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出生 1872年10月12日
逝世 1958年8月26日(85歲)
代表作品 九部交响曲(《大海》“第一”,《伦敦》“第二”,《田园》“第三”,《南极》“第七”),弦乐《塔利斯主题幻想曲》,歌剧《约翰爵士谈恋爱》《天路历程》,小提琴与乐队《云雀高飞》,戏剧配乐《黄蜂》,大量合唱作品,大量歌曲

雷夫·佛漢·威廉斯OM英语:Ralph Vaughan Williams,1872年10月12日-1958年8月26日),英國作曲家。他亦是英國民歌的收集者。



File:Darwin-Wedgwood-Galton family tree.png

佛漢·威廉斯出生於格洛斯特郡下安普尼,而其父亞瑟·佛漢·威廉斯則是一名副主教。父親逝世後,他在1875年被其母親玛格丽特;zh-hk:瑪嘉烈;zh-tw:瑪格麗特·蘇珊·威奇伍德(Margaret Susan Wedgwood,1843–1937,陶瓷家約書亞·威奇伍德之曾孫女)照顧,並於其位於市北處的利斯山地方的家庭同住。達爾文為威廉斯的伯叔,兩者間頗有關係。 雷夫(英語作Rayf[1])於是被稱作尊貴而聰明的中上階級,但他沒有視以為自然,仍努力不懈為其相信的民主和自由觀念奮鬥。[2]



他的音乐创作成就很晚,直到30岁他的一首名叫《Linden Lea》歌曲才成为他的第一个发表作品。他把很多精力用于收集民歌。



  • Hugh the DroverLove in the Stocks(1910-20)
  • Sir John in Love(約翰爵士談戀愛1924-28),即其創作之綠袖子主题幻想曲的來源。
  • The Poisoned Kiss(1927-29,修訂版為1936-37及1956-57)
  • Riders to the Sea(海上騎士、騎馬入海的人,1925-32),由約翰·米靈頓·辛奇(John Millington Synge)之劇本改編。
  • The Pilgrim's Progress(天路歷程,1909-51),基於約翰·本仁之託寓詩


  • Old King Cole(大王科爾,1923)
  • Job, a masque for dancing(假面舞劇《約伯》,1930)


  • 交響曲
    • 《海洋交響曲》A Sea Symphony(1903-1909)
    • 《倫敦交響曲》A London Symphony(1913)
    • 《田園交響曲》A Pastoral Symphony(1921)
    • f小調第4號交響曲(1931-34)
    • D大調第5號交響曲(1938-43)
    • e小調第6號交響曲(1946-47)
    • 《南極交響曲》Sinfonia Antartica(1949-52)(基於Scott of the Antarctic這套1948年的電影)
    • d小調第8號交響曲(1953-55)
    • e小調第9號交響曲(1956-57)
  • 《在郊野的沼澤上》In the Fen Country(1904)
  • 《第1諾福克幻想曲》Norfolk Rhapsody No. 1(1906,1914修訂)
  • 《黄蜂》The Wasps阿里斯托芬式組曲(1909)
  • 《泰利斯主题幻想曲》Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis(1910,1913及1919修訂)
  • 綠袖子幻想曲》Fantasia on "Greensleeves"(1934)
  • 《迪夫與拉沙羅的五個變奏曲》Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus(1939)
  • 《大協奏曲》Concerto Grosso(1950)


  • 鋼琴
    • C大調鋼琴協奏曲(1926-31)
    • 雙鋼琴協奏曲(1946,為上者之重製)
  • 小提琴
    • 雲雀高飞The Lark Ascending,為小提琴和管弦樂所作(1914)
    • 《學院協奏曲》Concerto Accademico,為小提琴和管弦樂所作(1924-25)
  • 中提琴
    • 《田野之花》Flos Campi(中提琴、無詞合唱團、小型樂隊)(1925)
    • 《中提琴及小型管弦樂套曲》Suite for Viola and Small Orchestra(1936-38)
  • 雙簧管協奏曲,a小調,(雙簧管及弦樂器)(1944)
  • 為鋼琴、合唱團和交響樂團所寫的《為詩篇104篇而寫的幻想曲(類近變奏曲)》Fantasia (quasi variazione) on the Old 104th Psalm Tune(1949)
  • 為口琴及樂隊所寫的《降D大調浪漫曲》Romance in D flat for harmonica and orchestra(1951)(為拉利阿德勒Larry Adler所作)
  • f小調大號協奏曲(1954)


