






2008.09-2011.07 北京師範大學,地理學與遙感科學學院,獲理學博士學位;

2009.11-2010.09 馬里蘭大學(美國),地理系,聯合培養博士生

2005.09-2008.07 北京師範大學,地理學與遙感科學學院,獲理學碩士學位;

2001.09-2005.07 山東理工大學,資源與環境工程學院,獲理學學士學位。


2021.09- 北京師範大學,地理科學學部,教授;

2015.08-2021.08 北京師範大學,地理科學學部,副教授;

2019.09-2020.09 美國國家大氣研究中心(NCAR),訪問學者

2011.08-2015.07 北京師範大學,地理學與遙感科學學院,講師;


《Frontiers in Water》雜誌Associate Editor

《Remote Sensing》、《Journal of MeteorologicalResearch》雜誌Guest Editor








第一/通訊作者論文: ü Xinlei He, Tongren Xu*, Sayed M. Bateni, Michael Ek, Shaomin Liu, JingfengXiao, Lisheng Song, Xiangping He, Estimation of Sensible and Latent HeatFluxes, Gross Primary Productivity by Assimilating Land Surface Temperature andLeaf Area Index, Water ResourceResearch, 2021, e2020WR028224, DOI: 10.1029/2020WR028224.

ü Tongren Xu, Fei Chen, Xinlei He*, MichaelBarlage, Zhe Zhang, Shaomin Liu, and Xiangping He, Improve the performance ofthe Noah-MP-Crop model by jointly assimilating soil moisture and vegetationphenology data, Journal ofAdvances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2021, 13, e2020MS002394.

ü Jingxue Zhao, Huaize Feng, Tongren Xu*, Jingfeng Xiao*, RossellaGuerrieri, Shaomin Liu, Xiuchen Wu, Xinlei He, Xiangping He, Physiological andEnvironmental Control on Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency in Response to Droughtacross the Northern Hemisphere, Scienceof the Total Environment, 2021, 758, 143599

ü Huaize Feng, Tongren Xu*,Liangyun Liu, Sha Zhou, Jingxue Zhao, Shaomin Liu, Ziwei Xu, Kebiao Mao, XinleiHe, Zhongli Zhu, Linna Chai, Modeling Transpiration with Sun-InducedChlorophyll Fluorescence Observations via Carbon-Water Coupling Methods, Remote Sensing, 2021,13, 804

ü Xinlei He, Tongren Xu*,Sayed M. Bateni, Michael Ek, Shaomin Liu, and Fei Chen, Mapping RegionalEvapotranspiration in Cloudy Skies via Variational Assimilation of All-WeatherLand Surface Temperature Observations,Journal of Hydrology, 2020,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124790.

ü Sepideh Karimi*, A. H. Nazemi, A. A. Sadraddini, T. R.Xu*, S. M. Bateni, A. F. Fard, Estimation of Forest Leaf Area Index UsingMeteorological Data: Assessment of Heuristic Models, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2020, 36(2)119-132, doi:10.3808/jei.202000430.

ü JingxueZhao, Tongren Xu*,Jingfeng Xiao, Shaomin Liu, Kebiao Mao, Lisheng Song, Yunjun Yao, Xinlei He,Huaize Feng, Water Use Efficiency and Its Responses to Drought in SouthwestChina, Remote Sensing, 2020,12, 199; doi:10.3390/rs12010199.

ü Xinlei He, Tongren Xu*,Youlong Xia, S. M. Bateni, Zhixia Guo, Shaomin Liu, Kebiao Mao, Yuan Zhang,Huaize Feng, and Jingxue Zhao, A Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method:Improving the Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Estimation, Remote Sensing, 2020,12, 878; doi:10.3390/rs12050878.

ü Tajfar, E., S. M. Bateni, Essam Heggy, Tongren Xu*, Feasibility of EstimatingTurbulent Heat Fluxes via Variational Assimilation of Reference-Level AirTemperature and Specific Humidity Observations, Remote Sensing, 2020,1065, doi:10.3390/rs12071065.

ü Tongren Xu*,Xinlei He, Sayed M. Bateni, Thomas Auligne, Shaomin Liu, Ziwei Xu, Ji Zhou,Kebiao Mao, Mapping Regional Turbulent Heat Fluxes via Variational Assimilationof Land Surface Temperature Data from Polar Orbiting Satellites, Remote Sensing of Environment,2019, 221, 444-461

ü Tongren Xu, Guo, Z., Xia, Y.,Ferreira, V.G., Liu, S., Wang, K., Yao, Y., Zhang, X., Zhao, C.*, Evaluation ofTwelve Evapotranspiration Products from Machine Learning, Remote Sensing andLand Surface Models over Conterminous United States, Journal of Hydrology,2019, 578

ü Xinlei He, Tongren Xu*, Sayed M.Bateni, Christopher M. U. Neale, Shaomin Liu, Thomas Auligne, Kaicun Wang, andShoudong Zhu, Mapping Regional Turbulent Heat Fluxes via Assimilation of MODISLand Surface Temperature Data into an Ensemble Kalman Smoother Framework, Earth and Space Science, 2019, 6, 2423-2442

ü C. S. Zhao, Y. Yang, S. Yang, Y.Gai, C. Zhang, H. Zhang, T. Xu*, X.Yin and Z. Zhang, Factors driving temporospatial heterogeneity of fishcommunity health in Jinan City, China, Marineand Freshwater Research, 2019, 70, 637–646,https://doi.org/10.1071/MF18337.

