華北百蕊草 |
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中文名:華北百蕊草 拉丁學名:Thesium cathaicum Hendry. 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 亞 綱:原始花被亞綱 目:檀香目 亞 目:檀香亞目 科:檀香科 族:百蕊草族 屬:百蕊草屬 組:百蕊草組 |
華北百蕊草(huá běi bǎi ruǐ cǎo),學名:Thesium cathaicum Hendry.,是檀香科產於山西、河北、山東。生長於海拔350-2500米山地草叢間。 [1]
華北百蕊草 多年生草本;根莖較纖細,短小;莖直立或部分斜升,長12-20厘米,多分枝,有光澤,具縱棱和縱溝。
葉狹線形,長(1.5-)2-2.5(-3)厘米,寬約0.6毫米,全緣,具不明顯單脈,無柄。總狀花序常集成圓錐狀花序;花排列疏鬆,花被長漏斗狀,長5-8毫米, 4(-5)數;
Herbs perennial; rhizomes rather slender, short. Stems erect or ascending, usually many branched, rather robust, 12-20 cm, glossy, ridged and furrowed. Leaves sessile, narrowly linear, (15-)20-25(-30) × ca. 0.6 mm, inconspicuously 1-veined, margin entire.
Inflorescences racemelike, often branched, few flowered; bracts linear, 8-15 × ca. 0.6 mm, 1-veined; pedicel slender, 5-10 mm, upper ones shorter, patent, ridged, smooth; bracteoles 2, 4-5 mm. Perianth 4(or 5)-merous, interior white, long funnelform, 5-8 mm, tube tubular, ca. 3 mm, divided to middle, lobes lanceolate-oblong, ca. 1 mm, incurved.
Ovary ellipsoid, ca. 1 mm in diam., sessile. Style often exserted. Nutlet ellipsoid, ca. 3 mm, with raised reticulate veins; persistent perianth hypocrateriform, patent apically, 4-5 mm. Fl. and fr. Jun-Jul.
生長於海拔350-2500米山地草叢間。 (資料來源:中國植物志 第24卷 )
華北百蕊草 產於山西、河北、山東。