

Amanda Bynes

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Amanda Bynes0.jpg
出生 1986年4月3日
國籍 美國
別名 Chicky
職業 演員
知名作品 《足球尤物》《水瓶座女孩》《髮膠》



中文名稱 國籍 別名 出生地 出生日期 星 座 職業
阿曼達·貝尼斯 美國 Chicky 加州千橡市 1986年4月3日 白羊座 演員


早年經歷 阿曼達·貝尼斯(Amanda Bynes),1986年4月3日出生於美國加州的紹森歐克斯。爸爸叫Rick, 是牙醫, 媽媽叫Lynn, 跟爸爸一起工作,有一個姐姐Jillian,和一個哥哥Tommy,還有一個小侄女Jaylyn.。AB是個聰明的女孩,成績全是A,擁有Honda Accord。最喜歡的科目是英文,有兩隻狗狗,Tootsie Roll和Betty Boop,三隻小貓貓,Subbie,Dubbie和 Tiger。還有一條魚叫Bella。喜歡Prescriptives Gloss, Lancôme Juicy Tubes的唇膏。

三歲的她就曾陪着參加戲劇演出的大姐Jillian對台詞,家裡人從那時就知道這孩子將來會成為一個明星。夏天的時候小阿曼達會在喜劇夏令營度過,10歲時通過一場在洛杉磯笑話俱樂部"爆笑工廠"的路演,她被專門發掘童星的製片人Brian Robbins和Dan Schneider相中,當時他們的本意是為旗下劇集"All That"(1994-2005)尋找一位男生小演員,結果卻被阿曼達的表演天賦、舞台感覺和對喜劇節奏的把握立刻征服。

不久後她就被領到這部熱門青春喜劇劇組,並且從此一演就是四年。小小阿曼達的喜劇演技很快大受歡迎,不但獲得1997年的"有線頻道王牌獎"(Cable Ace Award)提名,而且逐步擁有了多個經典阿曼達角色,特別是在"Ask Ashley"當中,她扮演的小女孩通過"Ask Ashley"專欄給遇到困難的人提供建議,每次她讀那些來信的時候都顯得非常生氣,這幅小大人的模樣逗笑銀幕前的觀眾哈哈大笑。

此外,阿曼達還出現在脫口秀和情景喜劇諸如"The Nightmare Room"、"The Drew Carey Show"、以及"Figure It Out"等當中。1999年,13歲的阿曼達已經擁有了一套為她量身定做的劇集"The Amanda Show" (1999-2002),在尼克國際兒童頻道播出,形式是Sketch comedy(一種短小的系列喜劇)和動畫片的混合體,其中阿曼達扮演過的角色包括總是偏袒小孩子的少年法官Trudy、相處幾分鐘後就會露餡的偽優雅小姐以及"阿曼達·拜恩斯的瘋狂崇拜者"Penelope Taynt等等;憑藉該劇,阿曼達獲得了兒童選擇獎的最佳電視女演員獎,以及Young Artists Awards和YoungStar Awards的提名。

職業生涯 2002年,阿曼達·拜恩斯出演首部電影《大謊言家》,扮演幫助弗蘭奇·莫尼茲飾演的中學生報復偷走他作品的好萊塢製片人的聰明女孩。同年她又和Jennie Garth一起主演WB電視劇集"What I Like About You"(2002-2006),其中女孩Holly Tyler的角色在父親離開去日本工作之後,搬到紐約和處在上流社會的姐姐同住。這部劇集進一步發揚了阿曼達在肢體喜劇表達方面的突出能力以及獨具個人風格的逗樂方式,收到良好的反響。劇照

