rut and pre-rut comparisons. Biologia, 63, 594-598.
Meng, X. X, Yang, Q. S., Feng, Z.J., Xu, H. F., Perkins, G.C., Zhao, C. J., Hui, C. Y., Feng, J. C., Zhou, Y. J. 2008. Gender specific behavioural patterns of captive alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus). Belgian Journal of Zoology,138: 101-105.
Xia, L., Yang, Q. S., Li, Z. C., Wu, Y. H. 2007. The effect of the Qinghai-Tibet railway on the migration of Tibetan Antelopes in Hoh-xil National Nature Reserve, China.Oryx, 41(3): 352-357.
Li, Z. C., Xia, L., Li, Y. M., Yang, Q. S., Liang, M. Y. 2006. Mitochondrial DNA variation and population structure of the yarkand hare Lepus yarkandensis. Acta Theriologica, 51(3): 243-253.
Peng, Y., Jiang, G. M., Liu, M. Z., Niu, S. L., Yu, S.L., Biswas, D. K., Zhang, Q., Shi, X., Yang, Q. S. 2005. Potentials for Combating Desertification in Hunshandak Sandland Through Nature Reserve. Environmental Management, 35(4):453-460.
Li, Y. M., Guo, Z. W., Yang, Q. S., Wang, Y. S., Niemela, J. 2003. The implications of poaching for giant panda conservation. Biological Conservation, 111:125-126.
Zhou, Y. J., Meng, X. X., Feng, J. C., Yang, Q. S., Feng, Z. J., Xia, L., Bartos, L. 2004. Review of the distribution, status and conservation of musk deer in China. Folia zoologica, 53(2):129-140
Meng, X. X., Yang, Q. S., Feng, Z. J., Xia, L. 2003.Timing and synchrony of parturition in Apline musk deer. Folia Zoologica, 52(1):39-50.
Meng, X. X., Yang, Q. S., Xia, L., Feng, Z. J. 2003 The temporal estrous patterns of femal Alpine musk deer in captivity. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 82(1):75-85.
Yang, Q. S., Meng, X. X., Xia, L. 2003. Conservation status and causes of decline of musk deer in China. Biological Conservation,109(3):333~342.
Braun, A., Groves, C. P., Grubb, P., Yang, Q. S., Xia, L. 2001. Catalogue of the Museum Heude collection of mammals skulls. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 26(4): 608-660.
Tao, Y., Yang, Q. S., Jiang Z. G., Wang, Z. W. 1997. Evolutionarily stable Strategy, Periodic cycle and chaos in a simple discrete time two-phenotype model. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 188: 21-27.
Yang, Q. S. 1994. Further Study on the Geographical Distribution and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Qinghai, China. Proceedingsof theseventh international snow leopard symposium, 72-77.
馬俊, 吳永傑, 夏霖, 張乾, 馬勇, 楊奇森. 2010. 螺髻山自然保護區非飛行類小型哺乳動物垂直多樣性調查. 獸類學報,30(4):400-410.
張知貴, 夏霖, 楊奇森. 2009. 氂牛的分布與保護. 動物學研究, 44(1):148-150.
孟秀祥, 張東晶, 王功, 祈軍, 楊奇森. 馮祚建.2009. 甘肅興隆山圈養雌性馬麝(Moschus sifanicus)發情次數、間情期及影響因素. 中國農業科學, 42(5):1783-1788.
武永華, 楊奇森. 2009. 獸類骨骼標本製作新方法:鹼性蛋白酶消化法. 獸類學報,29(2):227-230.
馬勇, 楊奇森, 周立志. 2008. 齧齒動物分類學與地理分布. 見鄭智明, 姜志寬, 陳安國著《齧齒動物學》,上海交通大學出版社. p34-139.
楊奇森, 夏霖. 2007. 野生動物通道設計原理與實例,見國家環境保護總局環境影響評價管理司《生態環境保護研究與實踐》, 中國環境科學出版社., p65-72.
楊奇森, 岩昆主編. 2007. 中國獸類彩色圖譜.科學出版社, 北京.
夏霖, 楊奇森, 全國強, 馮祚建, 馬勇. 2007. 獸類頭骨測量標準IV:樹鼩目、靈長目. 動物學雜誌,42(1):79-83.
楊奇森, 夏霖, 馮祚建, 馬勇, 全國強, 吳毅. 2007. 獸類頭骨測量標準V:食蟲目、翼手目. 動物學雜誌,42(2):56-62.
孟秀祥, 楊奇森, 馮祚建, 馮金朝, 周宜君, 徐宏發. 2007. 甘肅興隆山保護區圈養雄性馬麝繁殖性能的行為判別. .動物學研究, 28(2):149-154.
孟秀祥, 楊奇森, 馮祚建, 徐宏發,馮金朝, 周宜君. 2007. 圈養馬麝的刻板行為. 東北林業大學學報,35(1):47-48.
孟秀祥, 楊奇森, 馮祚建, 夏霖, 馮金朝, 周宜君, 徐宏發. 2007. 甘肅興隆山保護區圈養馬麝行為模式的性間差異. 西南大學學報, 29 (4): 101-105.
黃薇, 夏霖, 馮祚建, 楊奇森. 2007. 新疆獸類分布格局及動物地理區劃探討. 獸類學報, 27(4):325-337.
孟秀祥, 楊奇森, 馮祚建, 夏霖, 馮金朝, 周宜君, 蔣應文, 張學炎. 2007. 圈養馬麝非繁殖季節行為特徵及行為節律的性別間差異. 應用與環境生物學報, 13(3):349-352 .
李增超, 楊奇森, 張會斌, 劉志虎, 袁剛. 2006. 新疆阿爾金山自然保護區東部大型獸類數量和分布. 四川動物, 25(1):92-95.
夏霖, 楊奇森, 馬勇, 馮祚建, 周立志. 2006. 獸類頭骨測量標準III:齧齒目、兔形目. 動物學雜誌, 41(5):68-71.
孟秀祥, 楊奇森, 馮祚建, 蔣應文, 施哲梅. 2006. 圈養馬麝(Moschus sifanicus)發情交配節律的比較研究. 四川動物,25(1):45-50.
孟秀祥, 楊奇森, 馮祚建, 施哲梅, 蔣應文. 2005. 馬麝的分娩時間格局. 四川動物,24(1):30-35.
李增超, 夏霖, 楊奇森, 梁孟元. 2005. 塔里木兔種群遺傳結構的初步探討. 獸類學報,25(3):224-228.
楊奇森, 夏霖, 馬勇, 馮祚建. 2005. 全國強.獸類頭骨測量標準I:基本量度. 動物學雜誌, 40(3):50-56.
夏霖,楊奇森,李增超,武永華,梁孟元. 2005. 交通設施對可可西里藏羚季節性遷移的影響. 四川動物,24(2):147-151.
楊奇森, 馮祚建,全國強,馬勇. 2005. 獸類頭骨測量標準II:奇蹄目、偶蹄目、食肉目. 動物學雜誌,40(6):74-80.
楊奇森, 全國強. 2004. 中國的猿猴. 動物學雜誌,(1):63, 75, 79.
吳毅, 楊奇森, 夏霖, 彭洪元, 周昭敏. 2004. 中國蝙蝠新記錄-馬氏菊頭蝠.動物學雜誌,39(5):109-110.
相雨, 楊奇森, 夏霖. 2004. 中國兔屬動物的分類現狀和分布. 四川動物,23(4):391-396.
夏霖, 李明, 楊奇森, 魏輔文. 2004. 馬麝諸種群地理分化初步探討. 獸類學報,24(1):1-5.
楊奇森, 夏霖等. 2003. 青藏鐵路沿線野生動物資源現狀與保護對策,瀋陽師範大學學報(科學年會專刊),p.69-77.
夏霖, 楊奇森, 相雨,馮祚建. 2003.青海祁連山地區獸類分布格局及動物地理學分析, 獸類學報, 23(4):295-303.
孟秀祥, 楊奇森, 馮祚建, 夏霖. 2002. 圈養馬麝發情交配後期的日活動格局,動物學雜誌, 37(6):35-42.
孟秀祥, 楊奇森, 馮祚建, 夏霖. 2002. 圈養馬麝夏秋冬活動格局的比較.獸類學報, 22(2):87-97.
夏霖, 楊奇森, 黃乘明,李友幫. 2002. 廣西十萬大山地區獸類區系及動物地理學初報. 動物學雜誌, 37(1):39-43.
夏霖, 楊奇森, 黃乘明, 李友幫. 2002. 廣西陸棲獸類動物分布格局及區劃探討. 動物分類學報, 27(2):393-401.
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