


Yellowflower讨论 | 贡献2019年8月7日 (三) 00:27的版本

This is an unbiased encyclopedia based on facts. The purpose is to allow volunteers on the Internet to freely edit and provide a truthful platform. Our website is for Chinese speaking people now, but we will try our best to have an English version in the future.

Anyone of any age, culture or social background can participate in the editing as editors as long as they agree and follow the rules of revealing the truth. As long as it is correct, we let you put on Factpedia, but we do not guarantee that everything on Factpedia is correct. The entry on Factpedia does not represent the position of this website. In order to avoid illegal, disruptive problems, this website may delete entries, content, restrict user functions and block users.

If you want to report violations or have any questions, please write to us at info@factpedia.org


我們不參與政治、黨派、個人喜好之爭,只要是有事實依據的內容都可以在揭密真相上自由編輯,正如我們所提倡的宣言: 事實揭露,揭密真相。

