



取決於你 是一首由任妙音演唱,任妙音作詞、任妙音作曲,收錄在專輯《猛士第一集》中。



It's up to you

To make your daily dreams come true

It's up to you

No whether east and west north and south[1]

You should know what I'm talking 'bout

Lover with day dreams but no one can tell me what's meant to be

You won't believe it that I'm caught in spelism mystery

You won't believe it that I'm doing it well

You won't believe it that I'm caught in spell

It's up to you to make you daily dreams come true

It's up to you it's what nobody else can do

It's up to you to make your daily dreams come true

It's up to you it's what nobody else can do

It's up

Living in day dreams cause I feels like how loneliness so real

So many people just trapped in spell they can't find the key

You won't believe it just prove it in your hands

You won't believe it just count on and you'll find

It's up to you to make you daily dreams come true

It's up to you it's what nobody else can do

It's up to you to make your daily dreams come true

It's up to you it's what nobody else can do

It's up

It's up

It's up

It's up to you

To make your daily dreams come true

It's up to you it's what nobody else can do

It's up to you to make your daily dreams come true

It's up to you it's what nobody else can do

It's up

It's up

It's up

It's up to you to make you daily dreams come true

It's up to you it is what nobody else can do

It's up to you to make your daily dreams come true

It's up to you it is what nobody else can do

It's up

It's up

It's up

It's up

It's up

No whether east and west north and south

You should know what I'm talking 'bout



任妙音,出生於遼寧省大連市,中國內地女歌手,北京隆娛文化簽約藝人,從師於音樂人祁隆門下。 畢業於中國音樂學院。

《 2012年》,推出個人首張音樂專輯《 妹妹比花俏 》 [1] 。

中文名: 任妙音

代表作品: 《天在下雨我在想你》、《紅棗樹》、《不想今生失去你》、《明知你不會來》、《風箏》、《又在夢裡見到你》

體重: 44kg

出生地: 遼寧大連

出生日期:《 9月27日》









《2012年》,簽約北京東方飛樂音樂傳媒公司,《12月11日》,推出個人首張音樂專輯《妹妹比花俏》 。



任妙音最美的一次演唱,台下男人看醉! 熱門頻道 電視劇 綜藝 電影 NBA 搞笑 音樂 娛樂 動漫 遊戲 VIP影院 海外劇 紀錄片 ... 騰訊視頻已收集個人 信息清單





《2019年6月26日》,在酷狗開啟《紅棗樹》首唱會 ;8月,其參加錄製的音樂歌曲類節目《天天把歌唱》在中央電視台綜藝頻道播出;

