





學術組織:國際林聯(IUFRO)大氣沉降與養分循環工作組協調員、Global Partnership on Nutrient Management 會員、Urban Eco-Evo Network 合作夥伴(Associate)

學術期刊:Environmental Pollution專刊編輯(2018-2019)、Science of the Total Environment專刊編輯 (2016-2017)、Forests期刊編委(2021-)、《中國科學數據》特邀編委(2019-)


學術評審:擔任Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Plants, Nature Communications, PNAS等50餘種國內外重要學術刊物審稿人,擔任Graduate Women In Science (GWIS) National Fellowship Program評審人.


生物地球化學與森林生態學研究組重點關注關鍵元素生物地球化學過程地理格局變化及其生態環境效應,致力於揭示全球變化背景下生態系統關鍵生態學過程尤其是元素循環大尺度規律,為區域、國家和全球尺度生態資源保護、大氣污染物減排、「碳中和」目標實現、綠色基礎設施建設提供理論與策略支持。本研究組長期致力於以下研究方向:1)關鍵元素大氣沉降的時空規律及其生態效應、2)陸地植被生產力氮、磷限制的時空動態及其驅動機制、3)全球變化對北方針葉林生態系統的影響及其機制、4)城市森林生物地球化學循環地理格局與影響機理、5)基於生物地球化學與生態學原理的生態資源保護與修復。基於相關研究結果在Nature Geoscience、Nature Climate Change、PNAS、Ecology Letters、Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics、Environmental Pollution等國際主流期刊發表論文50餘篇,出版英文專著1部及著作章節多篇。












[5] Du, E., de Vries, W. (eds.) 2023. Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Global Forests: Spatial Variation, Impacts and Management Implications. Academic Press.

[4] Du, E. 2022. Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on Forest Ecosystems. In: Akimoto, H., Tanimoto, H. (eds) Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change. Springer, Singapore.

[3] Du, E. 2020. Nitrogen Deposition to China’s Coastal Seas: Status and Ecological Impacts. In: Sutton, M. et al.(eds) Just Enough Nitrogen. Springer, Cham.

[2] Liu, X., Du, E. (eds) 2020. Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen in China. Springer, Singapore.

[1] Du, E., Liu, X. (2014). High Rates of Wet Nitrogen Deposition in China: A Synthesis. In: Sutton, M., Mason, K., Sheppard, L., Sverdrup, H., Haeuber, R., Hicks, W. (eds) Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity. Springer, Dordrecht


