葡萄糖芥 |
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中文學名:葡萄糖芥 二名法:Erysimum forrestii 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 亞 綱:原始花被亞綱 目:罌粟目 亞 目:白花菜亞目 科:十字花科 族:香花芥族 屬:糖芥屬 組:無苞組 系:紫花系 |
葡萄糖芥(pú fú táng jiè),學名 Erysimum forrestii (W. W. Smith) Polatschek,俗名:腋花糖芥、匍匐桂竹香,異名:Erysimum schneideri Cheiranthus forrestii Parrya forrestii ,多年生草本,高3-10厘米,全體有白色貼生毛;根狀莖紡錘形,長達8厘米;莖數個,近匍匐,不分枝。基生葉蓮座狀,葉片卵形或長圓形,頂端圓形,常有突尖,基部楔形,近全緣或有數齒;葉柄長2-4厘米。總狀花序具多數花;苞片和葉相似,具短柄;花黃色,花梗粗,萼片長圓形,外面帶紫色;花瓣匙形,長角果線形,長3-4厘米,寬約2毫米,扁平,果瓣具1脈;花柱長約1毫米;果梗長4-10毫米。種子5-6個,圓形,長約2毫米,扁平,黑紫色。花、果期6-8月。產雲南(麗江)。
Parrya forrestii W. W. Smith, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 38: 195. 1914; Cheiranthus forrestii (W. W. Smith) Handel-Mazzetti; Erysimum schneideri O. E. Schulz.
Herbs perennial, (4-)10-20(-30) cm tall; caudex several branched, covered with petiolar remains of previous years. Trichomes malpighiaceous, rarely a few 3-fid on leaves adaxially. Stems 1 to several from base, leafy. Basal leaves rosulate; petiole (1-)2-5(-8) cm; leaf blade elliptic, oblong, oblong-ovate, spatulate, or oblanceolate-linear, (0.6-)1.5-6(-10) × 0.5-1.5(-2) cm, base attenuate, margin coarsely dentate or rarely denticulate, apex acute.
Racemes corymbose, slightly elongated in fruit, bracteate throughout. Fruiting pedicels divaricate, 3-7(-20) mm, stout, narrower than fruit, straight. Sepals oblong-linear, 7-10(-12) mm, caducous, lateral pair strongly saccate. Petals yellow, broadly obovate or suborbicular, (1.4-)1.7-2(-2.5) cm × (6-)7-9 mm; claw usually longer than sepals. Filaments 0.8-1.3 cm; anthers oblong-linear, 2.5-3.5 mm. Ovules 14-24 per ovary.
Fruit linear, flattened, (3.2-)4-8(-9) cm × 4-5 mm, not torulose, slightly curved; valves not keeled, with a distinct midvein, outside with malpighiaceous trichomes, inside glabrous; style 1-2 mm; stigma capitate, entire. Seeds oblong, 3-4.5 × 1.5-2.5 mm, on stout funicles. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jul-Oct.
- Limestone slopes, gravelly slopes, glacial gravel, pastures; 3600-4900 m. Yunnan.
The type collection of Erysimum schneideri, Schneider 3292 (holotype, B; isotypes, G, GH, K), is indistinguishable from that of Parrya forrestii, Forrest 6518 (holotype, E). In FRPS and Fl. Yunnan. (6: 102, 106. 1995) the two names were treated under Erysimum and Cheiranthus, respectively.
Cheiranthus forrestii (W. W. Smith) Hand. -Mazz. in Sitzg. Akad. Wiss. Wien 25. 1925. et Symb. Sin. 7 (2): 365. 1931; T. Y. Cheo in Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 3: 112. 1949. ——Parrya forrestii W. W. Smith in Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 8: 195. 1914.