







1. 超快脈衝光纖激光器及應用(探測、成像、傳感),激光吸收光譜、超連續譜、光學頻率梳等

2. 石墨烯、碳納米管、金屬納米顆粒、MXenes、異質結構等低維微納米材料在超快光子學中的應用

3. 醫用激光光子學、激光消融等醫工交叉方向














中國儀器儀表學會科技進步二等獎,清華大學「優秀博士學位論文」、「學術新秀」,入選清華大學「優秀博士學位論文叢書」,「NSK機械工學優秀論文」,「馮如杯」優秀指導教師,北航學院優秀導師,北航儀器光電學院學科建設貢獻獎、國際合作交流工作貢獻獎、優秀科技實踐指導教師、先進基層教師、北京市優秀本科畢業設計指導教師等。任全國光電測量標準化技術委員會委員,中國激光雜誌社青年編委,國家自然科學基金委、國家公派訪問學者/留學基金委、教育部學位中心評審專家,IEEE Senior Member,國際期刊「Photonics」客座主編,「Frontiers in Sensors」編輯,「Military Medical Research」科學編輯,「Brain-X」特邀編輯,「Frontiers of Physics」青年編委,「Instrumentation」青年編委,光學學報青年編委,北航高等理工學院(沈元榮譽學院)學生學業榮譽導師、北航學院導師,多次國際會議特邀報告,並擔任分會主席。迄今為止,發表Advanced Functional Materials(卷首封面)、Small(封底,ESI高被引論文)、Advanced Optical Materials(內封面)、Laser & Photonics Reviews(封底)等論著70餘篇,申請發明專利20餘項。



付博,「基於石墨烯可飽和吸收體的鎖模光纖激光器」,清華大學優秀博士學位論文叢書(ISBN: 9787302515081),清華大學出版社 (2018).


1. J. Sun, H. Cheng, L. Xu, B. Fu (corresponding author), X. Liu, and H. Zhang, 「Ag/MXene composite as broadband nonlinear modulator for ultrafast photonics,」 ACS Photonics, accepted

2. C. Zhang, C. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Shi, J. Chao, Y. Zhao, H. Yang, and B. Fu (corresponding author), 「Wavelength-tunable broadband lasers based on nanomaterials,」 Nanotechnology, accepted

3. C. Zhang, T. Wu, S. He, C. Zhang, and B. Fu (corresponding author), 「Multiplexed dual combs in a bidirectional nanotube-mode-locked fiber laser,」 Optics and Laser Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2023.109865

4. G. Wang, H. Qin, J. Liu, H. Ouyang, X. Wang, and B. Fu (corresponding author), 「Spatiotemporal dissipative soliton resonances in multimode fiber lasers,」 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 174, 113865 (2023).

5. C. Zhang, G. Wang, L. Xu, and, B. Fu (corresponding author), 「Polarization-multiplexed single-cavity dual combs and application in absorption spectroscopy,」 Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 360, 114554 (2023).

6. W. Lyu, J. An, Y. Lin, P. Qiu, G. Wang, J. Chao, and, B. Fu (corresponding author), 「Fabrication and applications of heterostructure materials for broadband ultrafast photonics,」 Advanced Optical Materials, 11, 2300124 (2023).

7. J. Guo, C. Shang, S, Gao, Y. Zhang, B. Fu (corresponding author), and L. Xu, 「Flexible plasmonic optical tactile sensor for health monitoring and artificial haptic perception,」 Advanced Materials Technologies, 8, 2201506 (2023).

8. C. Zhang, F. Qu, P. Ou, H. Sun, S. He, and B. Fu (corresponding author), 「Recent Advances and Outlook in Single-Cavity Dual Comb Lasers,」 Photonics 10, 221 (2023).

9. X. Zhao, H. Jin, J. Liu, J. Chao, T. Liu, H. Zhang, G. Wang, W. Lyu, S. Wageh, O. A. Al-Hartomy, A. G. Al-Sehemi, B. Fu (corresponding author), and H. Zhang, 「Integration and applications of nanomaterials for ultrafast photonics,」 Laser & Photonics Reviews, 16, 2200386 (2022). 封底論文

10. G. Wang, T. Liu, J. Chao, H. Jin, J. Liu, H. Zhang, W. Lyu, P. Yin, A. Al-Ghamdi, S. Wageh, B. Fu (corresponding author), and H. Zhang, 「Recent advances and challenges in ultrafast photonics enabled by metal nanomaterials,」 Advanced Optical Materials, 10, 2200443 (2022). 內封面論文

11. B. Fu, C. Zhang, W. Lyu, J. Sun, C. Shang, Y. Cheng, and L. Xu, 「Recent Progress on Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for Determination of Gaseous Chemical Species,」 Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 57, 112 (2022).

12. J. Li, C. Shang, Y. Rong, J. Sun, Y. Cheng, B. He, Z. Wang, M. Li, J. Ma, B. Fu (corresponding author), and X. Ji,「Review on Laser Technology in Intravascular Imaging and Treatment,」 Aging and Disease, 13, 246 (2022).

13. C. Wang, B. Chang, T. Tan, C. Qin, Z. Wu, G. Yan, B. Fu, Y. Wu, Y. Rao, H. Xia, and B. Yao, 「High energy and low noise soliton fiber laser comb based on nonlinear merging of Kelly sidebands,」 Optics Express, 30, 23556 (2022).

14. B. Fu, Y. Cheng, C. Shang, J. Li, G. Wang, C. Zhang, J. Sun, J. Ma, X. Ji, and B. He, 「Optical ultrasound sensors for photoacoustic imaging: a narrative review,」 Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 12, 1608 (2022).

15. C. Shang, Y. Zhang, G. Wang, J. Sun, Y. Cheng, Y. Zhang, B. Yao, B. Fu (corresponding author), and J. Li, 「Nonlinear Optical Properties of MXene and Applications in Broadband Ultrafast Photonics,」 Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 918, 165580 (2022).

16. W. Lyu, Y. Cheng, J. An, M. Condorelli, M. Pulvirenti, G. Compagnini, X. Wang, B. Fu (corresponding author), and V Scardaci, 「Silver Nanoplate Composites as Nonlinear Saturable Absorbers for a Q-Switched Laser,」 Photonics, 9, 835 (2022).

17. 付博, 趙小麗, 張晗, 徐立軍, 「激光技術在血栓消融中的應用與進展,」 中國激光, 49, 1907001 (2022). 特邀論文

18. B. Fu, J. Sun, Y. Cheng, H. Ouyang, G. Compagnini, P. Yin, S. Wei, S. Li, D. Li, V. Scardaci, and H. Zhang, 「Recent progress on metal-based nanomaterials: fabrications, optical properties, and applications in ultrafast photonics,」 Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 2107363 (2021). 卷首封面論文

19. B. Fu, J. Sun, C. Wang, C. Shang, L. Xu, J. Li, and H. Zhang 「MXenes: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Applications in Ultrafast Photonics,」 Small, 17, 2006054 (2021). 封底論文,ESI高被引論文

20. Y. Cheng, W. Lyu, Z. Wang, H. Ouyang, A. Zhang, J. Sun, T. Yang, B. Fu (corresponding author), and B. He, 「MXenes: synthesis, incorporation, and applications in ultrafast lasers,」 Nanotechnology, 32, 392003 (2021).

21. A. Zhang, Z. Wang, H. Ouyang, W. Lyu, J. Sun, Y. Cheng, and B. Fu (corresponding author), 「Recent Progress of Two-Dimensional Materials for Ultrafast Photonics,」 Nanomaterials, 11, 1778 (2021).

22. B. Fu, C. Zhang, P. Wang, M. Condorelli, M. Pulvirenti, E. Fazio, C. Shang, J. Li, Y. Li, G. Compagnini, and V. Scardaci, 「Nonlinear Optical Properties of Ag Nanoplates Plasmon Resonance and Applications in Ultrafast Photonics,」 Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39, 2084 (2021).

23. G. Wang, Y. Ma, C. Shang, H. Huang, Z. Lu, S, Wang, J, Sun, C. Zhang, and B. Fu (corresponding author), 「Influence of Reverse Saturable Absorption Effect on Conventional and Dissipative Solitons Fiber Lasers,」 Optics and Laser Technology, 137, 106805 (2021).

24. B. Fu, P. Wang, Y. Li, M. Condorelli, E. Fazio, J. Sun, L. Xu, V. Scardaci, and G. Compagnini, 「Passively Q-switched Yb-doped all-fiber laser based on Ag nanoplates as saturable absorber,」 Nanophotonics, 9, 3873 (2020).

