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[[File:杨则恒.jpg|200px|缩略图|[http://hgxy.hfut.edu.cn/2018/1117/c9456a191015/page.htm 杨则恒]]] '''杨则恒''',男,合肥工业大学化学与化工学院教授。 ==人物履历== 1978年9月–1982年7月,合肥工业大学化工系无机化工专业学习,获(工学学士)学位; 1988年9月–1991年4月,合肥工业大学化工系应用化学专业学习,获(工学硕士)学位; 2003年2月–2005年11月,中国科学技术大学化学与材料科学学院无机化学专业学习,获(理学博士)学位; 1982年7月–1988年8月,合肥化工厂工作,担任技术员; 1991年4月–1999年12月,安徽地质实验研究所工作,1997年晋升高级工程师; 2008年1月–2009年1月,澳大利亚悉尼大学,化工与分子生物工程学院,访问学者; 2000年1月–至今,合肥工业大学工作,化学与化工学院,教授(2007年)、博士生导师(2012年)。 ==研究领域== 1、[[锂离子电池]]、超级电容器等电极材料制备与应用研究 2、纳米功能材料制备、表征及应用基础研究 ==研究成果== 长期从事锂离子电池、超级电容器等能量存储与转换器件电极材料的设计、制备过程技术、性能调控与产业化关键技术研发。主持承担国家级、省部级与企业委托科研课题10多项。发表SCI收论文90余篇,获授权发明专利15项。曾获安徽省科学技术二等奖。 ==科研项目== 主持承担及完成的主要项目: (1) 退役磷酸铁锂动力电池的梯次利用与回收处理关键技术研发及产业化应用, 安徽省科技重大专项项目,校内主持人,2019.7-2022.6 (2)三元正极材料用多段烧结炉结构设计研究,[[界首市南都华宇电源有限公司]]委托项目,主持人,2020.5-2023.5 (3)动力型锂离子电池镍钴锰酸锂(NCM622)三元正极材料制备关键技术研发,铜陵金泰电池材料有限公司委托项目,主持人,2017.9-2018.12 (4) 二次电池高比容量负极材料开发,奇瑞汽车股份有限公司委托项目,主持人,2014.10-2016.9 (5)基于水热反应修复废旧磷酸铁锂正极材料及其性能改善研究,国家自然科学基金,主持人,2012.1-2015.12 (6)基于废旧锰酸锂电极材料原位制备不同晶型与形貌的MnO2及其应用基础研究,国家自然科学基金,主持人,2010.1-2012.12 (7)基于废旧锂离子电池电极材料LiMn2O4原位制备高效MnO2催化剂,国家自然科学基金,主持人,2009.1-2009.12 (8)Fe2+/介孔结构锰氧化物复合催化剂制备及其催化降解有机物废水的协同作用研究,安徽省基金,主持人,2007.1-2008.12 (9)一维富锂锰基正极材料介尺度结构演化过程机制与调控规律,国家自然科学基金,第二承担人,2016.1-2018.12 (10)锰氧化物纳米结构催化剂的控制合成及其在染料废水降解处理中的应用基础研究,国家自然科学基金,第二承担人,2006.1-2008.12 ==获奖情况== 获奖: (1) 安徽省教学成果奖特等奖(第一完成人,2019年) (2) 安徽省科学技术二等奖(第二完成人,2007年) 专利: (1)张卫新,杨则恒,李文明,陈飞,王业波. “一种多孔结构开口核桃壳状钠离子电池正极材料及其制备方法”, ZL201910525450.5. (2) 杨则恒,吕洪,张卫新,熊凡,王业波,“一种综合回收再利用废旧三元电极材料的方法”,ZL201820313501.9. (3)张卫新,熊凡,杨则恒,陈章贤,“一种基于近化学平衡体系制备钛酸锂包覆高镍三元正极材料的方法”, ZL201910369581.9. (4) 陈章贤,唐伟建,杨则恒,张卫新.“一种基于均相共沉淀体系制备铝酸锂包覆锂离子电池富锂材料的方法”,ZL201810921048.4. (5)张卫新,杨则恒,李文明,陈飞,王业波. 一种用于焙烧锂离子电池电极材料的排气与传热多功能装置,ZL201820313501.9. (6)杨则恒,刘树林,李昇,马国,张卫新等,“一种长径比可调的一维微纳结构锰基锂离子电池电极材料的通用制备方法”,ZL201610074122.4. (7)杨则恒,陆剑波,张卫新,马国,张伟波等,“一种多孔棒状结构钴基锂离子电池正极材料的制备方法” ,ZL201410166626.X. (8)杨则恒,翁绍迎,张卫新,王强,裴波. “一种废旧磷酸铁锂电池正极材料修复再生的方法”,ZL201110121896.5. (9)张卫新,曾晖,杨则恒,王强,陈公德. “一种在铜基底上制备锂离子电池电极材料CuO薄膜的方法”,ZL201110132431.X. (10)张卫新,张晓静,杨则恒. “一种羟基磷灰石纳米结构微球的制备方法”,ZL201110122427.5. (11)杨则恒,张卫新,马世闯,周晨旭,王强. “一种自废旧锰酸锂电池正极材料中回收MnO2的方法及其应用”,ZL200910116656.9. (12)张卫新,杨则恒,王强,王华. “一种锂离子电池用磷酸亚铁锂正极材料及改性方法”,ZL200810122605.2. (13)张卫新,杨则恒,王强,刘怡. “一种锂离子电池用系列纳米锂锰氧化物的合成方法”,ZL200610038148.X. (14)张卫新,杨则恒,丁筛霞,杨世和. “氧化铜纳米管阵列的制备方法”,ZL200610037649.6. (15)张卫新,杨则恒,张愿成等. “亚甲基蓝染料废水处理方法及催化剂制备方法”,ZL200510122782.7. 著作论文(代表作) [1] Engineering superhydrophilic/superaerophobic hierarchical structures of Co-CH@NiFe-LDH/NF to boost the oxygen evolution reaction. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 422, 130123. Shuai Cao, Haijian Huang, Kun Shi, Li Wei, Ning You, Xiaoming Fan, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang*. [2] Electric field driven de-lithiation: A strategy towards comprehensive and efficient recycling of electrode materials from spent lithium ion batteries. