


於 2019年11月22日 (五) 18:00 由 Sfy123對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂

重慶大學講師,重慶大學機械傳動國家重點實驗室工作人員。2007年 上海交通大學機械製造及其自動化專業博士畢業;2004年 重慶大學機械電子工程專業碩士畢業;1995年 南京航空航天大學飛行器安全救生專業本科畢業。1995-2000年 中國一航航宇救生裝備有限公司工程師。[1]

國籍 中國





主研縱向重點項目2項、橫向項目多項。 曾主研上海市光電子重大專項"大型冷軋輥激光塗覆-毛化複合加工新方法與新裝備的研究開發"(No.05DZ2202, 2005.9-2007.12);負責上海市重點科技攻關項目"基於圖像在線識別檢測的數字化精密曲線磨削技術與裝備 (No.021111125,2002.10-2004.12.) "控制系統的開發。參加企業合作項目"數控鑽銑專機","液壓緩衝器性能測試系統","大長徑比非等直徑鑽杆直度自動檢測與矯直系統"等的開發。


在國內外期刊上發表和錄用學術論文20多篇(其中第一作者14篇,被SCI、EI檢索7篇);申請國家發明專利5項。 代表性論文: [1] Wan Daping, Liu Hongbin, Hu Dejin, Wang Yuming. CO2 Laser beam modulating for surface texturing machining. Optics & Laser Technology, 2008, Vol.40 (2), p.309-314. [2] Wan Daping, Hu Dejin, Wu Qi and Zhang Yonghong. On-line grinding wheel wear compensation by image based measuring techniques. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2006, Vol.19 (4), p.510-515. [3] Wan Daping, Hu Dejin, Xu Liming, Wang Haifeng and Yao XiaoDong. Design of robust grinding wheel reciprocating arrangement for precision point-grinding machining. Key Engineering Materials, 2007, Vol.329, p.347-352. [4] Wan Daping, Hu Dejin, Wang Haifeng and Zhang Yonghong. Dynamic monitoring and intelligent dressing of diamond wheel for precision curve grinding. Materials Science Forum, 2006, Vol.532-533, p.77-80. [5] Wan Daping, Hu Dejin, Wang Haifeng. Feed rate scheduling and jerk control algorithm for high-speed CNC machining. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. (In press) [6] Wan Daping, Liu Hongbin, Hu Dejin, Cai Lanrong. Laser surface texturing of cold roll with hard dimples. Key Engineering Materials. (In press) [7] Wan Daping, Wang Yan, Hu Dejin. In situ dressing/truing of diamond wheel for precision curve grinding. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition). (In press) [8] Wan Daping, Liu Hongbin, Hu Dejin, Wang Yuming, Gui Zhenxin. Morphology and mechanical characteristics of pulse laser coating-texturing WC-Ni alloying layers. Applied surface science. (Accepted)


  1. 萬大平搜狐網