










1. 樹木端粒結構與功能

2. 樹木細胞凋亡與端粒結構的分子調控

3. 植物發育生物學


1. 主持國家自然科學基金資助項目「銀杏等木本植物端粒結合蛋白對端粒保護的分子機制研究」 2014-2017年 83萬

2. 參與北京林業大學科技創新計劃項目「樹木生長發育的生化與分子機制研究」 2012-2016年 125萬


1. 2012年獲第四屆梁希青年論文獎三等獎(證書號:2012-LW-3-40)

2. 2012年獲校級暑期社會實踐「優秀指導教師」

3. 2010年獲院級第八屆青年教師基本功比賽三等獎

4. 2009年獲院級「優秀班主任」

5. 2008年獲院級暑期社會實踐「優秀指導教師」



  • 1. Guo, Hui-Hong*., Wang, Ting-Ting., Li, Qiu-Qi., Zhao, Na., Zhang, Yuan., Liu, Di., Hu, Qing., Li, Feng-Lan. (2013). Two novel diacylglycerol acyltransferase genes from Xanthoceras sorbifolia are responsible for its seed oil content. Gene. 527(1):266-274.
  • 2. Liu, Zhixiong., Zhang, Dandan., Liu, Di., Li, Fenglan., Lu, Hai*. (2013). Exon skipping of AGAMOUS homolog PrseAG in developing double flowers of Prunus lannesiana (Rosaceae). Plant Cell Reports. 32(2):227–237.
  • 3. Rao, Guodong., Wang, Ying., Zhang, Dandan., Liu, Di., Li, Fenglan., Lu, Hai*. (2012). Isolation and characterisation of an HpSHP gene from Hosta plantaginea. Molecular Biology Reports. 39(6): 6887-6894.
  • 4. Wang, Ying., Zhang, Xiaomei., Liu, Zhixiong., Zhang, Dandan., Wang, Jinzi., Liu, Di., Li, Fenglan., Lu, Hai*. (2012). Isolation and characterization of an AGAMOUS-like gene from Hosta plantaginea. Molecular Biology Reports. 39(3): 2875-2881.
  • 5. Song,Han., Liu, Di*., Li, Fenglan., Lu, Hai*. (2011). Season- and age-associated telomerase activity in Ginkgo biloba L. Molecular Biology Reports. 38(3): 1799-1805.
  • 6. Liu, Di., Yu, Hailian., Li, Fenglan. and Guo, Huihong*. (2011). An analysis of dormancy and dormancy release in Taxus chinensis var. mairei seeds. Seed Science and Technology. 39(1): 29-43.
  • 7. Song,Han., Liu, Di*., Chen, Xin., Ying, Zehua., Zhang, Bo., Li, Fenglan., Lu, Hai*.(2010). Change of season-specific telomere lengths in Ginkgo biloba L. Molecular Biology Reports (SCI收錄). 37(2): 819-824.
  • 8. 劉頔,宋涵,李鳳蘭,陸海. (2010). 植物端粒與端粒酶研究進展. 北京林業大學學報. 32(5): 163-167.
  • 9. 劉志雄, 馬小婷, 程朋軍, 劉頔,李鳳蘭. (2010). 單瓣與重瓣櫻花雌雄蕊發育的比較研究. 北京林業大學學報. 32(4): 86-91.
  • 10. 壽海洋, 馬清溫, 劉頔, 李鳳蘭. (2010). 土沉香小孢子發生與雄配子體發育的細胞學觀察. 北京林業大學學報. 32(4): 92-96.
  • 11. 趙翠格,劉頔,李鳳蘭,郭惠紅.(2010).植物種子油脂的生物合成及代謝基礎研究進展.種子.29(4): 56-62.
  • 12. Liu, Di., Qiao, Nan., Song, Han., Hua, Xin., Du, Juan., Lu, Hai*., and Li, Fenglan*. (2007). Comparative analysis of telomeric restriction fragment lengths in different tissues of Ginkgo biloba L. trees of different age. Journal of Plant Research. 120(4):523-528.
  • 13. Liu, Di., Hua, Xin., Qiao, Nan., Song, Han., Lu, Hai., Guo, Huihong., and Li, Fenglan*. (2007). Dynamic changes of TRF lengths in the cells during the developmental process from embryos to seedlings and comparing with the embryonal calli in Ginkgo biloba L. Forestry Studies in China. 9(2):127-131.
  • 14. 喬楠,劉頔. (2007). Matlab 在凝膠圖像分析中的應用(英文). 成都大學學報(自然科學版) 26(1):1-4,8.
  • 15. Liu, Di., Lu, Hai., Ji, Feiteng., Li, Fenglan., and Guo, Huihong. (2005). Cloning and Analysis of the Telomere-associated sequences of Ginkgo biloba L. Forestry Studies in China 7(1):7-10.[1]