25. B. Fu, J. Sun, G. Wang, C. Shang, Y. Ma, J. Ma, L. Xu, and V. Scardaci, 「Solution-processed two-dimensional materials for ultrafast fiber lasers (invited),」 Nanophotonics, 9, 2169 (2020). 特邀綜述,被二維材料前沿特別報道

26. X. Ma, B. Liu, Y. Cai, D. Jia, B. Fu, L. Xu, J. Ma, 「Suppression of Reverberations at Fiber Tips for Optical Ultrasound Sensing,」 Optics Letters, 45, 2526 (2020).

27. C. Shang, Y. Zhang, H. Qin, B. He, C. Zhang, J. Sun, J. Li, J. Ma, X. Ji, L. Xu, and B. Fu (corresponding author), 「Review on wavelength-tunable pulsed fiber lasers based on 2D materials,」 Optics and Laser Technology, 131, 106375 (2020).

28. Y. Wang, W. Zhua, Y. Deng, B. Fu, P. Zhu, Y. Yu, J. Li, and J. Guo, 「Self-Powered Wearable Pressure Sensing System for Continuous Healthcare Monitoring Enabled by Flexible Thin-Film Thermoelectric Generator,」 Nano Energy, 73, 104773 (2020).

29. L. Chang, Z. Cao, B. Fu, Y. Lin, and L. Xu, 「Lean blowout detection for bluff-body stabilized flame,」 Fuel, 266, 117008 (2020).

30. B. Fu, J. Li, Z. Cao, and D. Popa, 「Bound states of solitons in a harmonic graphene-mode-locked fiber laser,」 Photonics Research, 7, 116 (2019).

31. X. Ma, Q. Cai, B. Fu, L. Xu, J. Ma, 「Fiber optic-based Laser Interferometry Array for Three Dimensional Ultrasound Sensing,」 Optics Letters, 44, 5852 (2019).

32. B. Fu, 「Nanotubes polymer for ultrafast photonics,」 16th Pacific Polymer Conference, Singapore (2019).

33. S. Gao, Y. Shi, Q. Liu, L. Xu, B. Fu, and Z. Yang, 「4-Dimensional Sensing in Interactive Displays Enabled by Both Capacitive and Piezoelectric Based Touch Panel,」 IEEE Access, 7, 33787 (2019).

34. B. Fu, 「Soliton Molecules in a Tunable Tm-doped Fiber Laser,」 International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering, Phuket, Thailand (2019).

35. J. Li, B. Fu (corresponding author), and Z. Liu, 「Panchromatic image compression based on improved post-transform for space optical remote sensors,」 Signal Processing, 159, 72 (2019).

36. B. Fu, J. Li, Z. Cao, and D. Popa, 「Bound States in a Harmonic Graphene-Mode-Locked Fiber Laser,」 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/OSA), San Jose, California, USA (2019).

37. B. Fu, 「Soliton molecules in a graphene harmonic mode-locked fiber laser,」 26th Assembly of Advanced Materials Congress, Stockholm, Sweden (2019).

38. B. Fu, D. Popa, Z. Zhao, S. A. Hussain, E. Flahaut, T. Hasan, G. Soavi, and A. C. Ferrari, 「Wavelength tunable soliton rains in a nanotube-mode locked Tm-doped fiber laser,」 Applied Physics Letters, 113, 193102 (2018).

39. B. Fu, S. A. Hussain, G. Soavi, B. Yao, D. Popa, and A. C. Ferrari, 「Broadband Wavelength Tunable Mode-Locked Tm-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Carbon Nanotubes,」 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/OSA), San Jose, California, USA, JTh2A.179 (2018).

40. Z. Fan, S. li, B. Fu, B. Wang, and W. Zhang, 「Influence of inner-arc curvature and cladding rings on confinement loss in hypocycloid-shaped KAGOME hollow-core photonic crystal fiber,」 Journal of Applied Physics, 123, 043110 (2018).

41. B. Yao, G. Soavi, T. Ma, X. Zhang, B. Fu, D. Yoon, S. A. Hussain, A. Lambardo, D. Popa, and A. C. Ferrari, 「Gate controllable ultrafast fiber lasers based on graphene,」 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/OSA), San Jose, California, USA, SF3K.6 (2018).

42. B. Fu, D. Popa, S. A. Hussain, and A. C. Ferrari, 「Multiwavelength Tunable Tm-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Nanotubes,」 The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Europe), Munich, Germany (2017).

43. D. Popa, D. Viola, G. Soavi, B. Fu, L. Lombardi, S. Hodge, D. Polli, G. Cerullo, and A. C. Ferrari, 「Coherent Raman spectroscopy with a graphene-synchronized all-fiber laser,」 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/OSA), San Jose, California, USA, JTu5A.2 (2017).

44. Z. Zhao, D. Popa, B. Fu, S. A. Hussain, and A. C. Ferrari, 「Bound state operation of an all-polarization maintaining Er-doped fiber laser,」 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/OSA), San Jose, California, USA, JW2A.4 (2017).

45. D. Popa, D. Viola, G. Soavi, B. Fu, L. Lombardi, S. Hodge, T. Scopigno, G. Cerullo, and A. C. Ferrari, 「Graphene synchronised all-fiber laser for coherent Raman spectroscopy,」 The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Europe), Munich, Germany (2017).

46. P. Wang, C. Bao, B. Fu, X. Xiao, P. Grelu, and C. Yang, 「Generation of wavelength-tunable soliton molecules in a 2-μm ultrafast all-fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization evolution,」 Optics Letters, 41, 2254 (2016).

47. H. Yang, B. Fu (co-first author), D. Li, Y. Tian, Y. Chen, M. Mattila, Z. Yong, R. Li, A. Hassanien, C. Yang, I. Tittonen, Z. Ren, J. Bai, Q. Li, E. I. Kauppinen, H. Lipsanen, and Z. Sun, 「Broadband laser polarization control with aligned carbon nanotubes,」 Nanoscale, 7, 11199 (2015).

48. B. Fu, Y. Hua, X. Xiao, H. Zhu, Z. Sun, and C. Yang, 「Broadband Graphene Saturable Absorber for Pulsed Fiber Lasers at 1, 1.5 and 2 µm,」 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20, 1100705 (2014). ESI高被引論文(2017年檢索)

49. B. Fu, H. Yang, Y. Chen, M. Mattila, Z. Yong, Q. Li, C. Yang, I. Tittonen, H. Lipsanen, and Z. Sun, 「Broadband polarization dynamics control with aligned carbon nanotubes,」 Nanocarbon Photonics and Optoelectronics, North Karelia, Finland (2014).

50. B. Fu, Y. Hua, X. Xiao, H. Yang, C. Yang, and Z. Sun, 「Graphene based broadband untrafast fiber lasers at 1, 1.5 and 2 μm,」 Optics & Photonics Days 2014, Turku, Finland (2014).

51. B. Fu, H. Yang, Y. Chen, M. Mattila, Z. Yong, Q. Li, C. Yang, I. Tittonen, H. Lipsanen, and Z. Sun, 「Polarization dynamics control with aligned carbon nanotubes,」 Optics & Photonics Days 2014, Turku, Finland (2014).

52. B. Fu, Y. Hua, X. Xiao, H. Yang, C. Yang, and Z. Sun, 「Fabrication of graphene saturable absorber for ultra-broadband ultrafast fiber lasers,」 Optical Nanospectroscopy I, Tübingen, Germany (2014).

53. B. Fu, H. Yang, Y. Chen, M. Mattila, Z. Yong, Q. Li, C. Yang, I. Tittonen, H. Lipsanen, and Z. Sun, 「Fabrication of aligned carbon nanotube device and its application for polarization controlling,」 Optical Nanospectroscopy I, Tübingen, Germany (2014).

54. B. Fu, L. Gui, X. Li, X. Xiao, H. Zhu, and C. Yang, 「Generation of 35-nJ nanosecond pulse from a passively mode-locked Tm, Ho-codoped fiber laser with graphene saturable absorber,」 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25, 1447 (2013).

55. B. Fu, L. Gui, W. Zhang, X. Xiao, H. Zhu, and C. Yang, 「Passive harmonic mode-locking in erbium-doped fiber laser with graphene saturable absorber,」 Optics Communications, 286, 304 (2013).

56. B. Fu, Y. Hua, X. Xiao, and C. Yang, 「Graphene film for broadband mode-locked fiber lasers,」 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Beijing, China, ATh3C.2 (2013).

57. X. Xiao, Y. Hua, B. Fu, and C. Yang, 「Experimental investigation of the wavelength tunability in all-normal-dispersion ytterbium-doped mode-locked fiber lasers,」 IEEE Photonics Journal, 5, 1502807 (2013).

58. B. Fu, W. Zhang, L. Gui, X. Xiao, H. Zhu, and C. Yang, 「Generation of 32nd harmonic in passively mode-locked erbium-doped laser with graphene saturable absorber,」 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/OSA), San Jose, California, USA, JW2A.70 (2012).

59. B. Fu, S. Li, Y. Yao, L. Zhang, and M. Zhang, 「Improved high birefringence photonic crystal fibres with dispersion flattened and single mode operation,」 Chinese Physics B, 20, 024209 (2011).

60. S. Li, L. Zhang, B. Fu, Y. Zheng, Y. Hang, and X. Zhao, 「Wave breaking in tapered holey fibers,」 Chinese Optics Letters, 9, 030601 (2011).

61. Y. Yao, S. Li, B. Fu, L. Zhang, and M. Zhang, 「Numerical study on pulse trapping in birefringent photonic crystal fibers,」 Optoelectronics Letters, 7, 0205 (2011).

62. 劉碩, 李曙光, 付博, 周洪松, 馮榮普, 「中紅外高保偏硫系玻璃雙芯光子晶體光纖耦合特性研究,」 物理學報, 60, 034217 (2011).

63. B. Fu, S. Li, Y. Yao, L. Zhang, and M. Zhang, 「Design of two kinds of dual-core high birefringence and high coupling degree photonic crystal fibers,」 Optics Communications, 283, 4064 (2010).

64. B. Fu, S. Li, Y. Yao, L. Zhang, and M. Zhang, 「Supercontinuum generation with high birefringence SF6 soft glass photonic crystal fibers,」 Chinese Physics Letters, 27, 074209 (2010).

65. H. Zhou, S. Li, B. Fu, Y. Yao, and L. Zhang, 「A kind of double-cladding photonic crystal fiber with high birefringence and two zero-dispersion wavelengths,」 Chinese Physics Letters, 27, 014208 (2010).

66. L. Zhang, S. Li, B. Fu, Y. Yao, M. Zhang, and G. Yin, 「Investigation of wave breaking in the normal dispersion region of nano-structured photonic crystal fibers,」 Optoelectronics Letters, 6, 0401 (2010).

67. M. Zhang, S. Li, Y. Yao, B. Fu, and L. Zhang, 「A dark hollow beam from a selectively liquid-filled photonic crystal fibre,」 Chinese Physics B, 19, 047103 (2010).

68. W. Ma, S. Li, G. Yin, B. Fu, and L. Zhang, 「Study on pulse compression in tapered holey fibres,」 Chinese Physics B, 19, 104208 (2010).

69. L. Zhang, S. Li, Y. Yao, B. Fu, and M. Zhang, 「Properties of high birefringence chalcogenide glass holey fibre for mid-infrared transparency,」 Journal of Optics, 12, 035207 (2010).

70. 姚艷艷, 李曙光, 付博, 張磊, 鄭義, 侯藍田, 「光子晶體光纖中超連續譜的研究進展與應用,」 物理, 39, 682 (2010).

71. 張磊, 李曙光, 姚艷艷, 付博, 張美艷, 鄭義, 「高雙折射納米結構光子晶體光纖特性研究,」 物理學報, 59, 1101 (2010).

72. 張美艷, 李曙光, 姚艷艷, 張磊, 付博, 尹國冰, 「微結構纖芯對光子晶體光纖基本特性的影響,」 物理學報, 59, 3278 (2010).

73. 馬文文, 李曙光, 尹國冰, 馮榮普, 付博, 「反常色散錐形微結構光纖中高效率脈衝壓縮研究,」 物理學報, 59, 4720 (2010).

74. 付博, 李曙光, 姚艷艷, 張磊, 張美艷, 劉司英, 「雙芯高雙折射光子晶體光纖耦合特性研究,」 物理學報, 58, 7708 (2009).


1. 付博,徐立軍,劉會生,「寬帶波長可調色散管理型全光纖超快脈衝激光器及系統」,已授權,授權公告日:2020.7.24,授權公告號:CN109378694B,專利號:ZL201811566553.8

2. 付博,何泊衢,徐立軍,尚策,孫江濤,「一種用於太赫茲輻射產生的空間接入型液體池」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.1.15,授權公告號:CN110492338B,專利號:ZL201910854315.5

3. 付博,何泊衢,徐立軍,尚策,孫江濤,「一種用於太赫茲輻射產生的光纖接入型液體池」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.1.15,授權公告號:CN110556689B,專利號:ZL201910853500.2

4. 付博,徐立軍,張程宏,李靜,陸哲睿,尚策,「一種空間接入型光頻梳系統監測航空發動機燃燒場的方法」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.1.15,授權公告號:CN110657994B,專利號:ZL201910988905.7

5. 付博,徐立軍,張程宏,王剛,黃浩璟,孫世傑,「一種空間接入型雙光梳系統監測航空發動機燃燒場的方法」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.1.15,授權公告號:CN110657992B,專利號:ZL201910988327.7

6. 付博,徐立軍,李靜,張程宏,馬宇軒,李端,「一種基於全光纖光頻梳系統監測航空發動機燃燒場的方法」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.2.2,授權公告號:CN110657993B,專利號:ZL201910988885.3

7. 付博,何泊衢,尚策,孫婧軒,王鍾徽,高碩,「一種基於光子晶體光纖的波長可調全光纖納秒脈衝激光器及系統」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.2.2,授權公告號:CN110535016B,專利號:ZL201910920905.3

8. 付博,徐立軍,尚策,曹章,張程宏,張宏宇,「一種基於雙光梳全光纖系統監測航空發動機燃燒場的方法」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.3.12,授權公告號:CN110736623B,專利號:ZL201910988351.0

9. 付博,吉訓明,李靜,徐立軍,程湲,張奡傑,王子皓,「一種偏心性內窺鏡激光導管」,已授權,授權公告日:2022.5.17,授權公告號:CN112842523B,專利號:ZL202110107602.7

10. 付博,郭晶晶,徐立軍,尚策,「一種基於金納米複合材料光纖的反射式葡萄糖傳感器及測量系統」,已授權,授權公告日:2022.10.11,授權公告號:CN113203712B,專利號:ZL202110489456.9

11. 付博,徐立軍,張程宏,郭晶晶,程湲,孫婧軒,「一種腔衰盪雙光梳光譜檢測標誌性呼吸氣體濃度的方法」,已授權,授權公告日:2023.4.18,授權公告號:CN113376111B,專利號:ZL202110636720.7

12. 付博,徐立軍,孫婧軒,朝家樂,金紅,趙小麗,「基於多模光纖的全光纖可調諧時空鎖模激光器及系統」,已公開,申請號:202210390661.4

13. 吉訓明,付博,尚策,徐立軍,李靜,歐陽昊,呂文浩,「一種血管內窺鏡激光消融導管」,已授權,授權公告日:2022.6.10,授權公告號:CN112842525B,專利號:ZL202110112868.0

14. 郭晶晶,徐立軍,尚策,付博,「一種可植入式水凝膠光纖光柵葡萄糖傳感器、製備方法及測量系統」,已授權,授權公告日:2023.3.21,授權公告號:CN113171091B,專利號:ZL202110434492.5

15. 馬建國,徐立軍,馬向東,付博,「一種基於激光干涉的光纖陣列式聲波信號採集裝置」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.3.30,授權公告號:CN110553715B,專利號:ZL201910857667.6

16. 馬建國,徐立軍,馬向東,付博,「一種基於光致超聲和激光干涉的全光學超聲探測裝置」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.8.17,授權公告號:CN111912908B,專利號:ZL202010787228.5

17. 郭晶晶,尚策,徐立軍,脫佳霖,郭校言,付博,「一種溫度壓力雙參量柔性光纖觸覺傳感器、製備方法及測量系統」,已公開,申請號:202211509336.1

18. 張永彪,馬翠,毛軻,石小峰,徐曉鵬,尚策,付博,「用於預測早產風險的cfRNA標誌物」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.10.22,授權公告號:CN110964800B,專利號:ZL201910890694.3

19. 張永彪,徐曉鵬,石小峰,毛軻,蔣卓遠,朱尚明,武嘉琦,查艷,尚策,付博,「用於預測半側顏面短小畸形發生概率的組合物的應用方法」,已授權,授權公告日:2021.1.11,授權公告號:CN111235265B,專利號:ZL202010156600.2

20. Jianguo Ma, Lijun Xu, Xiangdong Ma, Bo Fu, 「All-optical ultrasonic detection device based on light-induced ultrasound and laser interference,」 已授權, application date: Sep. 30, 2020, date of patent: Dec. 28, 2021, application number: 17/039,539, patent number: 11209259 [1]