  • Toward the Unknown Region, song for chorus and orchestra, setting of Walt Whitman (1906)
  • Five Mystical Songs for baritone, chorus and orchestra, settings of George Herbert (1911)
  • Fantasia on Christmas Carols for baritone, chorus, and orchestra (1912; arranged also for reduced orchestra of organ, strings, percussion)
  • Mass in G小調 for unaccompanied choir (1922)
  • Sancta Civitas (The Holy City) oratorio, text mainly from the Book of Revelation (1923-25)
  • Te Deum in G (1928)
  • Benedicite for soprano, chorus, and orchestra (1929)
  • In Windsor Forest, adapted from the opera Sir John in Love (1929)
  • Three Choral Hymns (1929)
  • Magnificat for contralto, women's chorus, and orchestra (1932)
  • Five Tudor Portraits for contralto, baritone, chorus, and orchestra (1935)
  • Dona nobis pacem,沃特·衛特曼詞及其他(1936)
  • Festival Te Deum for chorus and orchestra or organ (1937)
  • Serenade to Music for sixteen solo voices and orchestra, a setting of Shakespeare (1938)
  • A Song for Thanksgiving (原作 Thanksgiving for Victory) for narrator, soprano solo, children's chorus, mixed chorus, and orchestra (1944)
  • An Oxford Elegy for narrator, mixed chorus and small orchestra (1949)
  • Three Shakespeare Songs ,為SATB沒有伴奏的,用作英聯邦國家音樂競賽 (The British Federation of Music Festivals National Competitive Festival ,1951)
  • Hodie, a Christmas oratorio (1954)
  • Folk songs of the Four Seasons for unaccompanied SSA chorus.
  • Epithalamion for baritone solo, chorus, flute, piano, and strings (1957)
  • Numerous hymns, some of which were first published in the English Hymnal of 1906, of which Vaughan Williams was the musical editor, collaborating with Percy Dearmer.


  • "Linden Lea",歌(1901)
  • The House of Life (1904)
  • Songs of Travel (1904)
  • "The Sky Above The Roof" (1908)
  • On Wenlock Edge, song cycle for tenor, piano and string quartet (1909)
  • Along the Field, for tenor and violin
  • Three Poems by Walt Whitman for baritone and piano (1920)
  • Four Poems by Fredegond Shove: for baritone and piano (1922)
  • Four Hymns for Tenor, Viola and Strings (1914)
  • Merciless Beauty for tenor, two violins, and cello
  • Four Last Songs (Vaughan Williams)|Four Last Songs to poems of Ursula Vaughan Williams
  • Ten William Blake|Blake songs, song cycle for high voice and oboe (1957)


  • c小調絃樂五重奏(小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴及鋼琴)(1903)
  • g小調第1絃樂四重奏(1908)
  • a小調第2絃樂四重奏(1942-44)
  • 《五重奏幻想曲》Phantasy Quintet(2小提琴、中提琴及2大提琴)(1912)
  • 《六首英國民歌練習曲》Six Studies in English Folk-Song(大提琴及鋼琴)(1926)
  • 《三首以威爾斯曲調而寫成的前奏曲》Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes(管風琴)(1956)
  • 為中提琴及鋼琴的浪漫曲(日子不詳)


  • Three Preludes on Welsh Hymntunes (Bryn Calfaria, Rhosymedre, Hyfrydol) (1920)
  • A Wedding Tune for Ann (1943)
  • Two Organ Preludes (The White Rock, St. David's Day) (1956)
  • The Old Hundredth Psalm-Tune (?)


  • 49th Parallel, 1940, his first, talked into it by Muir Mathieson to assuage his guilt at being able to do nothing for the war-effort
  • Coastal Command (film)|Coastal Command, 1942[3]
  • BBC接納了The Pilgrim's Progress, 1942
  • The People's Land, 1943
  • The Story of a Flemish Farm, 1943
  • Stricken Peninsula, 1945
  • The Loves of Joanna Godden, 1946
  • Scott of the Antarctic (1948 film)|Scott of the Antarctic, 1948, partially reused for his Symphony No. 7 Sinfonia Antartica[[Category:含有Template:ISO 639 name la的條目]]


  • 英国民歌组曲》"English Folk Song Suite"(1923)
  • Toccata Marziale for military band (1924)
  • Flourish for Wind Band (1939)
  • Sea Songs
  • Overture: Henry V for brass band
  • Variations for brass band (1957)



  1. Vaughan Williams, Ursula.(1964)R.V.W. A Biography of Ralph Vaughan Williams, 牛津大學出版社,前言Notes on Names指Ralph之名音作Rayf,其他讀音對他是一種羞辱。
  2. Frogley, Alain. ‘Williams, Ralph Vaughan(1872–1958)’ (需訂閱). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 牛津大學出版社. 2004 — online edition May 2006 [2008-01-16]. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/36636.  已忽略未知参数|month=(建议使用|date=) (帮助);
  3. Answers.com
