- 2022年1月至今,北京大學數學科學學院講席教授。
- 2021年7月至2021年12月,賓西法尼亞大學Gilbert Helman講席教授,統計與數據科學系教授。
- 2017年7月至2021年6月, 賓西法尼亞大學統計系終身副教授。
- 2016年7月至2017年6月,芝加哥大學統計系終身副教授。
- 2012年9月至2016年6月,芝加哥大學統計系助理教授。
- 2012年1月至2012年5月,MSRI博士後。
- 2011年9月至2012年6月,斯坦福大學數學系博士後(Szego Assistant Professor)。
- 2011年6月至2011年8月, 華盛頓大學計算機科學與工程學院博士後。
- 2012和2014年暑期,微軟研究院理論組訪問學者。
1.J. Ding, A. Sly and N. Sun. Proof of the satisfiability conjecture for large $k$. Conference version in STOC 2015; full version accepted by Annals of Mathematics.
2.Jian Ding and Jiaming Xia, Exponential decay of correlations in the two-dimensional random field Ising model. Inventiones, Volume 224, 999--1045 (2021).
3.Jian Ding, Julien Dubédat, Alexander Dunlap, Hugo Falconet (2020), Tightness of Liouville first passage percolation for γ ∈ (0,2), Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS volume, 132, pp. 353-403.
4.Jian Ding and Charles K. Smart, Localization near the edge for the Anderson Bernoulli model on the two dimensional lattice, Inventiones Mathematicae, 219, pp. 467-506 (2020).
5.Jian Ding and Subhajit Goswami, Upper bounds on Liouville first passage percolation and Watabiki’s prediction, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 72 (11), pp. 2331-2384, (2019).
6.Maury Bramson, Jian Ding, Ofer Zeitouni, Convergence in law of the maximum of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field, Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 69 (1), pp. 62-123 (2016).
7.Jian Ding, Allan Sly, Nike Sun, Maximum independent sets on random regular graphs, Acta Mathematica, 217 (2), pp. 263-340 (2016).
8.Jian Ding, James R. Lee, Yuval Peres, Cover times, blanket times, and majorizing measures, Annals of Mathematics, 175 (3), pp. 1409-1471, (2012).
- Associate Editor for Journal of American Mathematical Society, 2/1/2022--1/31/2026.
- Co-Chair for Contribution session sub-committee of IMS World Congress, June 2022.
- Associate Editor for Annals of Probability since January 2021.
- Associate Editor for Communications in Mathematical Physics since October 2019.
- Associate Editor for Annals of Applied Probability since January 2019.
- Editorial board on Science in China Mathematics since January 2018.
- Invited Lecture in International Congress of Mathematicians (joint with Julien Dubédat and Ewain Gwynne), 2022.
- Plenary Lecture, International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians 2022.
- Invited Address in AMS Sectional Meeting, Boston 2018.
- Rollo Davidson Prize, 2017 (shared with Nike Sun).
- Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, 2015-2019 (NCE).
- NSF Career Award, 2015-2021 (NCE).[1]