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 283, 119634. Hong Lv#, Haijian Huang#, Cheng Huang, Qiang Gao, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang*. [3] Novel hierarchical yolk-shell α-Ni(OH)2/Mn2O3 microspheres as high specific capacitance electrode materials for supercapacitors. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2021, In press. Xiqing Luo, Miaomiao Jiang, Kun Shi*, Zhangxian Chen, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang*. [4] CoP microscale prism-like superstructure arrays on Ni foam as an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 8522-8531. Shuai Cao, Ning You, Li Wei, Cheng Huang, Xiaoming Fan, Kun Shi, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang*. [5] Multi-shelled Ni6MnO8 hollow microspheres for high-performance supercapacitors. Materials Research Express, 2020, 7, 065502. Xiaoyu Liu, Jun Cao, Cheng Huang, Zhangxian Chen, Xiaoming Fan, Kun Shi, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang*. [6] Near-equilibrium control of Li2TiO3 nanoscale layer coated on LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode materials for enhanced electrochemical performance. Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 15498-15506. Fan Xiong, Zhangxian Chen, Cheng Huang, Tongzhen Wang, Weixin Zhang*, Zeheng Yang*, Fei Chen. [7] An effective etching-induced coating strategy to shield LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 electrode materials by LiAlO2. Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 412, 246-254. Weijian Tang, Zhangxian Chen*, Fan Xiong, Fei Chen, Cheng Huang, Qiang Gao, Tongzhen Wang, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang*. [8] 片状LiFePO4/C正极材料制备及其电化学性能研究. 化工学报,2019, 70, 1628-1634. 高强,吕洪,熊凡,陈飞,杨则恒*,张卫新. [9] Sequential precipitation induced interdiffusion: a general strategy to synthesize microtubular materials for high performance lithium ion battery electrodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 18430-18437. Fei Chen, Weixin Zhang*, Junrui Fu, Zeheng Yang, Xiaoming Fan, Weibo Zhang, Zhangxian Chen, Mengqiu Huang, Shihe Yang*. [10] Hierarchical micro/nanostructured WO3 with structural water for high-performance pseudocapacitors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 765: 489-496. Zongming Shao, Xiaoming Fan, Xiaoyu Liu, Zeheng Yang*, Lei Wang, Zhangxian Chen, Weixin Zhang. [11] 基于分级共沉淀法制备锂离子电池LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2正极材料. 化工学报, 2017, 68, 1239-1246. 夏青, 赵俊豪, 王凯, 李昇, 郭冰, 田院, 杨则恒, 张卫新*. [12] Aluminum and fluorine co-doping for promotion of stability and safety of lithium-rich layered cathode material. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 236, 171-179. Bing Guo, Junhao Zhao, Xiaoming Fan, Wei Zhang, Sheng Li, Zeheng Yang*, Zhangxian Chen, Weixin Zhang*. [13] A novel process to recycle spent LiFePO4 for synthesizing LiFePO4/C hierarchical microflowers. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 190, 134-140. Doucheng Bian, Yonghui Sun, Sheng Li, Yuan Tian, Zeheng Yang*, Xiaoming Fan, Weixin Zhang*. [14] Synthesis of Ti3+ self-doped TiO2 nanocrystals based on Le Chatelier's principle and their application in solar light photocatalysis. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 74376-74383. Maoqin Qiu, Yuan Tian, Zhangxian Chen*, Zeheng Yang*, Wenming Li, Kai Wang, Lei Wang, Kun Wang, Weixin Zhang*. [15] pH-controlled assembly of three-dimensional tungsten oxide hierarchical nanostructures for catalytic oxidation of cyclohexene to adipic acid. CrystEngComm. 2016, 18, 8688-8695. Lei Wang, Mengqiu Huang, Zhangxian Chen, Zeheng Yang*, Maoqin Qiu, Kai Wang, Weixin Zhang*. [16] Kinetically controlled synthesis of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 micro- and nanostructured hollow spheres as high-rate cathode materials for Lithium ion batteries. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55, 9352-9361. Sheng Li, Guo Ma, Bing Guo, Zeheng Yang*, Xiaoming Fan, Zhangxian Chen, Weixin Zhang*. [17] A general and mild approach to controllable preparation of manganese-based micro- and nanostructured bars for high performance lithium-ion batteries. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016, 55(11): 3667-3671. Guo Ma#, Sheng Li#, Weixin Zhang*, Zeheng Yang, Shulin Liu, Xiaoming Fan, Fei Chen, Yuan Tian, Weibo Zhang, Shihe Yang*, Mei Li. [18] 废旧LiFePO4正极材料的循环利用及电化学性能. 硅酸盐学报, 2015, 43, 1511-1516. 卞都成, 刘树林, 孙永辉, 杨则恒*. [19] Self-sustained cycle of hydrolysis and etching at solution/solid interfaces: a general strategy to prepare metal oxide micro/nanostructured arrays for high-performance electrodes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54, 3932-3936. Yingmeng Zhang, Weixin Zhang*, Zeheng Yang, Heyun Gu, Qing Zhu, Shihe Yang*, Mei Li. [20] A new lithium-ion battery: CuO nanorod array anode versus spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 273, 561-565. Weixin Zhang*, Guo Ma, Heyun Gu, Zeheng Yang, He Cheng. [21] Solvothermal synthesis of hierarchical LiFePO4 microplates with exposed (010) faces as cathode materials for lithium ion batteries. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 12209-12215. Jun Zhang, Jianbo Lu, Doucheng Bian, Zeheng Yang*, Qing Wu, and Weixin Zhang*. [22] An improved solid-state reaction route to Mg2+-doped LiFePO4/C cathode material for Li-ion battery. Ionics, 2014, 20, 169-174. Zeheng Yang*, Jianfeng Xia, Lihua Zhi, Weixin Zhang, and Bo Pei. [23] Hydrothermal synthesis of Fe5(PO4)4(OH)3•2H2O microflowers for fabricating high-performance LiFePO4/C composites. Ionics, 2014, 20, 653-658. Zeheng Yang*, Jun Zhang, Qing Wu, Weixin Zhang, and Hui Wang. [24] Stepwise co-precipitation to synthesize LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 one-dimensional hierarchical structure for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 272, 144-151. Zeheng Yang, Jianbo Lu, Doucheng Bian, Weixin Zhang*, Xiaoning Yang, Jianfeng Xia, Gongde Chen, Heyun Gu and Guo Ma. [25] Controllable preparation of multishelled NiO hollow nanospheres via layer-by-layer self-assembly for supercapacitor application. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 26, 24-31. Zeheng Yang, Feifei Xu, Weixin Zhang*, Bo Pei, and Xiao Zhu. [26] Facile synthesis of mesoporous MnO2/C spheres for supercapacitor electrodes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 242, 397-403. Yanmei Pan, Zhousheng Mei, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang, Bo Pei, and Hongxu Yao. [27] An outward coating route to CuO/MnO2 nanorod array films and their efficient catalytic oxidation of acid fuchsin dye. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 9608-9615. Zeheng Yang*, Yumei Yang, Xiao Zhu, Gongde Chen, and Weixin Zhang*. [28] Chemical replacement route to Cu2-xSe-coated CuO nanotube array anode for enhanced performance in lithium ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 5800-5808. Weixin Zhang*, Zaoyuan Zhou, Wenran Zhao, Zeheng Yang, and Xiaoning Yang. [29] Different types of MnO2 recovered from spent LiMn2O4 batteries and their application in electrochemical capacitors. Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48, 2512-2519. Zeheng Yang, Zhousheng Mei, Feifei Xu, Yunjin Yao, Weixin Zhang*, Wencong Qi, Qiuli Song, Zhuwei Gao, Tuan Zhao. [30] A carbothermal reduction method for enhancing the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4/C composite cathode materials. Ionics, 2013, 19, 235-243. Shaoying Weng, Zeheng Yang*, Qiang Wang, and Weixin Zhang. [31] Cosurfactant-mediated microemulsion to free-standing hierarchical CuO arrays on copper substrates as anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 14368-14374. Yingmeng Zhang, Weixin Zhang*, Mei Li, Zeheng Yang, Gongde Chen, Qiang Wang. [32] Preparation of mesoporous MnO2/C catalyst for n-hexyl acetate synthesis. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2012, 162, 292-299. Zeheng Yang*, Yanmei Pan, Zhousheng Mei, and Weixin Zhang. [33] Hydrothermal synthesis of morphology-controlled LiFePO4 cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 220, 317-323. Bo Pei, Hongxu Yao, Weixin Zhang*, and Zeheng Yang. [34] Solvothermal synthesis of hierarchical LiFePO4 microflowers as cathode materials for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196(23): 10176-10182. Qiang Wang, Weixin Zhang*, Zeheng Yang, Shaoying Weng, Zhuojie Jin. [35] Hierarchical self-assembly of microscale cog-like superstructures for enhanced performance in lithium-ion batteries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2011, 21(18): 3516-3523. Weixin Zhang, Mei Li, Qiang Wang, Gongde Chen, Mei Kong, Zeheng Yang, Stephen Mann*.<ref>[http://hgxy.hfut.edu.cn/main.htm 合肥工业大学化学与化工学院 ]</ref> ==参考资料== {{reflist}} [[Category:教授]]
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