檢視 流行朋克 的原始碼
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{| class="wikitable" align="right" |- | style="background: #66CCFF" align= center| '''<big>流行朋克</big> ''' |- |<center><img src=https://gimg2.baidu.com/image_search/src=http%3A%2F%2Fi2.w.yun.hjfile.cn%2Fdoc%2F201209%2F346e736ba88a495683926eaa2d21e05e.jpg&refer=http%3A%2F%2Fi2.w.yun.hjfile.cn&app=2002&size=f9999,10000&q=a80&n=0&g=0n&fmt=auto?sec=1661254365&t=6cd6ce7a9f3cc9f41367cb995459eb40 width="300"></center> <small>[https://www.hjenglish.com/new/p424042/ 来自 沪江英语网 的图片]</small> |- | style="background: #66CCFF" align= center| |- | align= light| |} '''[[流行朋克]]'''是属于另类摇滚的后车库风格的分支,将Power Pop的旋律与和弦的变化与速度朋克的节奏和不间断的吉他弹奏相结合。1994年,[[Green day]]和[[Weezer]]最先普及了这一另类摇滚的变化,虽然在此之前曾有一些乐队演奏过该风格的音乐。很多音乐人在他们成功后,模仿了他们的风格创作音乐。<ref>[https://www.hjenglish.com/new/p424042/ ],沪江英语网 , </ref> ==流行朋克== 90年代朋克摇滚依然是一个热门主题,尽管这种宿求有时候是以其他方式表现出来的,流行朋克便是这种性质上的一种“[[朋克复兴]]”,期间Green Day乐队商业上的成功是一个很大的推动力.但这一“复兴”已经失去了很多朋克的本色,因为它有大公司操纵的商业运作背景,朋克“愤世嫉俗”也正在被“健康向上”的商业流行因素索取代。Pop Punk越来越受到欧美流行音乐界的追捧,这种音乐代表着年青人的时髦潮流和对生活的态度。 ==发展== 朋克在60-70年代大受欢迎,而因为了商业利益,朋克由地下走上至市场,到了80年代初期,其音乐模式开始变化。以往朋克音乐的歌词演绎内容由无意识,到讽刺社会,转变成关于爱情、朋友、校园生活。有乐迷认为纯朋克音乐的歌词具有深厚压世反社会的意识。而80年代以后,部分自认朋克乐队的乐队则去除了此种特色,于是这种习惯使到朋克音乐分支成为“流行朋克”。带动流行朋克音乐的发展,主要有blink182、恶臭合唱团、sum41等。 ==艺人名单== (按照首写字母顺序排列) 0-9 30 Seconds To Mars 88 Fingers Louie +44 48May 5 seconds of summer A Avril Lavigne The Academy Is... Ace Troubleshooter The Adored Alkaline Trio All Allister All Time Low Amber Pacific American Hi-Fi Army of Freshmen Ash The Ataris The Audition B Bad Religion Bedwetters Better Luck Next Time Blink 182 Bodyjar Bowling For Soup Boxcar Racer The Boys Boys Like Girls Boys Night Out Broadway Calls Busted Buzzcocks C Cartel Cauterize Chixdiggit Cobra Starship The Copyrights Crash Romeo Crimpshrine A Cursive Memory Cute is What We Aim For D Daggermouth Destine The Descendents The Donnas Donots Diffuser Digger Driving East E Eleventyseven Even in Blackouts Every Avenue F Face to Face Fall Out Boy Fenix TX Finley FM Static The Fold Four Year Strong F.Y.P Farewell The F-Ups Furthest Drive Home G Generation X Get Up Kids Ghoti Hook Go Betty Go Gob Goldfinger Good Charlotte Green Day Groovie Ghoulies Guttermouth Goodnight Nurse H Hawk Nelson Hawthorne Heights Hazen Street Hedley Hit the Lights Hoobastank Home Grown Houston Calls The Huntingtons J The Jam Jank 1000 Jet Lag Gemini Jimmy Eat World Just Surrender June K Koopa Karate High School Kisschasy L Lagwagon Left Front Tire The Leftovers Less Than Jake The Lillingtons Lit Lucky 7 Ludo LoveHateHero M Madcap Madina Lake The Maine Manges Marianas Trench The Matches Mayday Parade Maxeen McFly Me First and the Gimme Gimmes Mega City Four Melody Fall Mest Midtown Millencolin Motion City Soundtrack The Movielife The Mr. T Experience MxPx N Name Taken Nerf Herder New Found Glory New Years Day No Use for a Name NOFX O The Offspring One Buck Short Over It P Patent Pending Permanent Me Philmont Pointed Sticks Project Rocket Punchline Panda Q The Queers Quietdrive R Rancid Relient K Reset Rufio Run Kid Run Riddlin' Kids S Saves the Day Saving Aimee Scenes from a Movie Screeching Weasel Simple Plan Sledgeback Slick Shoes Smoking Popes Son of Dork Squirtgun SR-71 Stars Don't Fall The Starting Line Stellar Kart Steriogram Student Rick Sugarcult Sum 41 Showoff Surf Punks T The higher Teen Idols Teenage Bottlerocket Ten Second Epic This Providence There For Tomorrow The Click Five U The Undertones V Valencia Vandals W Wakefield Weezer The Wonder Years Y Yellowcard Z Zebrahead == 参考来源 == {{reflist}} [[Category:娛樂事件 ]]
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