此後作為阿曼達所在電視台的母公司,華納兄弟電影公司借走了阿曼達並且開始籌備她第一部擔當主角的影片《What a Girl Wants》,當中她飾演一位敢想敢做的美國青春美少女,為了見自己的貴族父親一面而隻身來到倫敦,由此和那裡上流社會的人和事發生了很多有趣的碰撞。2005年,阿曼達 還為動畫片《機器人歷險記》中的Piper貢獻自己的聲音,Piper對於伊萬·麥克格雷格所配音的來到大城市的鄉巴佬機器人Rodney非常友好。2006年的《足球尤物》中阿曼達扮演一位為了足球而冒充自己的哥哥混進男校的女孩,奉獻繼《What a Girl Wants》之後又一部賞心悅目的爆米花佳作;2007年她的最新作品則是歌舞喜劇大片《髮膠》,和約翰·特拉沃塔、米歇爾·菲佛、奎恩·拉提法以及扎克·埃夫隆合作組成了2007年照顧到最廣泛層面的超級演員陣容。同年,AB又主演校園優質喜劇《大學新生》(又名《雪梨公主》),在獲得好口碑的同時也有較好的票房收益。2008年,阿曼達同樣沒有放鬆,為經典動畫《Family Guy》(又名《惡搞之家》)擔任新一季的配音工作,並在下半年拍攝了lifetime的公益電影《living proof》,為抗乳癌工作貢獻自己的一份力量。2010年AB闊別大銀幕3年後帶來了久違的高中喜劇電影《緋聞計劃》,將於2010年9月份上映。


宣布退出演藝圈的一周後 阿曼達再次宣布回歸,對之前的退出沒有再多的解釋,只是短暫的一句 "I am unretired now."


緋聞計劃Easy A(2010)

生存證明Living Proof(2008)

惡搞之家Family Guy(2008)Long John PeterTV episode (voice) .... Anna


大學新生Sydney White(2007)

足球尤物She's the Man (2006)

機器人歷險記 Robots (2005) ..... Piper (voice)

愛情失事 Lovewrecked(2005)

夏洛特的網2:韋柏歷險記 Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure (2003) ..... Nellie (voice)

父女大不同又名《水瓶座女孩》 What a Girl Wants (2003) ..... Daphne Reynolds

大謊言家 Big Fat Liar (2002) ..... Kaylee


Actress:2000s1990sLiving Proof(2008) (TV) .... Jamie"Family Guy".... Anna (1 episode,2008)

... aka Padre de familia (USA: Spanish title)

- Long John Peter(2008) TV episode (voice) .... Anna Sydney White(2007) .... Sydney WhiteHairspray(2007) .... Penny Pingleton"What I Like About You"我就是喜歡你.... Holly Tyler (82 episodes,2002-2006)

- Finally(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler

- Now and Zen(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler

- Friends & Lovers(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler

- Garden State(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler

- Your Money or Your Wife(2006) TV episode .... Holly Tyler

(77 more) She's the Man(2006) .... Viola

... aka Homme c'est elle,L' (Canada: French title) Love Wrecked(2005) .... Jenny Taylor

... aka Temptation Island (UK) Robots(2005) (voice) .... Piper

... aka Robots: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version) What a Girl Wants(2003) .... Daphne ReynoldsCharlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure(2003) (V) (voice) .... Nellie"Rugrats".... Taffy (6 episodes,2001-2002)

- Diapies and Dragons/Baby Power(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy

- Fountain of Youth/Kimi Takes the Cake(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy

- They Came from the Backyard/Lil's Phil of Trash(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy

- Starstruck/Who's Taffy?(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy

- Happy Taffy/Imagine That(2002) TV episode (voice) (as Amanda L Bynes) .... Taffy

(1 more) Big Fat Liar(2002) .... Kaylee

... aka Lügen haben kurze Beine (Germany) "The Drew Carey Show".... Sketch Player (1 episode,2001)

- Drew Carey's Back-to-School Rock 'n' Roll Comedy Hour(2001) TV episode .... Sketch Player "The Nightmare Room".... Danielle Warner (1 episode,2001)

- Don't Forget Me(2001) TV episode .... Danielle Warner"The Amanda Show".... Host / ... (16 episodes,1999-2001)

