2019/10-今, 北京林業大學,生態與自然保護學院,教授
《Frontiers in Microbiology》(SCI)Associate Editor
《Frontiers in Genetics》(SCI)Associate Editor
《Forest Ecosystems》(SCI)Editor
《Plos One》(SCI)Editor
《Forests》(SCI)Guest Editor
《Frontiers in Soil Science》Review Editor
Fungal Diversity等30多個期刊的審稿人
1. 國家自然科學基金聯合基金重點項目,U2003211,新疆地區木材腐朽真菌的多樣性與資源研究,2021/01-2024/12,273萬元,主持。
2. 新疆生產建設兵團重點領域科技攻關項目課題,2021AB004,新疆多孔菌類特色食藥用真菌資源挖掘與評價及優良菌種篩選與栽培技術研究,2021/01-2023/12,80萬元,主持。
3. 廣東森科園林綠化工程有限公司技術服務項目:廣東省古樹名木常見木腐菌多樣性調查,2021/06-2022/12,10.9萬元,主持。
4. 生態環境部生物多樣性調查與評估項目委託課題:橫斷山南優先區域多孔菌鑑定與多樣性評估,2019/06-2021/12,50萬元,主持。
5. 北京林業大學「傑出青年人才」培育項目:森林真菌多樣性與資源利用,2019/06-2023/05,100萬元,主持。
6. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:中國煙白齒菌科(Bankeraceae)菌根真菌的分類與系統發育研究,2019/01-2022/12,62萬元,主持。
7. 國家自然科學基金應急管理項目課題:中國真菌志擬層孔菌科等類群的編研,2018/01-2022/12,73萬元,主持。
8. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:中國靈芝科真菌的物種多樣性、分類與系統發育研究,2017/01-2020/12,67萬元,主持。
9. 北京林業大學青年教師科學研究中長期項目:真菌多樣性與資源利用,2016/01-2020/12,150萬元,主持。
10. 國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目:真菌資源、分類與系統發育,2015/01-2017/12,100萬元,主持。
11. 國家科技基礎性工作專項課題:東北大小興安嶺地區木材腐朽菌資源調查,2014/05-2019/04,130萬元,主持。
12. 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973)項目課題:食用菌高效利用木質纖維素的分子機制,2014/01-2018/08,501萬元,參加。
13. 北京市高等學校青年英才計劃:木腐菌的多樣性與資源利用研究,2013/10-2016/10,15萬元,主持。
14. 國家科技基礎性工作專項子課題:中國真菌志革菌科(二)的編研,2013/05-2018/04,45萬元,參加。
15. 北京林業大學傑出青年人才培育計劃:木材腐朽真菌資源、分類與分子系統學研究,2013/01-2016/12,100萬元,主持。
16. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃:木材腐朽真菌資源與產酶活性研究,2012/01-2014/12,50萬元,主持。
17. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:中國擬層孔菌科褐腐真菌的分類與分子系統學研究,2012/01-2015/12,65萬元,主持。
18. 國家林業局948 項目,2012-4-65,大伏革菌優良菌種及其防病技術的引進,2012/01-2016/12,50萬元,參加。
19. 國家自然科學基金重大項目(中國孢子植物志的編研)課題:中國真菌志大孔菌屬等相關類群的編研,2011/01-2015/12,56萬元,主持。
20. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:中國多年臥孔菌屬的分類與系統發育研究,2010/01-2012/12,20萬元,主持。
21. 北京林業大學優秀青年教師科技創新項目:中國木層孔菌屬的分類與分子系統學研究,2009/11-2011/12,7萬元,主持。
22. 國家轉基因生物新品種培育科技重大專項子課題:多聚半乳糖醛酸酶可逆性抑制蛋白基因克隆及轉化抗性評價,2009/06-2011/12,85.5萬元,參加。
23. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:藥用木腐真菌桑黃資源及其活性物質研究,2009/01-2011/12,30萬元,參加。
24. 國家科技支撐計劃子專題:自然保護區木生真菌多樣性及監測技術研究,2008/01-2010/12,60萬元,參加。
25. 國家科技基礎平台項目子課題:木腐菌菌種資源標準化整理、整合與共享,2008/01-2008/12,35萬元,參加。
26. 北京市科技計劃項目子課題:北京地區樹木腐朽病害及其生物防治研究,2007/08-2008/12,15萬元,參加。
發表SCI論文160多篇,其中以第一或通訊作者在Fungal Diversity (IF=20.372)、Persoonia (IF=11.051)、Bioresource Technology (IF=9.642)、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (IF=6.953)、Journal of Environmental Management (IF=6.789)、Frontiers in Microbiology (IF=5.64)、Plant Disease (IF=4.438)、Mycosphere (IF=4.211)、Microorganisms (IF=4.128)、BMC Evolutionary Biology (IF=3.26)、MycoKeys (IF=2.984)、Mycological Progress (IF=2.841)、Mycologia (IF=2.696)、Forests (IF=2.634)、Biotechnology Letters (IF=2.461)、Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (IF=2.271)、Cryptogamie Mycologie (IF=2.231)等SCI期刊上發表論文118篇;以第一或通訊作者在《菌物學報》、《菌物研究》、《生物技術通報》、《微生物學通報》、《林業科學研究》、《生物多樣性》、《生態學報》等中文期刊上發表論文50篇,共同主編出版專著3部,參編專著3部;獲授權發明專利6項;獲省部級科技獎勵6項、梁希林業科學技術獎3項。
Wang DD, Zhao W, Reyila M, Huang KC, Liu S, Cui BK*. 2022. Diversity of microbial communities of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica at spatial scale. Microorganisms, 10: 371.
