



来自 库存照片 的图片


门:被子植物门 Angiospermae

纲:单子叶植物纲 Monocotyledoneae

目:禾本目 Graminales

科:禾本科 Gramineae

亚 科:早熟禾亚科 Pooideae

族:针茅族 Stipeae

属:针茅属 Stipa

宜红针茅(yí hóng zhēn máo),学名 Stipa consanguinea Trinius & Ruprecht,多年生植物,丛生。 秆直立或膝曲在基部,15-50厘米高,有节的2。 叶鞘短于节间; 叶片灰绿色,刚毛状,背面平滑,无毛; 基生叶0.1-0.4毫米,秆的叶舌离开1-1.5毫米圆锥花序签合同,6-8厘米,基础在最上的叶鞘内围住。 微染的小穗略带紫色;产于 海拔1500-2500米,新疆[1]



多年生植物,丛生。 秆直立或膝曲在基部,15-50厘米高,有节的2。 叶鞘短于节间; 叶片灰绿色,刚毛状,背面平滑,无毛;

基生叶0.1-0.4毫米,秆的叶舌离开1-1.5毫米圆锥花序签合同,6-8厘米,基础在最上的叶鞘内围住。 微染的小穗略带紫色;近等长的颖片,2.2-2.6厘米,透明,先端长渐尖;

胼胝体短; 外稃8-10毫米,在长度行业,头发更浓的在下部,在芒发音清晰的一枚短的头发的戒指里有毛; 脱落的芒,8-11厘米,青春期,膝曲(或者2)的1, 及果期5-7月。

Perennial, tufted. Culms erect or geniculate at base, 15–50 cm tall, 2-noded. Leaf sheaths shorter than internodes; leaf blades grayish green, setaceous, abaxial surface smooth, glabrous;

ligule of basal leaves 0.1–0.4 mm, of culm leaves 1–1.5 mm. Panicle contracted, 6–8 cm, base enclosed in uppermost leaf sheath. Spikelets tinged purplish; glumes subequal, 2.2–2.6 cm, hyaline, apex long acuminate;

callus short; lemma 8–10 mm, hairy in longitudinal lines, hairs denser in lower part, a ring of short hairs at awn articulation; awn deciduous, 8–11 cm, pubescent, 1(or 2)-geniculate, hairs on column 0.2–0.4 mm, bristle slightly flexuous, hairs 0.4–0.7 cm. Fl. and fr. May–Jul.


Open stony slopes; 1500–2500 m. Xinjiang [Mongolia (Altai), Russia (Altai)].

开阔的的石质山坡; 海拔1500-2500米,新疆 [蒙古(Altai),俄罗斯(Altai) ].


This species has sometimes been considered conspecific with Stipa koelzii (a synonym of S. capillacea in this treatment), but it has much larger glumes lacking filamentous tips and more clearly pubescent, non-spiralling awns. It also grows in drier habitats.

本种有时已经被考虑了同种的具Stipa koelzii(在这次处理过程中的一S. capillacea的异名), 它也在干燥生境里增长。


  1. 宜红针茅, 植物智, 2020-01-18