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来自 植物智 的图片


门:被子植物门 Angiospermae

纲:百合纲 Liliopsida

亚纲:鸭跖草亚纲 Commelinidae

目:莎草目 Cyperales

科:禾本科 Gramineae


SubFam. Pooideae

属:早熟禾属 Poa

星早熟禾(xīng zǎo shú hé),拉丁文Poa xingkaiensis Y. X. Ma,是被子植物门禾本科早熟禾属的一个物种,多年生植物,根状茎; 嫩枝extravaginal。 秆直立,40-50厘米,1-2毫米直径, 近平滑,节3或4。 叶鞘平滑,通常长比节间,约最上部的厘米,约3/4倍于叶片; 平的叶片,瘦,清楚,2-3毫米的5-20厘米×长向上,先端纤细船首端部; 叶舌2.5-3毫米,背面被微柔毛,先端截形。 圆锥花序开阔的,狭金字塔,产于海拔大约400米,分布于黑龙江[1]


多年生植物,根状茎; 嫩枝extravaginal。 秆直立,40-50厘米,1-2毫米直径, 近平滑,节3或4。 叶鞘平滑,通常长比节间,约最上部的厘米,约3/4倍于叶片;

平的叶片,瘦,清楚,2-3毫米的5-20厘米×长向上,先端纤细船首端部; 叶舌2.5-3毫米,背面被微柔毛,先端截形。 圆锥花序开阔的,狭金字塔,10-15 * 2-3 厘米,长约2厘米;

通常,上升的分枝每节,发状,粗糙,约长3厘米具适中密集在上部。 狭披针形的小穗,3.5-4毫米,小花2; vivipary无;

狭披针形的颖片,等长,倍于小穗,先端渐尖,从近基部那里龙骨状粗糙, 狭披针形的外稃,3-3.3毫米,龙骨状短具长柔毛适合长度,边缘脉适合1/4,在无毛的脉之间的地区; 网状的胼胝体,毛短; 内稃。

FOC >> Vol.22 (2006) >> Poaceae >> Poa | eFloras.org Link 29.Poa xingkaiensis Y. X. Ma星早熟禾 xing zao shu he

Perennial, rhizomatous; shoots extravaginal. Culms erect, 40–50 cm, 1–2 mm in diam., nearly smooth, nodes 3 or 4. Leaf sheaths smooth, usually longer than internodes, uppermost ca. 11 cm, ca. 3/4 as long as blade; blades flat, thin, 5–20 cm × 2–3 mm, distinctly longer upward along culm, apex slender prow-tipped; ligules 2.5–3 mm, abaxially puberulent, apex truncate.

Panicle open, narrowly pyramidal, 10–15 × 2–3 cm, longest internodes ca. 2 cm; branches ascending, usually 5 per node, capillary, scabrid, longest ca. 3 cm with 6–9 moderately crowded spikelets in distal 4/5.

Spikelets narrowly lanceolate, 3.5–4 mm, florets 2; vivipary absent; glumes narrowly lanceolate, equal, as long as spikelet, apex acuminate, keels scabrid from near base, lower glume 3.8–4 mm, 3-veined, upper glume 4.1–4.5 mm, 3-veined;

lemmas narrowly lanceolate, 3–3.3 mm, keel shortly villous for 1/2 of length, marginal veins for 1/4, area between veins glabrous; callus webbed, hairs short; palea "hyaline," distinctly shorter than lemma. Anthers 0.7–0.8 mm (doubtfully mature, presumably over 1.2 mm at maturity). Fl. and fr. Aug.


  • About 400 m. Heilongjiang.



Except for its rhizomatous habit, this species seems different from other members of Poa subg. Poa and is only tentatively placed here. It is known only from the type, which we have not seen, but the description and illustration suggest the plant may be immature.

The illustration looks somewhat like immature specimens of P. compressa, with a Koeleria-like inflorescence at anthesis. We wonder if it could be a species of P. subg. Stenopoa, perhaps P. sphondylodes or P. versicolor subsp. ochotensis with an odd habit.

除了它的根状茎的体型,本种好像不同于Poa subg的其他成员。 Poa和在这里只被暂时安置。 知道只从模式标本那里,我们有未见哪个,描述和插图建议未发育完全的植株可能是。

插图看起来有点象页compressa,具一象Koeleria一样的花序在花期的未发育完全标本。 我们想知道是否这可能是一种subg页。 Stenopoa,或许页sphondylodes或页变色的亚种 ochotensis具一古怪的体型。


  1. 星早熟禾,植物智, 2017-08-19