Ji X#, Zhou JL#, Song CG, Xu TM, Wu DM*, Cui BK*. 2022. Taxonomy, phylogeny and divergence times of Polyporus (Basidiomycota) and related genera. Mycosphere, 13: 1–52.
Liu S, Xu TM, Song CG, Zhao CL, Wu DM*, Cui BK*. 2022. Species diversity, molecular phylogeny and ecological habits of Cyanosporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) with an emphasis of Chinese collections. MycoKeys, 86: 19–46.
Liu S, Shen LL, Wang Y, Xu TM, Gates G, Cui BK*. 2021. Species diversity and molecular phylogeny of Cyanosporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: 631166.
Liu S, Han ML, Xu TM, Wang Y, Wu DM, Cui BK*. 2021. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Fomitopsis pinicola complex with descriptions of six new species from East Asia. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: 644979.
Si J*, Ma HF, Cao YJ, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. 2021. Introducing a thermo-alkali-stable, metallic ion-tolerant laccase purified from white rot fungus Trametes hirsuta. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: 670163.
Song CG, Ji X, Liu S, He XL, Cui BK*. 2021. Taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of Phellodon (Thelephorales) with descriptions of four new species from Southwest China. Forests, 12: 932.
Si J, Wu Y, Ma HF, Cao YJ, Sun YF, Cui BK*. 2021. Selection of a pH- and temperature-stable laccase from Ganoderma australe and its application for bioremediation of textile dyes. Journal of Environmental Management, 299: 113619.
王豪,錢坤,司靜*,崔寶凱*. 2021. 桑黃類真菌多糖研究進展. 菌物學報,40(4): 895–911.
王豪,唐祿鑫,馬鴻飛,錢坤,司靜*,崔寶凱*. 2021. 東方栓孔菌漆酶的固定化及其對不同類型染料的脫色作用. 生物技術通報,37(11): 142–157.
王妍,劉順,冀星,孫一翡,宋長閣,劉冬梅,崔寶凱*. 2021. 橫斷山區南段多孔菌的多樣性與區系成分分析. 菌物學報,40(10): 2599–2619.
Sun YF, Costa-Rezende DH, Xing JH, Zhou JL, Zhang B, Gibertoni TB, Gates G, Glen M, Dai YC, Cui BK*. 2020. Multi-gene phylogeny and taxonomy of Amauroderma s. lat. (Ganodermataceae). Persoonia, 44: 206–239.
Xing JH#, Zhou JL#, Cui BK*. 2020. Two new species of Neofavolus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) based on morphological characters and molecular evidence. Mycological Progress, 19: 471–480.
吳怡,馬鴻飛,曹永佳,司靜*,崔寶凱*. 2020. 白腐真菌落葉松銹迷孔菌產漆酶液體培養基的優化及其對染料的脫色作用. 生物技術通報,36(1): 45–59.
崔寶凱,吳聲華*. 2020. 普遍栽培靈芝種類的拉丁學名. 菌物學報,39: 7–12.
吳芳,袁海生,周麗偉,員瑗,崔寶凱*,戴玉成*. 2020. 中國華南地區多孔菌多樣性研究. 菌物學報,39: 653–682.
Cui BK*, Li HJ, Ji X, Zhou JL, Song J, Si J, Yang ZL, Dai YC*. 2019. Species diversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of Polyporaceae (Basidiomycota) in China. Fungal Diversity, 97: 137–392.