ü Tongren Xu*, S. M. Bateni,C. M. U. Neale, T.Auligne, Shaomin Liu, Estimation of Turbulent Heat Fluxes by Assimilation ofLand Surface Temperature Observations from GOES Satellites into an EnsembleKalman Smoother Framework, Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres, 2018, 123, 2409-2423

ü Tongren Xu,Zhixia Guo, Shaomin Liu*, Xinlei He, Yangfanyu Meng, Ziwei Xu, Youlong Xia,Jingfeng Xiao, Yuan Zhang, Yanfei Ma, Lisheng Song, Evaluating DifferentMachine Learning Methods for Upscaling Evapotranspiration from Flux Towers to theRegional Scale, Journal of GeophysicalResearch: Atmospheres, 2018, 123, 8674-8690,https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JD028447.

ü Xinlei He, Tongren Xu*, S. M. Bateni, Christopher Neale, Thomas Auligne,Shaomin Liu, Kaicun Wang, Kebiao Mao and Yunjun Yao, Evaluation ofWeak–Constraint Data Assimilation Approach for Estimating Turbulent Heat Fluxesat Six Sites, Remote Sensing,2018, 10 (12), 1994; doi:10.3390/rs10121994.

ü Zhao, C.S., S.T. Yang, Y. Sun,H.T. Zhang, C.L. Sun, T.R. Xu*, R.P. Lim, S.M. Mitrovic,Estimating river accommodation capacity for organic pollutants in data-scarceareas, Journalof Hydrology, 2018, 564:442-451

ü Sepideh Karimi, Jalal Shiri; Ozgur Kisi; Tongren Xu*, Forecasting daily streamflow values:assessing heuristic models, HydrologyResearch, 2018, 49 (3): 658-669. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2017.111.

ü Tongren Xu*, Sayed M. Bateni, Steven A. Margulis, Lisheng Song, Shaomin Liu, andZiwei Xu, Partitioning Evapotranspiration into Soil Evaporation and CanopyTranspiration via a Two-Source Variational Data Assimilation System, Journalof Hydrometeorology, 2016, 17(9), 2353-2370, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-15-0178.1.

ü Tongren Xu*, S. M. Bateni, Shunlin Liang, 2015, Estimating turbulent heat fluxeswith a weak-constraint data assimilation scheme: A case study (HiWATER-MUSOEXE),IEEEGeoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12 (1), 68-72.

ü Tongren Xu, Shaomin Liu*, Ziwei Xu, Shunlin Liang, Lu Xu, 2015, A dual-pass dataassimilation scheme for estimating surface fluxes with FY3A-VIRR land surfacetemperature, Sci. China Earth Sci.,58 (2): 211–230, doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4964-7.

ü Tongren Xu,Shaomin Liu*, Lu Xu, Yujie Chen, ZhenzhenJia, Ziwei Xu and Jeffrey Nielson, 2015, Temporalupscaling and reconstruction of thermal remotely sensed instantaneous evapotranspiration,Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 3400-3425;doi:10.3390/rs70303400.

ü Tongren Xu*, S. M. Bateni, S. Liang, D. Entekhabi, and K. Mao (2014),Estimation of surface turbulent heat fluxes via variational assimilation ofsequences of land surface temperatures from Geostationary Operational EnvironmentalSatellites, Journal of Geophysical Research-atmospheres, 119, 10,780-10,798,doi:10.1002/2014JD021814.

ü Tongren Xu*, Shunlin Liang, Shaomin Liu.2011, Estimating turbulent fluxes through assimilation of geostationaryoperational environmental satellites data using ensemble Kalman filter. Journalof Geophysical Research-atmospheres. 116, D09109, doi:10.1029/2010JD015150.

ü Tongren Xu, Shaomin Liu*, Shunlin Liang,and Jun Qin. 2011, Improving predictions of water and heat fluxes by assimilatingMODIS land surface temperature products into common land model, Journalof Hydrometeorology, 12(2):227-244.

ü 趙靜學,郭枝蝦,和鑫磊,徐同仁*,劉紹民,徐自為,黑河流域氣溫和降水再分析數據的不確定性評估,乾旱氣象,2019, 37(4):529-539.

ü 王涵,孟楊繁宇,徐同仁*,劉紹民,謝先紅,徐自為,朱忠禮,同化MODIS表觀熱慣量數據對地表水熱通量的估算,中國科技論文,2016,11(3):251-257.

ü 徐同仁,劉紹民*,秦軍,梁順林. 同化MODIS溫度產品估算地表水熱通量. 遙感學報.2009, 13 (6):999-1009.





