

劉 棟



劉棟,男,江蘇姜堰人,工學博士江蘇大學能源與動力工程學院教授博士生導師 。主要從事泵內多相流動理論、動力裝置內部流動穩定性及其傳熱問題、泵類產品設計及其內部流場CFD分析等方面的科研工作。現主持國家自然科學基金、國家博後基金、教育部博士點(新教師)基金、江蘇省六大人才高峰等項目。參與申請並獲得省部級科技進步二等獎5項,申請發明專利12件,參編教材1部,發表SCI或EI檢索的學術論文30餘篇 。














[1]Dong Liu,Kang, In-Su , Cha, Jae-Eun ,Hyoung-Bum Kim. Experimental study on radial temperature gradient effect of a Taylor-Couette flow with axial wall slits [J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2011.35:1282-1292(SCI)

[2]Dong Liu,Sang-Hyuk Lee ,Hyoung-Bum Kim. Effect of a constant radial temperature gradient on a Taylor-Couette with axial wall slits. Fluid Dynamics Research. 2010.42: 065501(SCI)

[3]Dong Liu(劉棟),Chun-lin Wang, Min-guan Yang. Study of solid two phase flow in the volute of centrifugal pump.Applied Mechanics and Materials.2012.130: 3664-3667(EI)

[4]Dong Liu, Chun-lin Wang. Experimental study and Numerical simulation of flow in centrifugal pump impeller.The Sixth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, June.30-July.2.2011.Guangzhou, China

[5]Dong Liu,Hyoung-Bum Kim. Experiments on the Stability of Taylor-Couette flow with Different Radial Temperature Gradient. Proceedings of ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting August 1-5, 2010, Montreal, Canada(EI)

[6]Dong Liu,Hyoung-Bum Kim.Experimental study of Taylor-Couette flow with different radial temperature gradient. The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization. June 21-24, 2010, Daegu, Korea

[7]Dong Liu, In-Su Kang , Hyoung-Bum Kim. Study of Flow Transition Process in Taylor-Couette Flow with Radial temperature gradient.The 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing(PSFVIP-7), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov 16-19, 2009

[8]Dong Liu,Seok-Hwan Choi, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Jung-Ho Lee, Hyoung-Bum Kim.Experimental study of Taylor-Couette flow with constant radial temperature gradient. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and Exhibition. August 2-5, 2009, Vail, Colorado, USA(EI)

[9]Dong Liu, Seok-Hwan Choi ,Hyoung-Bum Kim . Experiments on the Stability of Taylor-Couette flow with Radial Temperature Gradient. 10th International Conference on Fluid Control,Measurements, and Visualization. August 17-21,2009, Moscow, Russia.

[10]Dong Liu,Zheng Wang,Minguan Yang.Experimental study of the gas-liquid flow in the membrane micropore aeration bioreactor. Journal of engineering science & technology,2008,3(3):272-277.


[12]Dong Liu,Minguan Yang, Xiaolian Wu, Weiyong Xi. Experimental study and numerical simulation of interior flow in centrifugal pump. Proceedings of 16th IAHR-APD Congress and 3rd Symposium of IAHR-ISHS. Oct.20-23. 2008.Nanjing,China

[13]Dong Liu,Minguan Yang, GAO bo, Kang Can. Experimental research on the Salt-out flow in chemical pump Proceedings of 16th IAHR-APD Congress and 3rd Symposium of IAHR-ISHS Oct.20-23. 2008.Nanjing,China

[14]劉棟,楊敏官,王群, 繆振東.離心泵內部流場試驗研究與數值計算. 中國農村水利水電,2008,9:87-90



[17] Minguan Yang,Dong Liu, Xiang Dong.Analysis of turbulent flow in the impellers of a chemical pump. Journal of engineering science & technology, 2007, 2(3):218-225.

[18]楊敏官,劉棟,顧海飛,李忠. 鹽析液固兩相流場的PIV測量方法.江蘇大學學報(自然科學版).2007.28(4):324-327.(EI)

[19]楊敏官,劉棟,高波,楊波,安華民. 離心泵葉輪內部液固兩相湍流的數值模擬.水泵技術.2006.6:14-17.

[20]楊敏官,劉棟,康燦,王春林.離心泵葉輪內部伴有鹽析流場的分析.農業機械學報.2006.37(12):83-86. (EI)

[21]楊敏官,劉棟,賈衛東,康燦,顧海飛. 離心泵葉輪內部三維湍流流動的分析.江蘇大學學報(自然科學版.2006.27(6):524-527(EI)

[22] Yang Minguan,Liu Dong, Yang Bo, Research of the PIV technology used to measure the Liquid-solid flow in the pump. The 5 International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows. 2006, DEC 10-13, Macau.

劉 棟
出生 (1981-01-01) 1981年1月1日(44歲)
國籍 中國
職業 江蘇大學教授

省部級科技進步二等獎5項,申請發明專利12件,參編教材1部,發表SCI或EI檢索的學術論文30餘篇 。