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《Dolphins》是卢巧音演唱歌曲,收录于专辑《My Collection》。


Dolphins - 卢巧音 (Candy Lo)

词:Black and Blue

曲:Black and Blue

Last night i went to you shore

Wanting to see your face

Last night i dreamt of your touch

Hoping to hear your voice

I do admit but i don't believe

The life of you will show me a sign

Come back to me i said come bace to me

I just want to see your mind

Tonight i shout from the rain and the storm

Just want a word with you

But no one comes to wipe away my tears

Nothing comforts me

I lefe behind cos'l feel you inside

The more you know the sorrow will grow

Oh you you just flow and flow

In the sea of selfishness of lies

I've been waiting for the day that comes

Your colour of pink your smile that swings

Close your eyes till the end of the time

I know you're desperated by the hidden lies

I do admit but i don't believe

The life of you will show me a sign

Far from above and deep inside

Oh jesus please bring them back

Bring them back bring them back

Bring them back


卢巧音自小喜欢唱歌和表演, 1994年卢巧音加入地下乐队(Black and Blue),作为主音歌手出道,随后推出首张乐队专辑《Hope In Just One Day》。




1998年凭歌曲〈垃圾〉一炮而红, 此曲被唱至街知巷闻, 开始歌手生涯,之后出过许多流行作品〈三角志〉及〈好心分手〉等多首作品,直到目前仍然是卡拉OK点唱率最高的曲目一。2011年, 卢巧音因健康理由,宣布退出歌唱事业,主力发展幕后工作, 减少幕前演出。[1] 2013年,与Kolor主音苏浩才于4月登记结婚,6月宣布结婚喜讯。[2]

2014年,宣布复出开演唱会。2017年卢巧音于旺角麦花臣场馆举行《RE:TURN Candy Lo Concert 2017》, 反应热烈,全场欢呼声四起。 获好友撑场, 好友郑秀文更上台一起演唱。[3]