- Barney's Boy(2001) TV episode .... Host/Regular

- Penelope in Makeup(2001) TV episode .... Host/Regular

- Episode #2.26(2001) TV episode .... Host / Regular Performer / Penelope Taynt

- Episode #2.22(2000) TV episode .... Host / Regular Performer / Penelope Taynt

- Crazy Courtney(2000) TV episode .... Host / Regular Performer / Penelope Taynt

(11 more) "All That".... Various (10 episodes,1996-2000)

- Amanda Bynes/City High(2000) TV episode

- Episode #6.6(2000) TV episode .... Various

- Shanice(1999) TV episode .... Various

- Episode dated 17 April 1999(1999) TV episode .... Various

- All That Live! (100th Episode)(1999) TV episode .... Various

(5 more)

"Arli$$".... Crystal Dupree (1 episode,1999)

- Our Past,Our Present,Our Future(1999) TV episode .... Crystal Dupree

Soundtrack:Hairspray(2007) (performer: "Without Love","You Can't Stop the Beat")

Self:2000s1990sThe 14th Annual Critics' Choice Awards(2009) (TV) .... Herself - Presenter Victoria's Secret Fashion Show(2008) (TV) .... Herself "Rachael Ray".... Herself (2 episodes,2007-2008)

- Episode dated 2 December 2008(2008) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode #2.5(2007) TV episode .... Herself 13th Annual Critics' Choice Awards Red Carpet Premiere(2008) (TV) .... Herself You Can't Stop the Beat: The Long Journey of 'Hairspray'(2007) (V) .... Herself "Jimmy Kimmel Live!".... Herself (3 episodes,2004-2007)

- Episode dated 28 September 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 16 September 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 15 January 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself "Entertainment Tonight".... Herself (1 episode,2007)

... aka E.T. (USA: informal title)

... aka ET Weekend (Australia: weekend title)

... aka Entertainment This Week (weekend title)

... aka This Week in Entertainment (USA: weekend title)

- Episode dated 27 September 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno".... Herself (2 episodes,2003-2007)

- Episode dated 17 September 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 15 May 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself "Total Request Live".... Herself (7 episodes,2004-2007)

... aka TRL (USA: promotional abbreviation)

... aka TRL Weekend (USA: informal alternative title)

... aka Total Request with Carson Daly (USA: alternative title)

- Episode dated 11 September 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 16 July 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 15 March 2006(2006) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 29 September 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 25 February 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself

(2 more) "Late Night with Conan O'Brien".... Herself (2 episodes,2005-2007)

... aka Late Night with Conan O'Brien (Australia)

- Episode dated 10 August 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 6 October 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself "The View".... Herself / ... (5 episodes,2004-2007)

- Episode dated 23 July 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 16 March 2006(2006) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 6 May 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself - Guest Host

- Episode dated 5 May 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself - Guest Host

- Episode dated 8 October 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself "HBO First Look".... Herself (2 episodes,2005-2007)

- Welcome to the '60s: On the Set of 'Hairspray'(2007) TV episode .... Herself

- Robots(2005) TV episode .... Herself "Richard & Judy".... Herself (1 episode,2007)

- Episode dated 6 July 2007(2007) TV episode .... Herself 'Hairspray' Extentions(2007) (V) .... Herself Hairspray: Inside the Recording Booth(2007) (V) .... Herself "The Tyra Banks Show".... Herself (2 episodes,2005-2006)

- The Most Unbelievable Surprises of the Season(2006) TV episode .... Herself

- Ty Surprise(2005) TV episode .... Herself 2006 MuchMusic Video Awards(2006) (TV) .... Herself - Presenter 2006 MTV Movie Awards(2006) (TV) .... Herself "Last Call with Carson Daly".... Herself (1 episode,2006)

- Episode dated 15 March 2006(2006) TV episode .... Herself "Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show".... Herself (3 episodes,2003-2006)

- Episode dated 8 March 2006(2006) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 27 October 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 16 September 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself "Isaac".... Herself (1 episode,2005)

- Episode dated 9 December 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself "Live with Regis and Kathie Lee".... Herself (3 episodes,2004-2005)

... aka Live with Regis (USA: new title)

... aka Live with Regis & Kelly (USA: new title)