Ji X, Wu DM, Song CG, Liu S, Si J, Cui BK*. 2019. Two new Neofomitella species (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota) based on morphological and molecular evidence. Mycological Progress, 18: 593–602.
Ji X, Wu DM, Liu S, Si J, Cui BK*. 2019. Crassisporus gen. nov. (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analyses with descriptions of four new species. MycoKeys, 57: 61–84.
Liu S, Song CG, Cui BK*. 2019. Morphological characters and molecular data reveal three new species of Fomitopsis (Basidiomycota). Mycological Progress, 18: 1317–1327.
Shen LL, Wang M, Zhou JL, Xing JH, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. 2019. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Postia. Multi-gene phylogeny and taxonomy of the brown-rot fungi: Postia and its related genera. Persoonia, 42: 101–126.
Si J*, Meng G, Wu Y, Ma HF, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. 2019. Medium composition optimization, structural characterization, and antioxidant activity of exopolysaccharides from the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lingzhi. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 124:1186–1196.
Sun YF, Liu S, Cui BK*. 2019. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses reveal a new species of Fistulina (Fistulinaceae, Agaricales) from Australia. Phytotaxa, 420: 233–240.
Zhu L, Song J, Zhou JL, Si J, Cui BK*. 2019. Species diversity, phylogeny, divergence time and biogeography of the genus Sanghuangporus (Basidiomycota). Frontiers in Microbiology, 10: 812.
崔寶凱,袁海生,周麗偉,何雙輝,魏玉蓮*. 2019. 大小興安嶺針葉樹倒木上木腐真菌的物種多樣性. 生物多樣性,27: 887–895.
韓玉立,王迪,周杰,何曉蘭,崔寶凱*. 2019. 南方靈芝ITS、EF1-α 和RPB2 序列多態性研究. 菌物學報,38: 679–685.
吳怡,馬鴻飛,曹永佳,司靜*,崔寶凱*. 2019. 真菌漆酶的性質、生產、純化及固定化研究進展. 生物技術通報,35(9): 1–10.
Song J, Sun YF, Ji X, Dai YC*, Cui BK*. 2018. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Laetiporus (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) with descriptions of two new species from western China. MycoKeys, 37: 57–71.
Song J, Xing JH, Ji X, Sun YF, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. 2018. Rigidotubus tephroleucus gen. et sp. nov. (Cystostereaceae, Agaricales) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analyses. Phytotaxa, 333: 259–266.
Xing JH, Sun YF, Han YL, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. 2018. Morphological and molecular identification of two new Ganoderma species on Casuarina equisetifolia from China. MycoKeys, 34: 93–108.
Zhu L, Ji X, Si J, Cui BK*. 2018. Morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis reveal a new species of Phellinus with hooked hymenial setae from Vietnam. Phytotaxa, 356: 91–99.
劉雪瑩,韓玉立,司靜,李春道,崔寶凱*. 2018. 基於ITS序列的靈芝遺傳多樣性與群體遺傳分化研究. 菌物學報,37: 565–575.
Chen H, Cui BK*. 2017. Multi-locus phylogeny and morphology reveal five new species of Fomitiporia (Hymenochaetaceae) from China. Mycological Progress, 16: 687–701.
Chen YY, Wang M, Zhang B, Cui BK*. 2017. Neoalbatrellus odorus sp. nov. (Albatrellaceae, Russulales) from Southwest China. Phytotaxa, 309: 217–228.
Chen YY, Wu F, Wang M, Cui BK*. 2017. Species diversity and molecular systematics of Fibroporia (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) and its related genera. Mycological Progress, 16: 521–533.
Chen YY, Zhu L, Xing JH, Cui BK*. 2017. Three new species of Phylloporia (Hymenochaetales) with dimitic hyphal systems from tropical China. Mycologia, 109: 951–964.
Song J, Cui BK*. 2017. Phylogeny, divergence time and historical biogeography of Laetiporus (Basidiomycota, Polyporales). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17: 102.
Zheng F, An Q, Meng G, Wu XJ, Dai YC, Jing Si*, Cui BK*. 2017. A novel laccase from white rot fungus Trametes orientalis: purification, characterization, and application. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 102: 758–770.
Zhou JL, Cui BK*. 2017. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Favolus (Basidiomycota). Mycologia, 109: 766–779.
Zhu L, Xing JH, Cui BK*. 2017. Morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis reveal a new species of Sanghuangporus from China. Phytotaxa, 311: 270–276.
