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{| class="wikitable" align="right" |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big>图尔盖针茅</big> ''' |- | <center><img src=http://img1.iplant.cn/imgf/l/1220383 width="250"></center> <small>[http://rep.iplant.cn/info/%E5%9B%BE%E5%B0%94%E7%9B%96%E9%92%88%E8%8C%85?t=z 来自 植物智 的图片]</small> |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| |- | align= light| 中文名:图尔盖针茅 门:被子植物门 Angiospermae 纲:单子叶植物纲 Monocotyledoneae 目:禾本目 Graminales 科:[[禾本科]] Gramineae 亚 科:早熟禾亚科 Pooideae 族:针茅族 Stipeae 属:[[针茅属]] Stipa |} '''图尔盖针茅'''(tú ěr gài zhēn máo),学名 Stipa arabica Trinius & Ruprecht,异名:Stipa turgaica Stipa szovitsiana Stipa caspia Stipa arabica var. szovitsiana Stipa arabica var. turgaica Stipa arabica subsp. caspia ,须根坚韧粗壮。秆高40-80厘米,被灰白色短柔毛,具2-3节,节常呈暗褐色。叶鞘短于节间,被短柔毛或下部几乎无毛;叶舌披针形,长5-10毫米;叶片纵卷成线形,下面光滑无毛,上面被密毛,基生叶长为秆高1/2。产自[[新疆]]、[[西藏]]。模式标本采自[[哈萨克斯坦]]。 <ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%CD%BC%B6%FB%B8%C7%D5%EB%C3%A9 图尔盖针茅], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref> ==图尔盖针茅形态特征== 圆锥花序紧缩,基部被叶鞘所包,长达35厘米;颖片膜质,窄披针形,具细长尖头,长2-3厘米;外稃长9-10毫米,具条状毛,基盘鸟喙状,长约1毫米; 光滑无毛,芒两回膝曲扭转,第一芒柱长1.5-1.8厘米,具长约1毫米的柔毛,第二芒柱长1.5厘米,芒针长6-7厘米; 自第二芒柱到芒针具渐长1-2.5毫米的羽状毛,内稃与外稃近等长,具2脉。花果期5-7月 。 Stipa arabica subsp. caspia (K. Koch) Tzvelev; S. arabica var. szovitsiana Trinius; S. arabica var. turgaica (Roshevitz) Tzvelev; S. caspia K. Koch; S. szovitsiana (Trinius) Grisebach; S. turgaica Roshevitz. Perennial, tufted. Culms 40–80 cm tall, gray pubescent, 2–3-noded, nodes often dark-brown. Basal leaves 1/2 length of culms; leaf sheaths shorter than internodes, pubescent or lower part subglabrous; leaf blades filiform, convolute, outer surface glabrous to densely pilose; ligule lanceolate, 5–10 mm. Panicle contracted, 15–35 cm, base enclosed by slightly inflated uppermost leaf sheath. Spikelets pale green or greenish yellow; glumes narrowly lanceolate, 2–3 cm, membranous, apex long-acuminate; callus pungent, ca. 1 mm; lemma 9–12 mm, shortly hairy in longitudinal lines not reaching apex, a ring of hairs at awn articulation; awn 9–20 cm, deciduous, hairy throughout, 2-geniculate, column 1.5–1.8 cm to first bend, hairs ca. 1 mm, ca. 1.5 cm to second bend, bristle 6–7 cm, plumose on second column and bristle, hairs 1–2.5 mm. Fl. and fr. May–Jul. Rocky slopes, Gobi desert; 500–3100 m. Xinjiang, Xizang [Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; SW Asia]. This is a widespread and variable species, reaching the eastern limit of its range in W China. It is sometimes subdivided into more narrowly defined species or infraspecific taxa based on variations in leaf indumentum and spikelet size. Chinese material is referable to subsp. caspia, or Stipa caspia at specific rank. Stipa arabica subsp. arabica from SW Asia has lemmas 7–9 mm and awns not exceeding 9 cm. Stipa turgaica is based on a form with densely pilose leaf blades. Stipa arabica is a good forage grass in desert steppe regions. ==分类文献== 《中国植物志》 第9(3)卷 (1987) >> 280页 PDF >> 图尔盖针茅 Stipa turgaica SYN 注:学名已修订,接受名为Stipa arabica。 13.图尔盖针茅(拟)图版67:11-15 Stipa turgaica Roshev. Not. Syst. Herb. Inst. Bot. 11: 22. 1949. ——Stipa arabica Trin. et Rupr. subsp. caspia (C. Koch) Tzvel. in Nov. Syst. Pl. Vasc. 11: 16. 1974. ==图尔盖针茅生长环境== 多生于海拔560-3100米的戈壁滩地或石质山坡上。 ==图尔盖针茅分布范围== 产自[[新疆]]、[[西藏]]。模式标本采自[[哈萨克斯坦]]。 ==图尔盖针茅主要价值== 荒漠草原地区牲畜所喜食的1种优良牧草 。 == 参考来源 == {{reflist}} [[Category:370 植物學總論]]
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