


付敬浩,男, 西南石油大學副教授。










1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(42372234),遼東鞍山-撫順地區太古宙中-基性岩漿岩成因和殼幔動力學演化,2024-2027,在研,主持;

2. 國家自然科學基金青年基金(42002215),遼東撫順-本溪地區新太古代富鉀花崗質岩石成因及殼幔作用,2021-2023,結題,主持;

3. 博士後創新人才支持計劃(博新計劃)(BX20200284),遼東地區新太古代富鉀花崗質岩石成因及構造意義,2020-2022,結題,主持;

4. 中國博士後科學基金面上資助(2020M673574XB),冀東-遼西南部地區新太古代贊岐岩類成因及殼幔作用過程,2020-2022,結題,主持;

5. 國家自然科學基金重點項目(41530207),華北克拉通東部太古宙殼幔作用與地殼生長方式,2016-2020,結題,主研;

6. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(41472165),冀東南部-遼寧南部地區太古宙地殼生長方式研究,2015-2018,結題,主研;

7. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(41772188),遼東-魯西中-新太古代高鉀花崗質岩石成因及殼幔動力學體制,2018-2021,結題,參加。



1. Fu, J.H., Liu, S.W., 2022. Formation and Crust-Mantle Geodynamic Processes of the Neoarchean K-rich Granitoid Belt in the Southern Range of Eastern Hebei-Western Liaoning Provinces, North China Craton. Springer Theses(英文專著).

2. Fu, J.H., Liu, S.W., Sun, G.Z., Gao, L., 2021. Two contrasting Neoarchean metavolcanic rock suites in eastern Hebei and their geodynamic implications for the northern North China Craton. Gondwana Research 95, 45-71.

3. Fu, J.H., Liu, S.W., Guo, R.R., Wang, M.J., 2019. A Neoarchean K-rich granitoid belt in the northern North China Craton. Precambrian Research 328, 193-216.

4. Fu, J.H., Liu, S.W., Cawood, P.A., Wang, M.J., Hu, F.Y., Sun, G.Z., Gao, L., Hu, Y.L., 2018. Neoarchean magmatic arc in the Western Liaoning Province, northern North China Craton: Geochemical and isotopic constraints from sanukitoids and associated granitoids. Lithos 322, 296-311.

5. Fu, J.H., Liu, S.W., Wang, M.J., Chen, X., Guo, B.R., Hu, F.Y., 2017. Late Neoarchean monzogranitic-syenogranitic gneisses in the Eastern Hebei-Western Liaoning Province, North China Craton: Petrogenesis and implications for tectonic setting. Precambrian Research 303, 392-413.

6. Fu, J.H., Liu, S.W., Chen, X., Bai, X., Guo, R.R., Wang, W., 2016. Petrogenesis of taxitic dioritic-tonalitic gneisses and Neoarchean crustal growth in Eastern Hebei, North China Craton. Precambrian Research 284, 64-87.

7. Liu, S.W., Fu, J.H., Lu, Y.J., Chen, X., Wang, M.J., Hu, F.Y., Gao, L., Sun, G.Z., Hu, Y.L., 2019. Precambrian Hongqiyingzi Complex at the northern margin of the North China Craton: Its zircon U-Pb-Hf systematics, geochemistry and constraints on crustal evolution. Precambrian Research 326, 58-83.

8. Hu, Y.L., Liu, S.W., Fu, J.H., Sun, G.Z., Gao, L., Guo, R.R., 2021. Neoarchean-early Paleoproterozoic granitoids, the geothermal gradient and geodynamic evolution in the Hengshan Terrane, North China Craton. Gondwana Research 94, 143-163.

9. Wang, M.J., Liu, S.W., Fu, J.H., Wang, K., Guo, R.R., Guo, B.R., 2017. Neoarchean DTTG gneisses in southern Liaoning Province and their constraints on crustal growth and the nature of the Liao-Ji Belt in the Eastern Block. Precambrian Research 303, 183-207.

10. 劉樹文, 付敬浩, 孫國正, 高磊, 胡雅璐, 2018. 錦州-遷安太古宙贊岐岩類片麻岩成因及其動力學意義. 岩石學報, 1083-1098.[1]