  • [29]Xia, N., Du, E.*, Guo, Y., Tang, Y., Wang, Y., de Vries, W. 2022. Urban soil phosphorus hotspot and its imprint on tree leaf phosphorus concentrations in the Beijing metropolitan region. Plant and Soil, in press.
  • [28]Du, E.*, Tang, Y. 2022. Distinct Climate Effects on Dahurian Larch Growth at an Asian Temperate-Boreal Forest Ecotone and Nearby Boreal Sites. Forests, 13(1), 27.
  • [27]Du, E.*, Xia, N., Guo, Y., Tian, Y., Li, B., Liu, X., de Vries, W. 2022. Ecological effects of nitrogen deposition on urban forests: An overview. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering,
  • [26]Du, E.*, Xia, N., Tang, Y., Guo, Z., Guo, Y., Wang, Y., de Vries, W. 2022. Anthropogenic and climatic shaping of soil nitrogen properties across urban-rural-natural forests in the Beijing metropolitan region. Geoderma, 406: 115524.
  • [25]Xing, A.#, Du, E.#, Shen, H.*, Xu, L., de Vries, W., Zhao, M., Liu, X., Fang, J.* 2022. Nonlinear responses of ecosystem carbon fluxes to nitrogen deposition in an old‐growth boreal forest. Ecology Letters, 25(1): 77-88.
  • [24]Xia, N., Du, E.*, Guo, Z., de Vries, W. 2021. The diurnal cycle of summer tropospheric ozone concentrations across Chinese cities: Spatial patterns and main drivers. Environmental Pollution: 117547.
  • [23]Wu, X., Du, E.*, Guo, Y., Xia, N., Tang, Y., Wang, Y., Guo, H. 2021. Climate control of topsoil potassium, calcium, and magnesium concentrations in urban forests across eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(9): e2020JG006230.
  • [22]Du, E.*, van Doorn, M., de Vries, W.* 2021. Spatially divergent trends of nitrogen versus phosphorus limitation across European forests. Science of the Total Environment, 771: 145391.
  • [21] Du, E.*, Terrer, C., Pellegrini, A., Ahlström, A., van Lissa C.J., Zhao, X., Xia, N., Wu, X., Jackson, R. B.* 2020. Global patterns of terrestrial nitrogen and phosphorus limitation. Nature Geoscience, 13: 221–226.
  • [20] Xia, N., Du, E.*, Wu, X., Tang, Y., Wang, Y., de Vries, W. 2020. Effects of nitrogen addition on soil methane uptake in global forest biomes. Environmental Pollution, 264: 114751.
  • [19] Du, E.*, Fenn, M. E., De Vries, W., Ok, Y. S. 2019. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to global forests: Status, impacts and management options. Environmental Pollution, 250: 1044-1048.
  • [18] Du, E. 2018. A database for annual atmospheric acid and nutrient deposition in China’s forests. Scientific Data, 5: 180223.
  • [17] Du, E.*, de Vries, W*. 2018. Nitrogen-induced new net primary production and carbonsequestration in global forests. Environmental Pollution, 242: 1476-1487.
  • [16] Du, E.*, de Vries, W., McNulty, S., Fenn, M. E. 2018. Bulk deposition of base cationic nutrients in China's forests: Annual rates and spatial characteristics. Atmospheric Environment, 184: 121-128.
  • [15] Dong, D., Du, E.*, Sun, Z., Zeng, X., de Vries, W. 2017. Non-linear direct effects of acid rain on leaf photosynthesis of terrestrial plants. Environmental Pollution, 231: 1442-1445.
  • [14] Du, E.*, Dong, D., Zeng, X., Sun, Z., Jiang, X., de Vries, W. 2017. Direct effect of acid rain on leaf chlorophyll content of terrestrial plants in China. Science of the Total Environment, 605–606: 764-769.
  • [13] Du E. 2017. Integrating species composition and leaf nitrogen content to indicate effects of nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution, 221: 392-397.
  • [12] Du E.*, de Vries W., Han W.X., Liu X.J., Yan Z.B., Jiang Y.* 2016. Imbalanced phosphorus and nitrogen deposition in China’s forests. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16: 8571-8579.
  • [11] Du, E. 2016. Rise and fall of nitrogen deposition in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(26): E3594-E3595.
  • [10] Du E. 2016. Evidence of soil nutrient availability as the proximate constraint on growth of treeline trees in northwest Alaska: comment. Ecology, 97: 801–803.
  • [9] Du E. 2015. Uncertain effects of nutrient availability on global forest carbon balance. Nature Climate Change, 5: 958-959
  • [8] Du E., de Vries W., Liu X., Fang J., Galloway J., Jiang Y.* Spatial boundary of urban 『acid islands』 in China. Scientific Reports, 5: 12625.
  • [7] Du E.*, de Vries W., Galloway J.N., Hu X., Fang J. 2014. Changes in wet nitrogen deposition in the United States between 1985 and 2012. Environmental Research Letters, 9: 095004.
  • [6] Du E.*, Fang J.* 2014. Linking belowground and aboveground phenology in two boreal forests in Northeast China. Oecologia, 176: 883–892.
  • [5] Du E., Jiang Y.*, Fang J., de Vries W. 2014. Inorganic nitrogen deposition in China's forests: Status and characteristics. Atmospheric Environment, 98: 474–482.
  • [4] Du E., Fang J.* 2014. Weak growth response to nitrogen deposition in an old-growth boreal forest. Ecosphere, 5(9): art109.
  • [3] Du E., Liu X., Fang J.* 2014. Effects of nitrogen additions on biomass, stoichiometry and nutrient pools of moss Rhytidium rugosum in a boreal forest in Northeast China. Environmental Pollution, 188: 166–171.2011-2013
  • [2] Du E., Zhou Z, Li P, Hu, X., Ma Y., Wang W., Zheng C., Zhu J., He J., Fang J.* 2013. NEECF: a project of nutrient enrichment experiments in China’s forests. Journal of Plant Ecology, 6: 428–435.
  • [1] Du E., Zhou Z., Li P., Jiang L., Hu X., Fang J.* 2013. Winter soil respiration across soil freezing process in a boreal forest in Northeast China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 6: 349–357.








