

常洪龍,男,1977年5月出生 ,博士西北工業大學教授博士生導師[1],美國加州理工學院(Caltech)客座副教授,教育部新世紀優秀人才,陝西省青年科技新星,現任西北工業大學機電學院微系統工程系系主任[2]

出生 1977年5月
國籍 中國
母校 西北工業大學
職業 教育科研工作者




2001/3 - 2005/3,西北工業大學,機械製造及其自動化,博士,導師:苑偉政。

1999/9 - 2002/4,西北工業大學,機械製造及其自動化,碩士,導師:苑偉政。

1995/9 - 1999/7,西北工業大學,機械製造及其自動化,學士。


2011/10-2012/11,加州理工學院(Caltech),電子工程系,Visiting Associate (Faculty)。








西北工業大學學位評定委員會"機械工程"與"生物醫學工程"兩個學位分會的委員, 入選首批國家高層次人才特殊支持計劃青年拔尖人才、教育部新世紀優秀人才、陝西省青年科技新星等人才計劃,是西北工業大學首批翱翔青年學者、首批翱翔之星、首批吳亞軍優秀青年教師特等獎獲得者。






中國微米納米技術學會理事 。


主講的本科生課程: (1)半導體物理與器件。









主要研究方向為微機電系統技術及應用,主要面向航空航天領域,研究微納設計理論及方法、微納傳感機理及微弱信號檢測與調理技術以及相應的微納檢測及控制單元等系統集成技術等 。












出版學術專著1部,在包括J MICROELECTROMECH S、 IEEE T INSTRUM MEAS、 J MICROMECH MICROENG、IEEE Sensors J、MICROSYST TECHNOL、SENSORS、MICRO NANO LETT等本領域的著名學術期刊上發表SCI論文15篇,在包括IEEE MEMS、Transducers、IEEE Sensors、IEEE NEMS等本領域知名國際學術會議以及《機械工程學報》、《傳感技術學報》等國內核心期刊上發表學術論文60餘篇,EI收錄36篇,已授權國家發明專利22項。


1.Hemin Zhang, Jie Huang, Weizheng Yuan, and Honglong Chang*, "A High-Sensitivity Micromechanical Electrometer Based on Mode Localization of Two Degree-of-Freedom Weakly Coupled Resonators", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2016, 25(5):937-946

2.Zhao Chun, Graham S. Wood, Jianbing Xie, Honglong Chang, Suan Hui Pu, and Michael Kraft. "A Comparative Study of Output Metrics for an MEMS Resonant Sensor Consisting of Three Weakly Coupled Resonators." IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2016, 25(4):626-636.

3.Hemin Zhang, Boyang Li, Weizheng Yuan, Michael Kraft, and Honglong Chang*, "An Acceleration Sensing Method Based on the Mode Localization of Weakly Coupled Resonators", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2016, 25(2):286-296.

4.Chun Zhao, Graham S. Wood, Jianbing Xie, Honglong Chang, Suan Hui Pu, and Michael Kraft, "A Three Degree-of-Freedom Weakly Coupled Resonator Sensor With Enhanced Stiffness Sensitivity", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2016, 25(1):38-51.

5.Xiaoping Li, Honglong Chang*, Xiaocheng Liu, Fang Ye, and Weizheng Yuan, "A 3-D Overbridge-Shaped Micromixer for Fast Mixing Over a Wide Range of Reynolds Numbers", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2015, 24(5):1391-1399.

6.Honglong Chang*, Pingwei Zhou, Zhongjian Xie, Xianghui Gong, Yong Yang, Weizheng Yuan. "Theoretical modeling for a six-DOF vortex inertial sensor and experimental verification," IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2013, 22(5): 1100-1108.

7.Jinghui Xu*, Weizheng Yuan, Jianbing Xie, Honglong Chang, Binghe Ma, "A hybrid system-level modeling and simulation methodology for structurally complex microelectromechanical systems", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2011, 20(2): 538-548.

8.Honglong Chang*, Yafei Zhang, Jianbing Xie, Zhiguang Zhou, Weizheng Yuan, "Integrated behavior simulation and verification for a MEMS vibratory gyroscope using parametric model order reduction", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2010, 19(2):282-293.

9.Xiaoping Li, Ding Li, Xiaocheng Liu and Honglong Chang*, "Ultra-monodisperse droplet formation using PMMA microchannels integrated with low-pulsation electrolysis micropumps", Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 229(6):466-475

10.Chun Zhao, Graham S. Wooda, Jianbing Xie, Honglong Chang, Suan Hui Pu, Michael Kraft*, "A force sensor based on three weakly coupled resonators with ultrahigh sensitivity", Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, 2015, 232(8): 151-162.

11.Wenpeng Xun, Jianguo Feng, and Honglong Chang*, "A Micro Flow Cytometer Based on a Disposable Microfluidic Chip With Side Scatter and Fluorescence Detection Capability", IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2015,

12,(8):850-856. 12.Ying Liu*, Weizheng Yuan, Honglong Chang, "A Global Maximum Error Controller-Based Method for Linearization Point Selection in Trajectory Piecewise-Linear Model Order Reduction", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2014, 33(7): 1100-1104.

