2014.12–2015.12 访问学者 美国南佛罗里达大学
2012.05–2014.07 博士后 北京交通大学
2006.09–2012.03 博士 北京邮电大学
2001.09–2005.07 学士 河北师范大学
2014.12–至 今 副教授 北京交通大学
2012.05–2014.11 讲师 北京交通大学
2005.08–2006.08 主讲教师 石家庄科文教育培训中心
(30) 吕兴, Wen-Xiu Ma, Study of lump dynamics based on a dimensionally reduced Hirota bilinear equation, Nonlinear Dynamics 85, 1217-1222, 2016 (SCI).
(29) 吕兴, Wen-Xiu Ma, Shouting Chen and Chaudry Masood Khalique, A note on rational solutions to a Hirota-Satsuma-like equation, Applied Mathematics Letters 58, 13-18, 2016 (SCI).
(28) 吕兴, Wen-Xiu Ma, Jun Yu and Chaudry Masood Khalique, Solitary waves with the Madelung fluid description: A generalized derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 31, 40-46, 2016 (SCI).
(27) 吕兴, Wen-Xiu Ma, Yuan Zhou and Chaudry Masood Khalique, Rational solutions to an extended Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-like equation with symbolic computation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 71, 1560-1567, 2016 (SCI).
(26) 吕兴, Fuhong Lin, Soliton excitations and shape-changing collisions in alphahelical proteins with interspine coupling at higher order, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 32, 241-261, 2016 (SCI).
(25) 吕兴, Wen-Xiu Ma, Jun Yu, Fuhong Lin and Chaudry Masood Khalique, Envelope bright- and dark-soliton solutionsfor the Gerdjikov–Ivanov model, Nonlinear Dynamics 82, 1211-1220, 2015 (SCI).
(24) 吕兴, Liming Ling, Vector bright solitons associated with positive coherent coupling via Darboux transformation, Chaos 25, 123103:1-8, 2015 (SCI).
(23) 吕兴, Wen-Xiu Ma and Chaudry Masood Khalique, A direct bilinear Bäcklund transformation of a (2+1)-dimensional Korteweg-de Vries-like model, Applied Mathematics Letters 50, 37-42, 2015 (SCI).
(22) 吕兴, Madelung fluid description on a generalized mixed nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Nonlinear Dynamics 81, 239-247, 2015 (SCI).
(21) 吕兴, Fuhong Lin and Fenghua Qi, Analytical study on a two-dimensional Korteweg-de Vries model with bilinear representation, Bäcklund transformation and soliton solutions, Applied Mathematical Modelling 39, 3221-3226, 2015 (SCI).
(20) 吕兴, Juan Li, Integrability with symbolic computation on the Bogoyavlensky–Konoplechenko model: Bell-polynomial manipulation, bilinear representation, and Wronskian solution, Nonlinear Dynamics 77, 135-143, 2014 (SCI).
(19) 吕兴, Bright-soliton collisions with shape change by intensity redistribution for the coupled Sasa–Satsuma system in the optical fiber communications, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19, 3969-3987, 2014 (SCI).
(18) 吕兴, New bilinear Bäcklund transformation with multisoliton solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional Sawada–Kotera model, Nonlinear Dynamics 76, 161-168, 2014 (SCI).
(17) 吕兴, Mingshu Peng, Nonautonomous motion study on accelerated and decelerated solitons for the variable-coefficient Lenells-Fokas model, Chaos 23, 013122:1-7, 2013 (SCI).
(16) 吕兴, Mingshu Peng, Systematic construction of infinitely many conservation laws for certain nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18, 2304-2312, 2013 (SCI).
(15) 吕兴, Soliton behavior for a generalized mixed nonlinear Schrödinger model with N-fold Darboux transformation, Chaos 23, 033137:1-8, 2013 (SCI).
(14) 吕兴, Mingshu Peng, Painlevé-integrability and explicit solutions of the general two-coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system, Nonlinear Dynamics 73, 405-410, 2013 (SCI).
(13) 吕兴, Bo Tian, Soliton solutions via auxiliary function method for a coherently-coupled model in the optical fiber communications, Nonlinear Analysis:Real World Applications 14, 929-939, 2013 (SCI).
(12) 吕兴, Bo Tian, Vector bright soliton behaviors associated with negative coherent coupling, Physical Review E 85, 026117:1-14, 2012 (SCI).
(11) 吕兴, Bo Tian, Novel behavior and properties for the nonlinear pulse propagation in optical fibers, Europhysics Letters 97, 10005:1-6, 2012 (SCI).
(10) 吕兴, Bo Tian and Fenghua Qi, Bell-polynomial construction of Bäcklund transformations with auxiliary independent variable for some soliton equations with one Tau-function, Nonlinear Analysis:Real World Applications 13, 1130-1138, 2012 (SCI).
(9) 吕兴, Bo Tian, Haiqiang Zhang, Tao Xu and He Li, Generalized (2+1)-dimensional Gardner model: Bilinear equations, Bäcklund transformation, Lax representation and interaction mechanisms, Nonlinear Dynamics 67, 2279-2290, 2012 (SCI).
(8) 吕兴, Bo Tian, Kun Sun and Pan Wang, Bell-polynomial manipulations on Bäcklund transformations and Lax pairs for soliton equations with one Tau-function, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 113506:1-8, 2010 (SCI).
(7) 吕兴, Bo Tian, Haiqiang Zhang, Tao Xu and He Li, Integrability study on the generalized (2+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient Gardner model with symbolic computation, Chaos 20, 043125:1-4, 2010 (SCI).
(6) 吕兴, Juan Li, Haiqiang Zhang, Tao Xu, Lili Li and Bo Tian, Integrability aspects with optical solitons of a generalized variable-coefficient N-coupled higher order nonlinear Schrödinger system from inhomogeneous optical fibers, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 043511:1-24, 2010 (SCI).
(5) 吕兴, Lili Li, Zhenzhi Yao, Tao Geng, Kejie Cai, Cheng Zhang and Bo Tian, Symbolic computation study of a generalized variable coefficient two-dimensional Korteweg-de Vries model with various external-force terms from shallow water waves, plasma physics, and fluid dynamics, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A: Physical Sciences 64, 222-228, 2009 (SCI).
(4) 吕兴, Tao Geng, Cheng Zhang, Hongwu Zhu, Xianghua Meng and Bo Tian, Multi-soliton solutions and their interactions for the (2+1)-dimensional Sawada-Kotera model with truncated Painlevé expansion, Hirota bilinear method and symbolic computation, International Journal of Modern Physics B 23, 5003-5015, 2009 (SCI).
(3) 吕兴, Bo Tian, Tao Xu, Kejie Cai and Wenjun Liu, Analytical study of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with an arbitrary linear time-dependent potential in quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates, Annals of Physics 323, 2554-2565, 2008 (SCI).
(2) 吕兴, Hongwu Zhu, Zhenzhi Yao, Xianghua Meng, Cheng Zhang, Chunyi Zhang and Bo Tian, Multisoliton solutions in terms of double Wronskian determinant for a generalized variable-coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equation from plasma physics, arterial mechanics, fluid dynamics and optical communications, Annals of Physics 323, 1947-1955, 2008 (SCI).
(1) 吕兴, Hongwu Zhu, Xianghua Meng, Zaichun Yang and Bo Tian, Soliton solutions and a Bäcklund transformation for a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients from optical fiber communications, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 336, 1305-1315, 2007 (SCI).
1) 2013年获北京邮电大学优秀博士学位论文;
2) 2012年获北京交通大学理学院青年教师教学基本功比赛一等奖;
3) 2012年获第十届北京交通大学青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖。