三裂葉半夏 |
中文學名:半夏屬 拉丁學名:Pinellia Ten. 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:單子葉植物綱 目:天南星目 科:天南星科 族:天南星族 屬:半夏屬 分布區域:東亞 分布量:世界:6種;中國:5種 引種狀況:非引種 |
三裂葉半夏(sān liè yè bàn xià,學名 Pinellia tripartita (Blume) Schott,異名:Arisaema tripartitum Atherurus tripartitus Pinellia tripartita var. atropurpurea )一般指半夏屬 Pinellia Tenore,是天南星科植物,全世界共有6種,分布於東亞,我國有5種,半夏、滴水珠、盾葉半夏、石蜘蛛、虎掌,南北均產,其中最重要的為半夏P. ternata(Thunb. )Breit.,塊莖入藥,能燥濕化痰,降逆止嘔,生用消癤腫,此外虎掌P. Pedatisecta Schott的塊莖亦供藥用。 [1]
半夏屬是 多年生草本,具塊莖。葉和花序同時抽出。葉柄下部或上部,葉片基部常有珠芽;葉片全緣,3深裂、3全裂或鳥足狀分裂,裂片長圓橢圓形或卵狀長圓形,側脈纖細,近邊緣有集合脈3條。
花序柄單生,與葉柄等長或超過。佛焰苞宿存,管部席捲,有增厚的橫 隔膜,喉部幾乎閉合;檐部長圓形,長約為管部的2倍,舟形。
漿果長圓狀卵形、略銳尖,有不規則的疣皺;胚乳豐富,胚具軸 。
Atherurus tripartitus Blume, Rumphia 1: 137. 1835; Arisaema tripartitum (Blume) Engler; Pinellia tripartita var. atropurpurea Makino.
Tuber subglobose, ca. 2.5 cm in diam.; cataphylls lanceolate, to 10 cm. Leaves 2-5; petiole green, 30-35 cm; leaf blade green, 3-partite; leaflets broadly ovate to ovate-oblong; anterior leaflet ca. 15 × 4-7 cm, apex ca. 1.5 cm; lateral leaflets smaller; primary lateral veins 8-12 per side on each leaflet, forming a distinct marginal collective vein, also with 2 thinner collective veins along margin. Inflorescence solitary; peduncle to 25 cm, shorter than petioles, slender.
Spathe whitish to light green, slightly constricted, 7-9(-10) cm; tube almost closed within by a transverse septum, gaping at base, oblong to subcylindric, ca. 3.5 × 1-1.25 cm; limb gaping, boat-shaped, oblong, ca. 4 × 2.5 cm. Spadix 20-25 cm; female zone ca. 3 cm, adnate to spathe; female flowers densely arranged; pistil 1-1.2 mm; ovary ovoid, 0.9-1 mm; style distinct, 0.2-0.3 mm, attenuate; stigma subhemispheric; sterile zone between female and male zone 0.6-0.7 cm; male zone 1.8-2 cm; thecae elongate, opening by a slit; appendix long exserted from spathe, sigmoid, 15-20 cm, base ca. 3 mm in diam., smooth. Berries pale green to whitish, ovoid, 1-seeded. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jun-Sep. 2n = 26, 52.
Dense broad-leaved forests, forest margins, roadsides. Hong Kong [Japan].
Pinellia tripartita was considered endemic to Japan for a long time; it is first reported here from Hong Kong (C. Wright 508, P).Pinellia tripartita was considered endemic to Japan for a long time; it is first reported here from Hong Kong (C. Wright 508, P).
滴水珠 Pinellia cordata
石蜘蛛 Pinellia integrifolia
虎掌Pinellia pedatisecta
盾葉半夏 Pinellia peltata
半夏為著名的中藥材,其塊莖能人藥,具有燥濕化痰、降逆止嘔,用有消癤腫等功能。也可將其盆栽觀賞,此外虎掌的塊莖亦供藥用 。[4]