13.Honglong Chang*, Liang Xue, Chengyu Jiang, Michael Kraft, Weizheng Yuan, "Combining numerous uncorrelated MEMS gyroscopes for accuracy improvement based on an optimal Kalman filter," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2012, 61(11): 3084-3093.

14.Qiang Shen, He Li, Yongcun Hao, Weizheng Yuan, Honglong Chang*, "Bias Contribution Modeling for a Symmetrical Micromachined Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscope", IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, (16)3: 723-733.

15.Hemin Zhang, Weizheng Yuan, Yongcun Hao, Honglong Chang*, "Influences of the feedthrough capacitance on the frequency synchronization of the weakly coupled resonators", IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015, 15(11):6081-6088.

16.Hemin Zhang, Weizheng Yuan, Qiang Shen, Tai Li, Honglong Chang*, "A Handheld Inertial Pedestrian Navigation System with Accurate Step Modes and Device Poses Recognition", IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015, 15(3): 1421-1429.

17.Honglong Chang*, Xianghui Gong, Shasha Wang, Pingwei Zhou, Weizheng Yuan, "On Improving the Performance of a Tri-Axis Vortex Convective Gyroscope through Suspended Silicon Thermistors", IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015, 15(2): 946-955.

18.Fang Chen*, Weizheng Yuan, Honglong Chang, Guangmin Yuan, Jianbing Xie, Michael Kraft, "Design and implementation of an optimized double closed-loop control system for MEMS vibratory gyroscope", IEEE Sensors Journal, 2014, 14(1): 184-196.

19.Y Hao, W Yuan, H Zhang, H Kang and H Chang*, "A rotary microgripper with locking function via a ratchet mechanism", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2016, 26(1).

20.Jianbing Xie*, Yongcun Hao, Qiang Shen, Honglong Chang, Weizheng Yuan, "A dicing-free SOI process for MEMS devices based on the lag effect", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2013, 23(12).

21.Fang Chen, Honglong Chang*, Weizheng Yuan, Reuben Wilcock, Michael Kraft, "Parameter optimization for a high-order band-pass continuous-time sigma-delta modulator MEMS gyroscope using a genetic algorithm approach", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2012, 22(10).

22.Jinghui Xu, Weizheng Yuan*, Honglong Chang, Binghe Ma and Yiting Yu, "Angularly parameterized macromodel extraction for unconstrained microstructures", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2008, 18(11).

23.Jiaying Jian, Honglong Chang, Arnaud Vena, Brice Sorli, "Study and design of resistive switching behaviors in PMMA?based conducting?bridge random access memory (CBRAM) devices", Microsystem Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-015-2754-6, 2015.

24.Qiang Shen, Weizheng Yuan, Jianbing Xie, Honglong Chang*, "A Quantitative Optimisation Model for A Horizontal MEMS Solid Propellant Thruster with Experimental Verification", Microsystem Technologies, 2015, 22(4):847-859

25.Qiang Shen, Weizheng Yuan, Xiaoping Li, Jianbing Xie, Honglong Chang*, "An orthogonal analysis method for decoupling the nozzle geometrical parameters of microthrusters", Microsystem Technologies, 2015, 21(6): 1157-1166.

26.Jianbing Xie*, Qiang Shen, Yongcun Hao, Honglong Chang, Weizheng Yuan, "Design, fabrication and characterization of a low-noise Z-axis micromachined gyroscope", Microsystem Technologies, 2015, 21(3): 625-630.

27.Honglong Chang*, Haitao Zhao, Fang Ye, Guangmin Yuan, Jianbing Xie, Michael Kraft, Weizheng Yuan, "A rotary comb-actuated microgripper with a large displacement range", Microsystem Technologies, 2014, 20(1): 119-126.

28.Ying Liu, Weizheng Yuan*, Honglong Chang, Binghe Ma, "Compact thermoelectric coupled models of micromachined thermal sensors using trajectory piecewise-linear model order reduction", Microsystem Technologies, 2014, 20(1), pp: 73-82.

29.Honglong Chang*, Feng Zhang, Jiliang Ding, Fanglu Chen, Shuijin Hong, Michael Kraft, Weizheng Yuan, "A highly reliable integrated PDMS interconnector with a long cast flange for microfluidic systems", Microsystem Technologies, 2012, 18(6): 723-730.

30.Honglong Chang*, Yafei Zhang, Jinghui Xu, Weizheng Yuan, "Parametric model order reduction for squeeze film damping in perforated microstructures", Microsystem Technologies, 2009, 15(6): 893-898

31.Honglong Chang*, Jinghui Xu, Jianbing Xie, Chengliang Zhang, Zijian Yan, Weizheng Yuan, "One MEMS design tool with maximal six design flows", Microsystem Technologies, 2008, 14(6): 775-785.

32.Weizheng Yuan*, Honglong Chang, Weijian Li, "Application of an optimization methodology for multidisciplinary system design of microgyroscopes", Microsystem Technologies, 2006, 12(4): 315-323.