- Episode dated 28 September 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 24 February 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 22 January 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself The Teen Choice Awards 2005(2005) (TV) .... Herself - Attendee "Style Star".... Herself (1 episode,2005)

- Young Hollywood(2005) TV episode .... Herself Assembling 'Robots': The Magic,the Music,& the Comedy(2005) (TV) .... Herself The Making of 'Robots'(2005) (V) .... Herself "Late Show with David Letterman".... Herself (1 episode,2005)

... aka Late Show Backstage (USA: title for episodes with guest hosts)

... aka Letterman (Australia)

... aka The Late Show (USA: informal short title)

- Episode dated 23 February 2005(2005) TV episode .... Herself "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson".... Herself (1 episode,2005)

- Episode #1.8(2005) TV episode .... Herself "The Tony Danza Show".... Herself (1 episode,2004)

- Episode #1.21(2004) TV episode .... Herself "The Jamie Kennedy Experiment".... Herself (2 episodes,2003-2004)

- Episode #3.21(2004) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode #3.1(2003) TV episode .... Herself "The Wayne Brady Show".... Herself (1 episode,2004)

- Episode dated 23 April 2004(2004) TV episode .... Herself Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '04(2004) (TV) .... Herself "The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn".... Herself (2 episodes,2003)

... aka The Late Late Show (USA: short title)

- Episode dated 6 October 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 11 April 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself "The Sharon Osbourne Show".... Herself (1 episode,2003)

... aka Sharon (USA: short title)

- Episode dated 2 October 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself The Teen Choice Awards 2003(2003) (TV) .... Herself 2003 MTV Movie Awards(2003) (TV) .... Herself "Today".... Herself (1 episode,2003)

... aka NBC News Today (USA: promotional title)

... aka The Today Show (USA)

- Episode dated 4 June 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '03(2003) (TV) .... Herself "The Caroline Rhea Show".... Herself (1 episode,2003)

- Episode dated 1 April 2003(2003) TV episode .... Herself "All That".... Herself (2 episodes,2002)

- All That Bloopers - Ask Ashley(2002) TV episode .... Herself

- Episode dated 6 April 2002(2002) TV episode .... Herself Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '02(2002) (TV) .... Herself "The Nick Cannon Show".... Herself (1 episode,2002)

- Nick Takes Over Hollywood(2002) TV episode .... Herself "MADtv".... Herself (1 episode,2002)

- Episode #7.13(2002) TV episode .... Herself Rugrats: Still Babies After All These Years(2001) (TV) (voice) .... Narrator "The Rosie O'Donnell Show".... Herself (1 episode,2001)

- Episode dated 19 January 2001(2001) TV episode .... Herself Rock & Roll Back to School Special(2001) (TV) .... Herself

... aka Drew Carey's Rock & Roll Back to School Special (USA: complete title) "Rove Live".... Herself (1 episode,2000)

- Episode #1.7(2000) TV episode .... Herself Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2000(2000) (TV) .... Presenter

"Blue's Clues".... Herself (1 episode,1998)

- Blue's Birthday(1998) TV episode .... Herself "Figure It Out"(1997) TV series .... Herself/panelist (1997-1999)

... aka Figure It Out: Family Style (USA: third season title)

... aka Figure It Out: Wild Style (USA: fourth season title) "MuchOnDemand"(1997) TV series .... Herself - Guest (unknown episodes)

Archive Footage:"Biography"

- Child Stars Ⅱ: Growing Up Hollywood(2005) TV episode .... Herself All That 10th Anniversary Reunion Special(2005) (TV) .... Various Characters


二進精神病院 控訴遭親爸性侵

2014年10月10日,28歲女星阿曼達-貝尼斯(Amanda Bynes)搭機從紐約飛抵洛杉磯,她搭上車以為要到飯店休息,沒想到卻被強制送往Encinas醫院的精神病房,接受治療,雙親、律師和醫師都在場等她。她至少會被拘留72小時,法官和院方視情況而定,可延長居留她14天。



1. 美國女星阿曼達·貝尼斯疑患精神分裂和妄想症 . 國際在線 . [2015-10-11]