Chen H, Zhou JL, Cui BK*. 2016. Two new species of Fomitiporia (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from Tibet, southwest China. Mycologia, 108: 1010–1017.
Chen JJ, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. 2016. Global diversity and molecular systematics of Wrightoporia s. l. (Russulales, Basidiomycota). Persoonia, 37: 21–36.
Chen JJ#, Cui BK#, He SH, Cooper JA, Barrett MD, Chen JL, Song J, Dai YC*. 2016. Molecular phylogeny and global diversity of the remarkable genus Bondarzewia (Basidiomycota, Russulales). Mycologia, 108: 697–708.
Chen YY, Cui BK*. 2016. Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomy of the Antrodia heteromorpha complex in China. Mycoscience, 57: 1–10.
Han ML#, Chen YY#, Shen LL, Song J, Vlasák J, Dai YC, Cui BK*. 2016. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the brown-rot fungi: Fomitopsis and its related genera. Fungal Diversity, 80: 343–373.
Shen LL, Chen JJ, Wang M, Cui BK*. 2016. Taxonomy and multi-gene phylogeny of Haploporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Mycological Progress, 15: 731–742.
Si J#, Cui BK#, Yuan Y, Dai YC*. 2016. Biosorption performances of raw and chemically modified biomasses from Perenniporia subacida for heterocycle dye Neutral Red. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57: 8454–8469.
Song J#, Chen JJ#, Wang M, Chen YY, Cui BK*. 2016. Phylogeny and biogeography of the remarkable genus Bondarzewia (Basidiomycota, Russulales). Scientific Reports, 6: 34568.
Song J, Liu XY, Wang M, Cui BK*. 2016. Phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Anomoloma (Amylocorticiales, Basidiomycota). Mycological Progress, 15: 11.
Song J#, Xing JH#, Decock C, He XL*, Cui BK*. 2016. Molecular phylogeny and morphology reveal a new species of Amauroderma (Basidiomycota) from China. Phytotaxa, 260: 47–56.
Xing JH, Song J, Decock C, Cui BK*. 2016. Morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis reveal a new species within the Ganoderma lucidum complex from South Africa. Phytotaxa, 266: 115–124.
Zheng F#, Cui BK#, Wu XJ, Meng G, Liu HX, Si J*. 2016. Immobilization of laccase onto chitosan beads to enhance its capability to degrade synthetic dyes. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 110: 69–78.
Zhou JL, Chen H, Cui BK*. 2016. Podoserpula ailaoshanensis sp. nov. (Amylocorticiales, Basidiomycota) from China based on morphological and sequence analyses. Mycoscience, 57: 295–301.
Zhou JL, Zhu L, Chen H, Cui BK*. 2016. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Polyporus group Melanopus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from China. Plos One, 11(8): e0159495.
朱琳,崔寶凱*. 2016. 藥用真菌桑黃的研究進展. 菌物研究,14(4): 201–209.
孟歌,鄭飛,劉紅霞,司靜*,崔寶凱*. 2016. 錦帶花纖孔菌液體培養過程中的抗氧化活性. 生物技術通報,32(9): 140–148.
Chen JJ#, Cui BK#, Zhou LW, Korhonen K, Dai YC*. 2015. Phylogeny, divergence time estimation, and biogeography of the genus Heterobasidion (Basidiomycota, Russulales). Fungal Diversity, 71: 185–200.
Chen JJ#, Shen LL#, Cui BK*. 2015. Morphological characters and molecular data reveal a new species of Hydnocristella (Gomphales, Basidiomycota) from southwestern China. Nova Hedwigia, 101: 139–146.
Chen YY, Li HJ, Cui BK*. 2015. Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of Fibroporia (Basidiomycota) in China. Phytotaxa, 203: 47–54.
Cui BK, Dai YC*, He SH, Zhou LW, Yuan HS. 2015. A novel Phellinidium sp. causes laminated root rot on Qilian Juniper (Sabina przewalskii) in Northwest China. Plant Disease, 99: 39–43.
Han ML, Cui BK*. 2015. Morphological characters and molecular data reveal a new species of Fomitopsis (Polyporales) from southern China. Mycoscience, 56: 168–176.
Han ML, Vlasák J, Cui BK*. 2015. Daedalea americana sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis. Phytotaxa, 204: 277–286.
Shen LL, Liu HX, Cui BK*. 2015. Morphological characters and molecular data reveal two new species of Postia (Basidiomycota) from China. Mycological Progress, 14: 7.