33.Guangmin Yuan, Weizheng Yuan, Liang Xue, Jianbing Xie and Honglong Chang* , "Dynamic Performance Comparison of Two Kalman Filters for Rate Signal Direct Modeling and Differencing Modeling for Combining a MEMS Gyroscope Array to Improve Accuracy", Sensors, 2015, 15(11): 27590-27610.

34.Guangmin Yuan, Weizheng Yuan, Yongcun Hao, Xiaoying Li, Honglong Chang*, "A Microgripper with a Post-Assembly Self-Locking Mechanism", Sensors, 2015, 15(8):20140-20151.

35.Chengyu Jiang*, Liang Xue, Honglong Chang, Guangmin Yuan, Weizheng Yuan, "Signal processing of MEMS gyroscope arrays to improve accuracy using a 1st order Markov for rate signal modeling", Sensors, 2012, 12(2): 1720-1737.

36.Honglong Chang*, Qiang Shen, Zhiguang Zhou, Jianbing Xie, Qinghua Jiang, Weizheng Yuan, "Design, fabrication, and testing of a bulk micromachined inertial measurement unit", Sensors, 2010, 10(4): 3835-3856.

37.Honglong Chang*, Wenlong Jiao, Qianyan Fu, Jianbing Xie, Weizheng Yuan, "Design and simulation of a MEMS control moment gyroscope for the sub-Kilogram spacecraft", Sensors, 2010, 10(4): 4130-4144.

38.Honglong Chang*, Liang Xue, Wei Qin, Guangmin Yuan, Weizheng Yuan, "An integrated MEMS gyroscope array with higher accuracy output", Sensors, 2008, 8(4): 2886-2899.

39.Yongcun Hao, Jianbing Xie, Weizheng Yuan, Honglong Chang*, "Dicing-free SOI process based on wet release technology", Micro & Nano Letters, 2016, 11(11):775-778.

40.Enfu Li, Pengcheng Li, Qiang Shen, Honglong Chang*, "High-accuracy silicon-on-insulator accelerometer with an increased yield rate", Micro & Nano Letters, 2015, 10(10):477-482.

41.Qiang Shen, Weizheng Yuan, He Li, Jianbing Xie, Honglong Chang*. "Silicon-on-insulator-based micro solid propellant thruster array", Micro & Nano Letters, 2015, 10(5): 258-262.

42.Honglong Chang*, Jianbing Xie, Qianyan Fu, Qiang Shen, Weizheng Yuan, "Micromachined inertial measurement unit fabricated by a SOI process with selective roughening under structures", Micro & Nano Letters, 2011, 6(7): 486-489.

43.Liang Xue, Chengyu Jiang*, Honglong Chang, Yong Yang, Wei Qin, Weizheng Yuan, "A novel Kalman filter for combining outputs of MEMS gyroscope array", Measurement, 2012, 45(4): 745-754.

44.Jianbing Xie, Weizheng Yuan, Honglong Chang, "Design and fabrication of MEMS gyroscopes on the silicon-on-insulator substrate with decoupled oscillation modes", Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010, 23(1): 16-20.

45.Guangmin Yuan*, Weizheng Yuan, Xiaobo Zhu, and Honglong Chang, "The carrier-generating analysis of MEMS gyroscope interface circuit", AIP Advances, 2014, 4(3).

46.Fang Ye, Jin Jiang, Honglong Chang, Li Xie, Jinjun Deng, Zhibo Ma and Weizheng Yuan*, "Improved single-cell culture achieved using micromolding in capillaries technology coupled with poly (HEMA) ", Biomicrofluidics, 2015, 9(4).

47.Yu Zhao, Hung Cao, Tyler Beebe, Hemin Zhang, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Honglong Chang, Oscar Scremin, Ching-Ling Lien, Yu-Chong Tai, Tzung K. Hsiai*. "Dry-contact microelectrode membranes for wireless detection of electrical phenotypes in neonatal mouse hearts". Biomedical microdevices, 2015,17(2).


以第二完成人獲國家技術發明二等獎1項。已發表SCI論文44篇,授權發明專利51項。特別是在領域頂級期刊JMEMS上發表論文篇。在論文錄用率約為35%的領域兩大頂級國際會議IEEE MEMS與Transducers上發表論文14篇;獲Transducers大會(2015年第18屆,兩年一屆)傑出論文提名獎,獲IEEE MEMS大會(2016年第29屆)傑出論文獎。


[1]. 2011年國家技術發明二等獎獲得者(排名第2)[3]

[2]. 2009年陝西省科學技術一等獎獲得者(排名第3)[4]

[3]. 2008年中國機械工業科學一等獎獲得者(排名第3) 。


[1]. 2013年首批國家高層次人才特殊支持計劃青年拔尖人才。

[2]. 2011年陝西省青年科技新星。

[3]. 2010年教育部新世紀優秀人才 。


  1. 常洪龍 ,西北工業大學, 2021-12-08
  2. 牛津大學副教授Bhaskar Choubey來我校做專題講座 ,西北工業大學, 2017-10-10
  3. 中國微米納米技術學會理事-常洪龍 ,中國微米納米技術學會, 2014-06-27
  4. 常洪龍 ,西北工業大學, 2019-12-27