

文森特 Vincent(文森特),是著名民謠歌手唐·麥克萊恩(Don Mclean)演唱的民謠歌曲,他用這首感人的歌獻給這位"瘋子"梵高,感動了全世界熱愛生活, 心存希望的人們。在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的凡高紀念館前,人們總能聽到這首歌,它一遍一遍的放着,永遠讓人感動,讓人懷念。



Starry starry night //星光 星光閃耀的夜晚

paint your palette blue and grey //讓調色板描繪出你深深地憂鬱和晦暗

look out on a summer's day //面朝着夏日的白晝

with eyes that know the darkness in my soul. //讓那雙洞察我靈魂深處的眼睛

Shadows on the hills //勾勒出丘陵的投影

sketch the trees and the daffodils //描繪那樹叢和水仙花

catch the breeze and the winter chills //捕捉微風和冬季的寒意

in colors on the snowy linen land. //在這如雪般的畫布上

And now I understand //而此刻我才懂得

what you tried to say to me //你想對我訴說的那些故事

and how you suffered for your sanity //你因深深的思索而承受着苦悶

and how you tried to set them free. //你因賦予思想自由而所做的一切

They would not listen //可是,那些人不會聽到

they did not know how // 因為他們無法體會

perhaps they'll listen now. //又或許 他們現在才知道

Starry starry night //星光 星光閃耀的夜晚

flaming flowers that brightly blaze //那些如烈焰般綻放的花兒

swirling clouds in violet haze //那些在紫羅蘭的薄霧中旋轉的雲朵

reflect in Vincent's eyes of China blue. //都在文森特瓷器一樣湛藍的眸子裡

Colors changing hue //變幻着色彩

morning fields of amber grain //清晨琥珀色的原野

weathered faces lined in pain //風化了的臉孔鐫刻着的痛楚

are smoothed beneath the artist's loving hand. //畫家用深情手去撫慰那些憂傷

And now I understand //而此刻我才懂得

what you tried to say to me //你想對我訴說的那些故事

and how you suffered for your sanity //你因深深的思索而承受着苦悶

and how you tried to set them free. //你因賦予思想自由而所做的一切

They would not listen //可是,那些人不會聽到

they did not know how // 因為他們無法體會

perhaps they'll listen now. //又或許 他們現在才知道

For they could not love you //儘管他們並不愛你

but still your love was true //可你的愛卻是如此真實

and when no hope was left in sight on that starry starry night. //在那個只有絕望的星夜

You took your life as lovers often do, //你帶走了自己的生命就像殉情的愛人一樣

But I could have told you Vincent //然而 我必須告訴你真相 文森特

this world was never meant for one //這世界上不會再有什麼

as beautiful as you. //如你一般的美好

Starry starry night //星光,星光閃耀的夜

portraits hung in empty halls //那些肖像懸掛在空寂的大廳里

frameless heads on nameless walls//一幅幅沒有畫框的頭像在一面面不知名的牆壁上

with eyes that watch the world and can't forget.//用他們那令人難忘的眼睛注視着這個世界

Like the stranger that you've met //就像你曾遭遇到的陌生人

the ragged men in ragged clothes //邋遢男人們穿着襤褸的衣衫

the silver thorn of bloddy rose //就像是躺在聖潔的雪地里的

lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow. // 血紅的玫瑰中銀白的荊刺

And now I think Iknow //而此刻我才懂得

what you tried to say to me //你想對我訴說的那些故事

and how you suffered for your sanity //你因深深的思索而承受着苦悶

and how you tried to set them free. //你因賦予思想自由而所做的一切

They would not listen //可是,那些人不會聽到

they're not listening still //他們依舊不會聽到

perhaps they never will. //又或許 他們永遠不會知道