Si J, Yuan TQ, Cui BK*. 2015. Exploring strategies for biosorption of azo dye Congo Red using free and immobilized biomasses of Trametes pubescens. Annals of Microbiology, 65: 411–421.
Song J, Han ML, Cui BK*. 2015. Fistulina subhepatica sp. nov. from China inferred from morphological and sequence analyses. Mycotaxon, 130: 47–56.
Zhao CL, Chen H, Song J, Cui BK*. 2015. Phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Abundisporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Mycological Progress, 14: 38.
Zhao CL#, Cui BK#, Song J, Dai YC*. 2015. Fragiliporiaceae, a new family of Polyporales (Basidiomycota). Fungal Diversity, 70: 115–126.
Zhao ZZ, Yin RH, Chen HP, Feng T, Li ZH, Dong ZJ, Cui BK*, Liu JK*. 2015. Two new triterpenoids from fruiting bodies of fungus Ganoderma lucidum. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 17: 750–755.
吳雪君,崔寶凱*. 2015. 幾株非模式白腐菌降解能力的研究. 生物技術通報,31(6): 151–156.
Chen JJ, Cui BK*. 2014. Studies on Wrightoporia from China 3. Wrightoporia subavellanea sp. nov. based on morphological characters and rDNA sequence data. Phytotaxa, 175: 225–234.
Chen JJ, Cui BK*. 2014. Phlebiporia bubalina gen. et. sp. nov. (Meruliaceae, Polyporales) from Southwest China with a preliminary phylogeny based on rDNA sequences. Mycological Progress, 13: 563–573.
Cui BK, Vlasák J, Dai YC*. 2014. The phylogenetic position of Osteina obducta (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) based on samples from northern hemisphere. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 41: 838–845.
Cui BK, Zhao CL, Vlasák J, Dai YC*. 2014. A preliminary report on decay and canker of Acacia richii caused by Inonotus rickii in China. Forest Pathology, 44: 82–84.
Han ML, Song J, Cui BK*. 2014. Morphology and molecular phylogeny for two new species of Fomitopsis (Basidiomycota) from South China. Mycological Progress, 13: 905–914.
Li HJ, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. 2014. Taxonomy and multi-gene phylogeny of Datronia (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Persoonia, 32: 170–182.
Shen LL, Cui BK*. 2014. Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species of Postia (Basidiomycota) from China. Cryptogamie Mycologie, 35: 199–207.
Si J, Li XC, Cui BK*. 2014. Decolorization of heterocycle dye neutral red by white-rot fungus Perenniporia subacida. Desalination and Water Treatment, 52: 5594–5604.
Song J, Chen YY, Cui BK*. 2014. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Climacocystis (Polyporales) in China. Cryptogamie Mycologie, 35: 221–231.
Song J, Chen YY, Cui BK*, Liu HG, Wang YZ. 2014. Morphological and molecular evidence for two new species of Laetiporus (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) from southwestern China. Mycologia, 106: 1039–1050.
Wang W, Yuan TQ, Cui BK*. 2014. Biological pretreatment with white rot fungi and their co-culture to overcome lignocellulosic recalcitrance for improved enzymatic digestion. Bioresources, 9: 3968–3976.
Zhao CL, Cui BK*. 2014. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Ceriporiopsis (Polyporales) with descriptions of two new species from southern China. Phytotaxa, 164: 17–28.
Zhao CL, He XS, WangHe KY, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. 2014. Flammeopellis bambusicola gen. et. sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis. Mycological Progress, 13: 771–780.
Zhao CL, Shen LL, Cui BK*. 2014. Perenniporia cinereofusca sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis. Mycoscience, 55: 417–422.
Cao CL, Peng F, Cui BK*. 2013. Chemical characterization and structure of exopolysaccharides from submerged culture of new medicinal mushroom from China, Phellinus mori (Higher Basidiomycetes). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 15: 57–69.
Cui BK*. 2013. Antrodia tropica sp. nov. from southern China inferred from morphological characters and molecular data. Mycological Progress, 12: 223–230.
Cui BK*. 2013. Two new polypores (Ceriporiopsis lavendula and Skeletocutis inflata spp. nov.) from Guangdong Province, China. Nordic Journal of Botany, 31: 326–330.
Cui BK, Dai YC*. 2013. Molecular phylogeny and morphology reveal a new species of Amyloporia (Basidiomycota) from China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 104: 817–827.
Cui BK*, Decock C. 2013. Phellinus castanopsidis sp. nov. (Hymenochaetaceae) from southern China, with preliminary phylogeny based on rDNA sequences. Mycological Progress, 12: 341–351.
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